Currently there are 6 usable functions to evaluate stuff:
- evalAnomaly
- colorized_anomly
- eval_cityscapes_color
- eval_cityscapes_server
- eval_iou
- eval_forwardTime
This code can be used to produce anomaly segmentation results on various anomaly metrics.
python --input='/content/validation_dataset/RoadAnomaly21/images/*.png'
For the MSP method, you can also optionally specify the temperature scaling value as:
python --method='msp' --temperature=2 --input='/content/validation_dataset/RoadAnomaly21/images/*.png'
This code can be used to produce visual anomaly segmentation results using various method, and saving an image representing the ground truth anomaly segmentation, the resulting anomaly segmentation and a heatmap of the anomaly scores.
python --input='/content/validation_dataset/RoadAnomaly21/images/*.png'
This code can be used to produce segmentation of the Cityscapes images in color for visualization purposes. By default it saves images in eval/save_color/ folder. You can also visualize results in visdom with --visualize flag.
Options: Specify the Cityscapes folder path with '--datadir' option. Select the cityscapes subset with '--subset' ('val', 'test', 'train' or 'demoSequence'). For other options check the bottom side of the file.
python --datadir /content/cityscapes/ --subset val
This code can be used to produce segmentation of the Cityscapes images and convert the output indices to the original 'labelIds' so it can be evaluated using the scripts from Cityscapes dataset ( or uploaded to Cityscapes test server. By default it saves images in eval/save_results/ folder.
Options: Specify the Cityscapes folder path with '--datadir' option. Select the cityscapes subset with '--subset' ('val', 'test', 'train' or 'demoSequence'). For other options check the bottom side of the file.
python --datadir /content/cityscapes/ --subset val
This code can be used to calculate the IoU (mean and per-class) in a subset of images with labels available, like Cityscapes val/train sets.
Options: Specify the Cityscapes folder path with '--datadir' option. Select the cityscapes subset with '--subset' ('val' or 'train'). For other options check the bottom side of the file.
python --datadir /content/cityscapes/ --subset val
This function loads a model specified by '-m' and enters a loop to continuously estimate forward pass time (fwt) in the specified resolution.
Options: Option '--width' specifies the width (default: 1024). Option '--height' specifies the height (default: 512). For other options check the bottom side of the file.
NOTE: Paper values were obtained with a single Titan X (Maxwell) and a Jetson TX1 using the original Torch code. The pytorch code is a bit faster, but cudahalf (FP16) seems to give problems at the moment for some pytorch versions so this code only runs at FP32 (a bit slower).