Here lies all my config files that are a pain in the ass to configure from scratch
That means that this repository will only work 100% as is if the system have all of that installed. Of course, if wanted, it's possible to use only parts of it or change it for your usage.
- alacritty
- atom
- awesome
- blueman-applet
- compton
- conky
- dolphin
- firefox
- flameshot
- fzf
- grim
- hack nerdfont complete font
- i3
- i3lock-color
- i3status-rust
- indicator-kdeconnect
- kate
- kde plasma 5
- nm-applet
- powerlevel9k (zsh theme)
- ranger
- ripgrep (way faster than grep)
- rofi
- slurp
- sway
- swaylock
- swayidle
- oh-my-zsh (zsh framework)
- pulseaudio
- pywal
- xautolock
- xrdb
- zsh
- zsh-autosuggestions (zsh plugin)
- zsh-completions (zsh plugin)
- zsh-syntax-highlighting (zsh plugin)
- Awesome default user programs are in
- SystemD service file for automatic lock screen for WM at
- There some pywal custom templates in
, the contents of the alacritty one need to be copy and pasted inside the alacritty config - Install the zsh plugins in the
folder - You have to change de Ethernet and Wireless port names in the conky config files to work as expected.
- Don't use conky on sway