First off, welcome to the GitHawk community! 👋
This guide will walk through the setup process required in order to get the GitHawk app up and running.
Head to the GitHawk repo and tap the Fork button located at the top right of the screen.
Create or navigate to a folder/directory where you’ll store the GitHawk project.
mkdir ./desktop/GitHawkApp/
In terminal clone the repo using:
git clone /~<YourGithubUsername>/GitHawk.git
cd GitHawk
bundle exec pod install
npm install
To be able to log in during development, you'll need a Client ID and Client Secret. To get these, register a new OAuth application on GitHub.
Here, you will need to fill in an Application name, Homepage URL and Authorization callback URL.
Make sure the Authorization callback URL is set to freetime://
. The others can be filled in as you wish.
You will be redirected to the application page where you can access your Client ID and Client Secret.
To add the Client ID and Client Secret to the App, follow these steps:
- In the directory you created, open the {YOUR_DIR}/GitHawk/Freetime.xcworkspace file.
- In Xcode, go to
(in the Menu bar) >Scheme
>Manage Schemes...
- Select
and click the cog. - Click on
. - Select
Copy of Freetime-AppCenter
and uncheck "Shared" checkbox. - With 'Copy of Freetime-Appcenter' selected, click on
- Go to
- Add your Client ID (
as key) and Client Secret (GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET
) to the Environment Variables.
The copy of the scheme is to avoid commiting your private environement variable to the repository.
Checkpoint: At this point you should be able to successfully build the app on the simulator
🎉 The project is officially set up! 🎉
At this point you can begin making changes and testing on your simulator. If you would like to test on a physical device, one more step remains.
⚠️ 1. This step is only if you would like to test/run the app on your physical device 2. This step changes the bundleID and groupID, keep in mind when you commit to leave these changes out
- Open the Xcode workspace called:
(open Freetime.xcworkspace
Setting up bundle and group ID’s
Open the projects settings
. On the left there under Targets should be:
- Freetime
- FreetimeTests
- FreetimeWatch
- FreetimeWatch Extension
Under each of these targets make sure you're in the General tab. Change the team to the team associated with your Apple Developer Account and switch the bundle ID’s like so:
Freetime: com.xxxx.freetime ➡️ com.
.freetimeFreetimeWatch: com.xxxx.freetime.watchkitapp ➡️ com.
.freetime.watchkitappFreetimeWatch Extension: com.xxxx.freetime.watchkitapp.watchkitextension ➡️ com.
.freetime.watchkitapp.watchkitextension -
Under the Capabilities tab change the App Group ID’s like so (Does not apply to FreetimeTests):
- Remove
- Create new group ID (Click plus in the bottom left) and name it
Note: All group ID’s must be the same (This is what groups them!)
Checkpoint: All errors should have disappeared (You should still not be able to build successfully though)
Setting up plists
In the projects navigation panel open the folder named FreetimeWatch.
Open the
from com.xxxx.freetime ➡️ the Freetime Target Bundle ID (com.<yourRegularBundleName>
.freetime) -
Back in the projects navigation panel open the folder FreetimeWatch Extension
from com.xxxx.freetime.watchkitapp ➡️ the FreetimeWatch Target Bundle ID (com.<yourRegularBundleName>
Checkpoint: At this point you should be able to successfully build the app on your physical device
Build and Code away!