This repository contains the backend for frontend (BFF) component that supports the Evolution App - iOS, an app to help you to follow proposals from Swift Evolution on your iOS device. This BFF component is written in the Swift programming language and leverages the Kitura web framework from IBM.
Please note that this BFF component is still undergoing development; we are currently working on the deliverables for a first release. Stay tuned for updates!
$ git clone -b develop /~
$ cd backend
$ swift run
[2017-06-23T14:07:16.626-03:00] [INFO] [main.swift:11 Server] Server will be started on 'http://localhost:8080'.
[2017-06-23T14:07:16.631-03:00] [INFO] [HTTPServer.swift:104 listen(on:)] Listening on port 8080
Using your browser, you can now access the landing page of the BFF component at http://localhost:8080.
$ swift package generate-xcodeproj
This BFF component can be deployed to the IBM Cloud using a Bluemix Toolchain. Any required services will be automatically provisioned, once, during the deployment stage.
Evolution App - Backend is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.