Url: /claim
Method: POST
Accepted JSON fields:
Field Name | Required | Content |
api_key | Yes | String; the api key |
post_id | Yes | String; the Redis post id |
debug | No | Int; debug to fixed output |
Url: /done
Method: POST
Accepted JSON fields:
Field Name | Required | Content |
api_key | Yes | String; the api key |
post_id | Yes | String; the post id |
debug | No | Int; debug to fixed output |
Url: /unclaim
Method: POST
Accepted JSON fields:
Field Name | Required | Content |
api_key | Yes | String; the api key |
post_id | Yes | String; the post id |
debug | No | Int; debug to fixed output |
Admin only endpoint
Url: /keys/create
Method: POST
Accepted JSON fields:
Field Name | Required | Content |
api_key | Yes | String; the api key(admin) |
username | Yes | String; the user's name |
is_admin | No | Boolean; is an admin or not |
Url: /keys/me
Method: POST
Accepted JSON fields:
Field Name | Required | Content |
api_key | Yes | String; the api key(admin) |
Admin only endpoint
Url: /keys/revoke
Method: POST
Accepted JSON fields:
Field Name | Required | Content |
api_key | Yes | String; the api key |
revoked_key | Yes | String; the key to revoke |
Url: /user/lookup
Method: POST
Accepted JSON fields:
Field Name | Required | Content |
api_key | Yes | String; the api key |
username | Yes | String; the user's name |
Url: /user/create
Method: POST
Accepted JSON fields:
Field Name | Required | Content |
api_key | Yes | String; the api key |
username | Yes | String; the user's username |
password | Yes | String; the user's hashed password |
Url: /
Method: POST
Accepted JSON fields:
Field Name | Required | Content |
api_key | Yes | String; the api key |