- Rod sphere contact by @Rahul-JOON in #298 and @Ali-7800 in #301
- Importing mesh capability is implemented @Rahul-JOON in #275, #277, #283
- Contact unit tests were implemented @Rahul-JOON in #257, #258, #260, #261, #262, #267, #269, #274
- Contact functions refactored and moved to a standalone contact module @Ali-7800 in #281, #291, #293, #314, #316, #317, #328
- Memory block refactor by @sy-cui in #296
- New example Continuum Snake With Lifting Wave added by @Ali-7800 in #317
- Catenary curve validation by @Ali-7800 in #335
- Fix links in README.md by @tokoro10g in #256
- Fix knot theory functionalities import by @Ali-7800 in #268
- Binder snake example bug fix by @Ali-7800 in #330
- Binder environment setup fix by @Ali-7800 in #340
- Python 3.11 support by @bhosale2 in #307
Full Changelog: /~https://github.com/GazzolaLab/PyElastica/compare/v0.3.1...v0.3.2
- Ring Cosserat rods by @armantekinalp in #229
- Magnetic Cosserat rods functionality by @bhosale2 in #245
- Dynamic validation example by @sy-cui in #173
- Refactor: change typings in forcing/constraints/connections to SystemType or RodType by @sy-cui in #191
- Wildcard imports removed by @AsadNizami in #238
- Remove internal damping option for Cosserat rod by @bhosale2 in #243
- Fix main yml windows python version by @armantekinalp in #206
- Fix restart functionality by @armantekinalp in #249
- Replaced 'moviepy' with 'ffmpeg' for video generation by @Rahul-JOON in #232
- @sy-cui made their first contribution in #173
- @Rahul-JOON made their first contribution in #232
- @AsadNizami made their first contribution in #238
- @erfanhamdi made their first contribution in #247
Full Changelog: /~https://github.com/GazzolaLab/PyElastica/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1
- Refactor internal dissipation as external addon damping module by @bhosale2 in #114
- New AnalyticalDamper
- Update timestep values for the new damping module by @bhosale2 in #120
- Filter Damper class by @bhosale2 in #123
- Adding
boundary condition class by @mstoelzle in #143
- Adds significant digits to shear coefficient (Alpha) (#79) by @bhosale2 in #82
- Dissipation constant fix (#81) by @bhosale2 in #87
- Scale dissipation constant by mass instead of length.
- Update FixedJoints: restoring spring-damped-torques, initial rotation offset by @mstoelzle in #135
- Update: Damping values for rod-rigid body contact cases (#171) by @bhosale2 in #172
- Fix damping force direction by @bhosale2 in #170
- Refactor:
by @skim0119 in #177
- Fix compute shear energy function typo by @bhosale2 in #88
- Track velocity norms as dynamic proxies in Axial stretching and Timoshenko examples by @tp5uiuc in #97
- Node to element interpolation fix by @bhosale2 in #98
- Update: numba disable jit flag in poetry command by @bhosale2 in #146
- Adjusting data structure of
by @mstoelzle in #147 - Docs: correct endpoint forces docstring by @bhosale2 in #157
- Update: remove sys append calls in examples by @bhosale2 in #162
- Enabling joints to connect rods and rigid bodies by @mstoelzle in #149
- Codeowners setup by @bhosale2 in #115
- Remove _elastica_numba folder while keeping _elastica_numba.py by @bhosale2 in #138
- Update CI: Add sphinx build by @skim0119 in #139
- Poetry setup for PyElastica (#101) by @bhosale2 in #141
- Add pre commit to pyelastica by @bhosale2 in #151
- Update makefile commands: test by @skim0119 in #156
Full Changelog: /~https://github.com/GazzolaLab/PyElastica/compare/v0.2.4...v0.3.0
- Refactor EndPointForcesSinusoidal example and test cases by @armantekinalp in #110
- Fix save_every condition in ExportCallBack by @mstoelzle in #125
- Fix and update contact examples by @armantekinalp in #109
- Update rigid body rod contact by @armantekinalp in #117
- Update rigid body rod contact friction by @armantekinalp in #124
- Update ExportCallback by @skim0119 in #130
- @mstoelzle made their first contribution in #125
The major updates are knot theory module added to the Cosserat rod as mixin, and muscular snake example is added.
- #70: Knot theory module to compute topological quantities.
- #71: Reorganize rod constructor warning messages and collect messages in log.
- #72: Muscular snake example is added.
The major documentation update is finished in this version. Constraint and finalize module are refactored to enhance readability.
- #64: Core wrapper redesign. The finalizing code is refactored for easier integration.
- #65: Documentation update.
- #56: Constraint module has been refactored to include proper abstract base class. Additionally, new
is added for generalized fixed boundary condition. - More test cases are added to increase code-coverage.
Contact model between two different rods and rod with itself is implemented. Testing the contact model is done through simulations. These simulation scripts can be found under RodContactCase. However, in future releases we have to add unit tests for contact model functions to test them and increase code coverage.
- #31: Merge contact model to master PR #40 in public
- #46: The progress bar can be disabled by passing an argument to
. - #48: Experimental modules are added to hold functions that are in test phase.
Click to expand
- Rod-Rod contact and Rod self contact is added.
- Two example cases for rod-rod contact is added, i.e. two rods colliding to each other in space.
- Two example cases for rod self contact is added, i.e. plectonemes and solenoids.
- Progress bar can be disabled by passing an argument to
function. - Experimental module added.
- Bugfix in callback mechanism
Good luck! If it explode, increase nu. 🤣 If it doesn't explode, thoroughly check for the bug.
- #84: Block implementation
- #75: Poisson ratio and definition of modulus PR #26 in public
- #95: MuscularFlagella example case is added
- #100: ExportCallBack is added to export the rod-data into file.
- #109: Numpy-only version is now removed. Numba-implementation is set to default.
- #112: Save and load implementation with the example are added.
Click to expand
- Block structure is included as part of optimization strategy.
- Different Poisson ratio is supported.
- Contributing guideline is added.
- Update readme
- Add MuscularFlagella example case
- Minimum requirement for dependencies is specified.
- Shear coefficient is corrected.
- Connection index assertion fixed.
- Remove numpy-only version.
- Save/Load example