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Simple Meal

Deploying to Production

Create a Pull Request from main branch to deploy branch, and merge it. Once you merge it, the GitHub Action will run to build and deploy the new version at

Development workflow for developers

Install Docker Desktop

Pull the source code Simple Meal


If pulled for the first time or the package.json changed run

docker compose build --pull --no-cache


Then, run the following command to start the environment.

docker compose up -d

open your web browser and navigate to the app



view the logs from the app continer

docker compose logs -f app

view the logs from the postgres db continer

docker compose logs -f db


connect to the terminal inside the db container

docker compose exec -it bash
psql -d simple_meal -U postgres


stop the containers

docker compose down


removing docker volume

docker volume rm simple-meal_postgres_data

Getting into the Database

Go to docker database container and open Terminal

psql -d postgres -U postgres

Go into our Database:

\c simple_meal


docker exec -it simple-meal-db psql -d simple_meal -U postgres

VS Code


Install the extensions required to connect to the container through VSCode by following these steps:

  1. Open the workspace folder in VS Code.
  2. Go to the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X).
  3. In the search bar, type @recommended:workspace.
  4. This will filter extensions recommended for the current workspace.
  5. Click the "Install" button next to each extension, or click the cloud icon at the top to install all recommended extensions at once.

Connect to container

  1. Open the terminal in VS Code and start the container using the instructions above.
  2. Once the container is running, click the "Open Remote Window" button on the bottom-left of the window.
  3. Select "Attach to running container".
  4. Select the container that you just started.
  5. Start coding as you would normally do. The React app will be running in the background, you can reach is via http://localhost:[port].