Select GameAssembly.dll
Select global-metadata.dat
Search OcclusionCulling within the DNSpy modules:
Copy the class name after the % so in this example: d442c5cae6a89c0c967516c999e495f284ac087e
Open script.json in your il2cpp dumper folder and search for that class name you copied + _c* on the end so in this example: d442c5cae6a89c0c967516c999e495f284ac087e_c*
Copy the address into the oclussioncullingclass fieldSearch within the OcclusionCulling class for : "public static OcclusionCulling "(WITH THE SPACE AT THE END)
There will be multiple, search for them 1 by one. Then compare them in reclass.To find the address to scan in reclass, it is the one printed after "StaticClass: " Compare each one you find in DNSpy to Reclass, if it isn't 0x0 then its the one you want. Then once you find the correct offset that isn't pointing to 0x0 then paste it in "instance".
In DNSpy within the occlusionculling class search for OcclusionCulling.DebugSettings
Copy the offset into the "debugsettings" in the cheat