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86 lines (81 loc) · 8.13 KB Description, maintenance, issues, feature requests, scripts etc


  • 24.01.2025: CaF MoLLIST line list by Bernath's group has been added
  • 01.01.2024: CO2 self-broadening n=1 values have been updated to Devi (2007).
  • 26.12.2024: C3: line broadening (semi-classical) have been added for multiple broadeners
  • 22.12.2024: OCS line list: .trans files have been updated by removing duplicates
  • 15.12.2024: 14N15N16O TYM line list has been updated. The initial line list was incorrect.
  • 15.12.2024: 58NiH partition function was too small and was updated to a correct one
  • 15.12.2024: ScO line list A-X is added from Bernath and Co
  • 14.12.2024: Experimental Photo-dissociation cross-sections of C2H2 photo-FPBVVTFGSJOE by Fleury et al. (2024)/
  • 06.09.2024: Prelimenary IR line lists BYOT for NiH have been uploaded to ExoMol.
  • 27.09.2024: New N2O ExoMol linelists TYM (4 isotopologues) are made available
  • 26.09.2024: New NH3-15 ExoMol linelists CoYuTe-15 is made available
  • 21.09.2024: Broken link to 51V-16O__HyVO__21000-21500.trans.bz2 has been repared and this file should be accesible now.
  • 16.09.2024: 28Si-1H__SiGHTLY.states file updated. The end of the file was corrupted and is now replaced.
  • 18.08.2024: Spectroscopic models for PH3, SO3 and H2O2 were added (TROVE input files).
  • 08.08.2024: MoLLIST line lists for 40Ca35Cl and 40Ca37Cl from Lavy and Bernath (2024).
  • 24.7.2024: Lots of line broadening paramters for air generated using ML (Guest et al. 2024).
  • 04.05.2024: The N2 line list WCCRMT has been extended to include the C-B system recently constructed by Jans (2024).
  • 01.07.2024: Broken links on the HyVO webpage to 51V-16O__HyVO__09000-09500.trans.bz2 and 51V-16O__HyVO__38000-38500.trans.bz2 have been fixed.
  • 20.06.2024: TiO opacities of the ToTo line list have been generated for all the minor isotopologues and updated for the main one.
  • 09.05.2024: The Toto TiO line lists have been updated to the recently QuadHybrid-MARVELised versions of the states files with the .trans files cleaned by removing negative frequencies. The paper describing the update is under review.
  • 05.05.2024: Preliminary line list for PN PaiN is now available at exomol. The manuscript is under review.
  • 01.05.2024: Opacitis of the XAB line list for MgH and CaH are provided: three isotopologues of MgH as well as compbined opacity assuming solar abundance.
  • 27.04.2024: 24Mg-18O line list LiTY has been replaced with the correct data. The previous version was found to be wrong (a copy of 24Mg-17O).
  • 26.04.2024: HBO line lists (1H-10B-16O and 1H-11B-16O) LQL by Li, Qin, Liu are now available.
  • 15.04.2024: 32S-16O__SOLIS opacities are now available for the SO line list of the main isotopologue.
  • 7.04.2024: A new hot line list OYT8 for OCS is added together with opacities.
  • 28.03.2024: 28Si-16O__SiOUVenIR opacities are now available for the SiO line list of the main isotopologue.
  • 29.02.2024: The line list MoLLIST is renamed to MoLLIST-NH to break the degeneracy with other MoLLIST line lists.
  • 28.02.2024: New linelist for NH kNigHt is added for four isotopologues.
  • 11.02.2024: 1H-12C-14N__Harris.states, lifetimes added.
  • 13.01.2024: A new line list for CH4 has been uploaded (MM).
  • 01.01.2024: A new line list AloHa for AlH has been added.
  • 01.01.2024: A new line list BRYTS for YO has been added.
  • 01.01.2024: A new line list PT for CH+ has been added.
  • 01.01.2024: Line broadening parameters for lots of fifferent species have been added.
  • 23.10.2023: A bug in the 1H35Cl cross sections app was fixed. The cross sectons should be working now.
  • 08.10.2023: H2S DVR3D model files for AYT2 line list were added.
  • 04.10.2023: The CH3Cl OYT TauRex opacity tables have been recomputed, which were reported to be corupted.
  • 23.09.2023: The LaO line list BND by Bernath et al. has been updated by including the A-X band from the recent publication by Bernath et al. (2023).
  • 19.09.2023: a few MARVELised dupplicates from 1H2-18O__HotWat78.states and 1H2-17O__HotWat78.states were removed by re-MARVELising the corresponding energies.
  • 5.09.2023: 1H2__ARLR electronic line list for H2 is added, built from an H2 line list by Abgrall et al., Can. J. Phys., 72, (1994) 856-865.
  • 5.09.2023: in 1H2-18O__HotWat78.states and 1H2-17O__HotWat78.states (MARVELised) the original calculated energies are added as the last column, see Polyansky (2017) for details.
  • 4.09.2023: HITRAN-HBr Line list is added for 1H-79Br and opacity tables for a natural abundance combination of two main isotopoligues.
  • 4.09.2023: Opacities for HF are added to the Coxon-Hajig line list.
  • 26.08.2023: 1H2__RACPPK.trans: the Einstein coefficients were updated to the correct data from the original publication. The previos version used an effective Einstein coefficient for a level as a totoal emission.
  • 31.07.2023: 14N2__WCCRMT.cp was added from J Phys Chem Ref Data 52, 023101 (2023)
  • 31.07.2023: was updated from J Phys Chem Ref Data 52, 023101 (2023),
  • 22.07.2023: 26Al-1H__AlHambra.states corrected: four states had MARVEL energies misplaced.
  • 18.07.2023: ZrO line list ZorrO with isotopologues by Perri et al. has been uploaded, with cross sections
  • 16.07.2023 CH+ line list PYT has been provided, for 12C and 13C.
  • 12.07.2023: CaOH opacities were added.
  • 12.07.2023: LiOH line was added together with cross sections and opacities. The paper is to be submitted.
  • 4.07.2023: H2CO AYTY .def file was upated: the description of the QN columns was corrected
  • 3.07.2023: SO2 line list MARVELised: calculated energies have been replaced with experimental ones plus uncertanties
  • 29.06.2023: Cross-sections app for NaH has been activated.
  • 21.06.2023: The format of the POKAZATEL H2O-16 was updated: the original energies were added, lables "-2" changed to "NaN", "m" and "e" to "Ma" and "Ca", respectively.
  • 23.05.2023: The CaOH line list is available again. The .trans data for X-X transitions (Einstein A coefficients) have been recomputed and the cross sections have been regenerated.
  • 01.05.2023: The CaOH line list is temporally unavailable due to some issues with the Einstein coefficients of the X-X band.
  • 20.02.2023: 40Ca-16O__VBATHY.states file updated: two coulmns were added, a column with pure calculated energies and a column with labels Ca and Ma, indicating which calculated (Ca) energies were substituted by experimental ones (Ma).
  • 24.01.2023: new D2H+ MiZo line list has been created.
  • 24.01.2023: new D3+ MiZo line list has been created.
  • 23.01.2023: H2D+ SP line list: states file has been updated with the MARVEL energies.
  • 23.01.2023: H3+ MiZATeP line list: States file has been marvelised.
  • 15.01.2023: SiN SiNFull line list: .trans files for minor isotopologues have been updated. These files had problems with many states IDs missing.
  • 05.01.2023: A new ZrO line list (B-X band) by Sorensen and Bernath, The Astrophysical Journal 923, 234 (2021).
  • 05.01.2023: Atomic Opacities added for Na and K.
  • 01.01.2022: The MolLLIST line lists for 27Al37Cl and 27Al35Cl are renamed to MoLLIST-AlCl in order to break degeneracy with other MoLLIST line lists.
  • 01.01.2023: A new line list YNAT for AlCl is added for two isotopologues 27Al37Cl and 27Al35Cl
  • 16.11.2022: 31P-1H__LaTY line list: broken link was corrected.
  • 28.10.2022: 40Ca-1H__XAB.trans.bz2 updated: spurious transitions to an artificial D states are fuly removed.
  • 29.09.2022: .def files of H2S and SO2 are updated to make consistent with their .states files.
  • 26.09.2022: Line lists for isotopologues of Si-N (SiNfull) are added.
  • 26.09.2022: A new LaO line list by Bernath, P. F., Dodangodage, R., Liévin, J., "S-type Stars: LaO Line List for the B2Σ+–X2Σ+Band System", The Astrophysical Journal 933, 99-105 (2022).
  • 19.09.2022: H2S AYT2 line list: States file MARVELised
  • 18.09.2022: In C2H2 aCeTY States file, a column with Ca and Ma is added; the second set (duplicate) of the vibrational QNs is removed. The unc. and the 2nd Energy columns are reformatted.
  • 17.09.2022: A missing parition function file for HD (ADJSAAM) is added.
  • 10.08.2022: 28Si-14N__SiNfull line list is added.
  • 05.08.2022: The 40Ca-16O-1H__OYT6 line list is added.