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FSDS Client

This package is a reimplementation of the original python client of FSDS.

It has a simpler and more streamlined interface and also supports the new features introduced by the EPFL Racing Team in their fork. Interesting features include:

  • send receive information of arbitrary any vehicle or sensor
  • 6 DOF state (pose in global cartesian coordinates and velocities in local cartesian coordinates) for localization and control tasks
  • restarting the simulation
  • getting the map name

This repo is still young, so feel free to tell us if it fits the needs of your team, suggest improvements, or report bugs.

Repo structure

There are three python modules included:

  • the one that will actually be useful for the users (and therefore the only one imported in the It defines the FSDSClient class that wraps the RPC client sending requests to FSDS.
  • defines the types used to make RPC requests to FSDS. Should only be used inside the definition of FSDSClient.
  • defines utility functions used inside (e.g. the quaternion conversions to yaw)

API reference

see docstrings in

Known issues

  • the client will launch an error if FSDS was not launched on a custom map that can be found in our track database. This can be achieved by running the following in the terminal:
    # on linux
    TRACK_NAME="fsds_competition_2" "$FSDS/Linux-1.0.0/FSOnline/Binaries/Linux/Blocks" FSOnline -CustomMapPath="$BRAINS_SOURCE_DIR/src/track-database/track_database/data/$TRACK_NAME/$TRACK_NAME_cones.csv"
    # on macOS
    TRACK_NAME="fsds_competition_2" open $FSDS/ --args -CustomMapPath=$BRAINS_SOURCE_DIR/src/track-database/track_database/data/$TRACK_NAME/$TRACK_NAME_cones.csv
    # on Windows
    ./FSDS.exe -args -CustomMapPath="<path_to_brains>\\src\\track-database\\track_database\\data\\short_skidpad\\short_skidpad_cones.csv"