Android: Add clear gatt cache method #142 (thanks to joistaus)
Android: Opt-out of the
permission flag for theBLUETOOTH_SCAN
permission. (thanks to navaronbracke)If
is desired, opt back into the old behavior by adding an explicit entry to your Android Manifest:<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN" android:usesPermissionFlags="neverForLocation" />
Android: Scan BLE long range -devices #139 (thanks to jonik-dev)
Android: Prevent deprecation warnings #107 (thanks to sqcsabbey)
Allow native implementation to handle pairing request #109 (thanks to JRazek)
- Reverted: Ios: fixed manufacturer data parsing #104 (thanks to sqcsabbey)
- Ios: fixed manufacturer data parsing #104 (thanks to sqcsabbey)
- Ios: Fixed an error when calling the connect method of a connected device #106 (thanks to figureai)
- Android: Scan Filter by Mac Address #57 (thanks to Zyr00)
- Upgrading to linter 2.0.1, excluding generated ProtoBuf files from linting. (thanks to MrCsabaToth)
- connect timeout fixed (thanks to crazy-rodney, sophisticode, SkuggaEdward, MousyBusiness and cthurston)
- Add timestamp field to ScanResult class #59 (thanks to simon-iversen)
- Add FlutterBlue.name to get the human readable device name #93 (thanks to mvo5)
- Fix bug where if there were multiple subscribers to FlutterBlue.state and one cancelled it would accidentally cancel all subscribers (thank to MacMalainey and MrCsabaToth)
- Read RSSI from a connected BLE device #1 (thanks to sophisticode)
- Fixed a crash on Android OS 12 (added check for BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permission) (fixed by dspells)
- Added BluetoothDevice constructor from id (MAC address) (thanks to tanguypouriel)
- The previous version wasn't disconnecting properly and the device could be still connected under the hood as the cancel() was not called. (fixed by killalad)
- dependencies update (min micro version updating)
- Remove connect to BLE device after BLE device has disconnected #11 (fixed by sophisticode)
- fixed Dart Analysis warnings
- Copyright reverted to Paul DeMarco
- Possible crash fix caused by wrong raw data (fixed by narrit)
- Ios : try reconnect on unexpected disconnection (fixed by EB-Plum)
- Android: Add missing break in switch, which causes exceptions (fixed by russelltg)
- Android: Enforcing maxSdkVersion on the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission will create issues for Android 12 devices that use location for purposes other than Bluetooth (such as using packages that actually need location). (fixed by rickcasson)
- First public release
Versions made while fixing bugs in fork /~https://github.com/boskokg/flutter_blue:
Supporting Android 12 Bluetooth permissions. #940
Delay Bluetooth permission & turn-on-Bluetooth system popups on iOS #964
The timeout was throwing out of the Future's scope #941 Expose onValueChangedStream #882 Android: removed V1Embedding Android: removed graddle.properties Android: enable background usage Android: cannot handle devices that do not set CCCD_ID (2902) includes BLUNO #185 #797 Android: add method for getting bonded devices #586 Ios: remove support only for x86_64 simulators Ios: Don't initialize CBCentralManager until needed #599
mtuRequest returns the negotiated MTU Android: functions to turn on/off bluetooth Android: add null check if channel is already teared down Android: code small refactoring (fixed AS warnings) Android: add null check if channel is already teared down Ios: widen protobuf version allowed
Android migrate to mavenCentral. Android support build on Macs M1 Android protobuf-gradle-plugin:0.8.15 -> 0.8.17 Ios example upgrade to latest flutter 2.5 deprecated/removed widgets fixed in example