The Controller class.
- Full name: \ExaBGP\VoIPBL\Controller
See Also:
- /~ - exabgp-voipbl
Create a new Controller instance.
Controller::__construct( ): void
Initialize an ExaBGP connection.
Controller::init( ): void
Load the ExaBGP version.
Controller::loadVersion( ): void
Send an API command to ExaBGP.
Controller::sendCommand( string $cmd, boolean $response = false ): boolean|string
Parameter | Type | Description |
$cmd |
string | The command to execute. |
$response |
boolean | Indicate whether to return the API response. |
The Loader class.
- Full name: \ExaBGP\VoIPBL\Loader
See Also:
- /~ - exabgp-voipbl
Create a new Loader instance.
Loader::__construct( string $path = __DIR__, string $cfg = 'voipbl.conf' ): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$path |
string | The data path. |
$cfg |
string | The configuration file name. |
Handover the process to ExaBGP.
Loader::start( ): void
The Validator class.
- Full name: \ExaBGP\VoIPBL\Validator
See Also:
- /~ - exabgp-voipbl
Validate an IP address.
Validator::isIP( string $ip ): boolean
Parameter | Type | Description |
$ip |
string | An IP address. |
Validate an IP/CIDR address.
Validator::isCIDR( string $ipcidr ): boolean
Parameter | Type | Description |
$ipcidr |
string | An IP/CIDR address. |
Validate an RFC1918 IP or IP/CIDR address.
Validator::isPrivateIP( string $ipcidr ): boolean
Parameter | Type | Description |
$ipcidr |
string | An IP or IP/CIDR address. |
Validate an RFC1700 IP or IP/CIDR address.
Validator::isReservedIP( string $ipcidr ): boolean
Parameter | Type | Description |
$ipcidr |
string | An IP or IP/CIDR address. |
Validate an RFC1918 IP or IP/CIDR address. (negates)
Validator::isNotPrivateIP( string $ipcidr ): boolean
Parameter | Type | Description |
$ipcidr |
string | An IP or IP/CIDR address. |
Validate an RFC1700 IP or IP/CIDR address. (negates)
Validator::isNotReservedIP( string $ipcidr ): boolean
Parameter | Type | Description |
$ipcidr |
string | An IP or IP/CIDR address. |
Validate a URL.
Validator::isURL( string $url ): boolean
Parameter | Type | Description |
$url |
string | A URL. |
Validate a regular expression.
Validator::isRegularExpression( string $expr ): boolean
Parameter | Type | Description |
$expr |
string | A regular expression. |
Change an IP into an IP/CIDR.
Validator::makeCIDR( string $ip ): boolean
Parameter | Type | Description |
$ip |
string | An IP address. |
Ensure the given file is readable.
Validator::ensureFileIsReadable( string $file ): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$file |
string | The file to read. |
Ensure the given file is writable.
Validator::ensureFileIsWritable( string $file ): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$file |
string | The file to write to. |
Ensure the required configuration parameters are present.
Validator::ensureRequiredCfg( string $cfg ): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
$cfg |
string | The configuration parameters. |
This document was automatically generated from source code comments on 2019-04-24 using phpDocumentor and cvuorinen/phpdoc-markdown-public