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Running from source

Athanasius edited this page Jul 9, 2020 · 49 revisions

Running from source

Download and extract the latest source code (or fork and clone if you're comfortable with using git).


  • Requires Python 3.7 and the Python “keyring”, “pyobjc”, “requests” and “watchdog” modules - install these with pip3.7 install keyring pyobjc requests watchdog.
  • Run with python ./ .


  • Requires Python 3.7 and the Python “keyring”, “requests” and “watchdog” modules - install these with pip3.7 install keyring requests watchdog
  • Run with .


  • Requires Python 3.7 and the Python “requests” and "tkinter" modules.
    • On Debian-based systems install these with sudo apt-get install python-iniparse python-requests python-tk .
    • On Arch, install these with sudo pacman -S python2 python2-requests tk; sudo easy_install-2.7 iniparse .
  • Run with ./ .


The command-line program writes the current system and station (if docked) to stdout and optionally writes player status, ship locations, ship loadout and/or station data to file. This program requires that the user has performed setup and verification through the app.


 -h, --help     show this help message and exit
 -v, --version  print program version and exit
 -a FILE        write ship loadout to FILE in Companion API json format
 -e FILE        write ship loadout to FILE in E:D Shipyard plain text format
 -l FILE        write ship locations to FILE in CSV format
 -m FILE        write station commodity market data to FILE in CSV format
 -o FILE        write station outfitting data to FILE in CSV format
 -s FILE        write station shipyard data to FILE in CSV format
 -t FILE        write player status to FILE in CSV format
 -d FILE        write raw JSON data to FILE
 -n             send data to EDDN
 -p CMDR        Returns data from the specified player account

The program returns one of the following exit codes. Further information may be written to stderr.

  1. Success. Note that this doesn't necessarily mean that any requested output files have been produced - for example if the current station doesn't support the facilities for which data was requested.
  2. Server is down.
  3. Invalid Credentials.
  4. Verification Required.
  5. Server is lagging.
  6. I/O or other OS error.