To deploy the application, you must have the following:
Google Account (Most likely provided by SCU) - In the event that you do not have a Google account, go to and follow the steps to sign up for an account
Github Account - Go to and sign up for a Github account
Heroku Account - Create a Heroku account at and download the Heroku Toolbelt via
Once all prerequisites are met, perform the following steps:
Go to the Google Developers Credentials Page.
Once you agree to their terms, press the "Create credentials" button and select the option for "OAuth Client ID".
Select the "Web Application" option. You can then provide a name for the client in the Name field.
Under Authorized Domains, add ""
Under your Authorized JavaScript origins, add ""
Under Authorized redirect URIs, add ""
Finally, hit "Create" and take note of the client ID and client secret
Open up a terminal and in a directory of your choosing, run "git clone /~"
Login to your Heroku account via "heroku login"
Run "heroku create ironbronco" to create your Heroku app (which will be named "ironbronco")
Run "git remote -v" to confirm that there are now two remotes called "heroku" (one for push and one for fetch)
To upload, run "git push heroku master"
We'll need to set some environment variables the first is the APP_SETTINGS. Since this is a production environment, run
heroku config:set APP_SETTINGS=config.ProductionConfig -- remote heroku
You'll need to set the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID variable. To do this, run
heroku config:set GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<Your Google Client ID> -- remote heroku
You'll need to set the GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET variable. To do this, run
heroku config:set GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<Your Google Client Secret> -- remote heroku
Finally, to bring up the database, run
heroku run python db upgrade --app ironbronco
Success! You have deployed your application and it will be run on ""!
Creating an admin
To create an admin, first sign into the application with the Google Account that you want to have admin privileges. This will populate an entry in the database.
In the terminal, run
heroku pg:psql
and once the prompt returns, typeSELECT * users;
. You should see an entry with the email that you used to sign in. Right now, the admin attribute is False. Note the number under the "id" column of that entry. This is the id number that you will need for the next step. -
Quit out of that prompt by typing
then hitting enter and once that returns, typeheroku run python3 <the_id_number> --app ironbronco
Congrats! Now one of your users is now an admin. Do this as many times as necessary to create multiple admins.