.. dfhack-tool:: :summary: Trigger in-game events. :tags: fort armok gameplay
This tool triggers events like megabeasts, caravans, and migrants. Note that you can only trigger one caravan per civ at the same time, and that DF may choose to ignore events that are triggered too frequently.
force <event> [<civ id>] force Wildlife [all]
The civ id is only used for Diplomat
and Caravan
events, and defaults
to the player civilization if not specified.
The default civ IDs that you are likely to be interested in are:
But to see IDs for all civilizations in your current game, run this command:
:lua ids={} for _,en in ipairs(world.entities.all) do ids[en.entity_raw.code] = true end for id in pairs(ids) do print(id) end
force Caravan
- Spawn a caravan from your parent civilization.
force Diplomat FOREST
- Spawn an elven diplomat.
force Megabeast
- Call in a megabeast to attack your fort. The megabeast will enter the map on the surface.
force Wildlife
- Allow additional wildlife to enter the map. Only affects areas that you can see, so if you haven't opened the caverns, cavern wildlife won't be affected.
force Wildlife all
- Allow additional wildlife to enter the map, even in areas you haven't explored yet.
The supported event types are:
Most events happen on the next tick. The Wildlife
event may take up to 100
ticks to take effect.