This project uses playwright to make e2e tests as users iteract with the page
First you'll need to create at least 2 sheets on a Google Spreadsheet, with at least 5 columns and 5 lines.
Then update the
in the root of this project adding your credentials and spreadsheet metada -
Then rename it to
"spreadsheetId": "1Mte7nOo6oqvI4me-tnEenCci0l8bR04810B_q1U_1Ro",
"sheets": [
"name": "Sheet1",
"range": "A1:AZ2279",
"columns": [
"sheetColumn1" // replace this with the columns on your sheet
"name": "Sheet2",
"range": "A1:Z1000",
"columns": []
"googleAuthCredentials": {
"type": "service_account",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", // your complete private key
"client_email": "email@ew-academy.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
This project leverages Docker use a nodered valid instance, so tests can go to nodered editor and trigger events as an user
Make sure you have Docker and Docker-compose Installed
Then run
npm run docker:start
to spin up the container and install the local package into the container -
Then run
npm docker:install-module
to install this module in the docker container -
Then run
npm ci
to restore dependencies -
Then run
npx playwright install chromium --with-deps
to install playwright's chromium -
Then run
npm run test:dev
to run test suite
In the package.json I put several docker commands to help you make changes at ease
If you wanna see the package being installed on a local folder, go on ./misc/docker-compose.yml and uncomment the line refering to the volume # - ./data:/data
- Then run
npm ci
to restore dependencies - Then run
npm run docker:start
to spin up the container and install the local package into the container - then run
npm run docker:restart-nodered-on-change
to watch for changes locally and automatically update the container and see nodered logs in real time - In another terminal, run
npm test
to run test suite