.. dfhack-tool:: :summary: Fully heal the selected unit. :tags: fort armok units
This script attempts to heal the selected unit from anything, optionally including death.
- Completely heal the currently selected unit.
full-heal --unit <unitId>
- Completely heal the unit with the given ID.
full-heal -r [--keep_corpse]
- Heal the unit, raising from the dead if needed. If
is specified, don't remove their corpse. The unit can be targeted by selecting its corpse in the UI. full-heal --all [-r] [--keep_corpse]
- Heal all units on the map, optionally resurrecting them if dead.
full-heal --all_citizens [-r] [--keep_corpse]
- Heal all fortress citizens and residents on the map. Does not include pets.
full-heal --all_civ [-r] [--keep_corpse]
- Heal all units belonging to your parent civilization, including pets and visitors.
- Fully heal the selected unit.
full-heal -r --keep_corpse --unit 23273
- Fully heal unit 23273. If this unit was dead, it will be resurrected without removing the corpse - creepy!
If you have to repeatedly use full-heal on a dwarf only to have that dwarf's
syndrome return seconds later, then it's likely because said dwarf still has a
syndrome-causing residue on their body. To deal with this, either use
clean units
to decontaminate the dwarf or let a hospital worker wash the
residue off the dwarf and THEN do a full-heal. Syndromes like Beast Sickness
and Demon Sickness can by VERY NASTY, causing maladies like tissue necrosis.