The types of analyses that can be drawn from simulation depends on the type of simulations being run. For example, a trace-driven simulation generally is only good for a single simulation run per network configuration. In contrast, synthetic workloads are often used to generate load vs. latency plots where the injection rate is incrementally increased across many simulation runs. As described in Simulation Basics, there are many steps needed even for a sinlge simulation run. If you consider multiple workloads, network configurations, injection rates, etc., you might end up with thousands of tasks that must be run. Naturally, tasks depend on the completion of previous tasks. This document covers the TaskRun tool that is used to run all these tasks in proper order while utilizing all the available hardware (processor cores, main memory, etc.).
In this document we'll generate a TaskRun script that will investigate adaptive routing in a Fat-Tree (a.k.a. Folded-Clos) network topology. With a single command, we'll be able to run all simulations and plot the results.
We'll compare three routing algorithms: deterministic least common ancestor, oblivious least common ancestor, and adaptive least common ancestor. For each configuration we'll sweep the injection rate from 0% to 100% in steps of 10%. In total, there will be 33 simulation runs. Each simulation result will be parsed by SSParse and plotted by SSPlot. Each injection rate sweep will also be plotted by SSPlot. The combination of both injection rate sweeps will be plotted by SSPlot. In total, there are 101 tasks performed.
Let's create a directory to hold this investigation.
mkdir ~/ssdev/auto_sims
cd ~/ssdev/auto_sims
Now fetch the TaskRun script that we'll use for automated simulations.
cp ../supersim/scripts/ .
Let's look through this script to get a better understanding of how TaskRun works.
The script starts by determining the quantity of local system resources. This TaskRun script will schedule tasks to keep all the CPUs full and will use the entire memory space if needed. TaskRun will not oversubscribe these resources but it will keep them utilized given enough task parallelism.
The next section of the script creates the TaskManager object which is the central scheduling engine of all tasks. The TaskManager is given a ResourceManager and two Observers. The FileCleanupObserver will delete the files of a task if it fails. This ensures that if the script is re-run, any tasks that previously failed will be re-executed. The VerboseObserver just provides a nice command line output while the tasks are running.
The next section creates an array for injection rates to be simulated for all
configurations. The granularity of the load vs. latency sweeps can be set using
the sweep_step
variable (--granularity
from the command line).
The next section creates all the simulation tasks. You can see that there is a
doubly nested for loop. One loop sweeps the configurations and the other sweeps
the injection rates. More complex scripts will have more loops defined to create
more configuration permutations. Each task has a name and a command. In this
script, the tasks are also given stdout and stderr files, resources, a priority,
and a file-based condition. The resources state how many cpus
and mem
process will take. This is how the ResourceManager knows which tasks can
be run at any given time. The priority is set to 0 and all other tasks will have
a priority of 1, which states that any task other than simulation will run
before the simulation tasks where possible. The condition is a
FileModificationCondition object which tracks the input and output files of the
task. If the output files don't exist or if the input files are newer than the
output files, the task will be executed, otherwise it will be bypassed.
The next two sections create the parsing tasks using SSParse and the latency percentile plotting tasks using SSPlot. The methodology is very similar to creating the simulation task with one exception. The parsing and plotting tasks can't begin until the corresponding preceding task has completed. For this functionality the tasks are given a dependency pointing back to the corresponding preceding task.
The next section generates load vs. latency plots using SSPlot. Again, the process is similar to the previous description but in this case the results from a whole injection rate sweep produce a single plot. Thus, there are many dependencies for these tasks not just one.
The last section generates the comparative load vs. latency plots using SSPlot. This script generates one of these plots for all latency metrics produced by SSPlot (Mean, Median, 90th%, 99.99th%, etc.). The dependencies of these tasks list all parsing tasks as they use all of them to generate the plots.
Finally, the script runs all tasks with the run_tasks()
function on the
TaskManager object.
We'll use an example settings file from the SuperSim project.
cp ../supersim/json/fattree_iq_blast.json settings.json
Now we are ready to run the TaskRun script.
./ --directory output --settings settings.json
As it runs, the VerboseObserver will show you what it going on. It reports when tasks get started, when/if they are bypassed, and when they complete. Tasks can complete successfully or fail. Bypassed tasks are colored yellow, successful tasks are colored green, and failed tasks are colored red. Upon failure the description of the task is printed, which for a ProcessTask is the command line that was executed. Everytime a task completes the VerboseObserver will show the current progress informing you of how many total tasks there are, how many have completed so far, and an estimate of the remaining time to finish all tasks. After all tasks have completed a summary is shown of how many tasks were successful, bypassed, and failed.
Take a look at the resulting plots:
eog output/*png
TaskRun is designed to only run tasks that need to be run. Let's re-run our script:
./ --directory output --settings settings.json
TaskRun will check the status of all tasks and determine that all of the tasks should be bypassed. This is really useful for situations where you want to run a coarse grain simulation to see a general trend. Then when all looks good you can increase the granularity and re-run the TaskRun script. Only the missing tasks will be run while the rest of them will be bypassed. Let's increase the simulation granularity and re-run the script:
./ --directory output --settings settings.json --granularity 5
After it completes, you'll see in the summary the prior tasks were bypassed and only the new tasks were executed. You can now see the resulting plots have higher granularity:
eog output/*png