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Registration Concepts

Angelos Tzotsos edited this page Dec 9, 2023 · 3 revisions

Workspace Model

A User Workspace provides a service to users through which they can organize data/processing-services that are of current interest to them, they are currently working on, and to organize results of processing executed, Research Objects, etc.

A workspace is represented in the following way:

  • Status: provisioning, ready, deprovisioning
  • Storage 
    1. Url (S3 compliant)
    2. Access Credentials
    3. Quota (size in MB)
  • Component Endpoint Urls: Ingestor, Data Access, Resource Catalogue

Note: The workspace storage (i.e. the individual user bucket) can only be accessed via the access credentials or by "cloud platform identities" explicitly whitelisted (e.g. the ADES component) based on bucket policies.

Registration Scenarios

The EOEPCA building blocks support several types of data and services to be discovered visualized and downloaded through the workspace components:

  • Datasets
  • Collections
  • Application Packages
  • Processing Services
  • Catalogue Services
  • other Services

The Workspace API has defined several registration endpoints for users to be able to register all the above categories in their own workspace. More specifically the Workspace API offers the following endpoints:


Register endpoint is used to register data by reference to a url. The endpoint accepts the following payload:

  "type": "string",
  "url": "string",
  "parent_identifier": "string"

type can be one of

  1. stac-item pointing to a static STAC Catalogue to be harvested and the included STAC Items to be registered both to Resource Catalogue and Data Access components.
  2. ades pointing to an ADES instance to register in the Resource Catalogue
  3. oaproc pointing to an OGC API - Processes endpoint to register in the Resource Catalogue
  4. catalogue pointing to an OGC API - Records, OGC CSW, OpenSearch or STAC API endpoint to register in the Resource Catalogue
  5. xml pointing to an ISO 19115 records to register in the Resource Catalogue

The url parameter is the URL of the dataset or service to be registered The parent_identifier is the identifier of the collection that the dataset or service belongs to.


Deregister endpoint is used to remove data from the Resource Catalogue and Data Access. The endpoint accepts the following payload:

  "type": "string",
  "identifier": "string",
  "url": "string"

The url parameter is the URL of the dataset or service to be unregistered. The identifier parameter is the identifier of the dataset or service to be unregistered


Register-json endpoint is used to register datasets or collections by value. The endpoint accepts a JSON payload representing one of the following:

  1. OGC API - Records record object
  2. OGC API - Records collection object
  3. STAC Item
  4. STAC Collection
  5. STAC Catalog


Register-collection endpoint is used to register collections by value. The endpoint accepts a JSON payload representing an OGC API - Records Collection or a STAC Collection object

This endpoint is deprecated by the above register-json endpoint.

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