this document attempts to explain the way fastPASTA consumes raw data and passes it around at runtime.
For brevity, most details are omitted, such as how stats are collected, protocol state is tracked, and more.
When executing fastPASTA in check
-mode e.g.
fastpasta check all its bin.raw
The resulting data flow is illustrated below viewed from the highest level.
Each orange box runs in a seperate thread.
Pipelines are shared between threads and are essentially thread-safe FIFOs.
The state diagram below offers more details to illustrate the data flow than in the Simple overview section. For even more details you will have to look into the source code.
[*] --> ACTIVE
state ACTIVE {
%% 1. Stage: loading the CDP from raw data
state "1. Read CDP from raw data" as S1_READ_CDP {
state "Read RDH" as read_rdh
note left of read_rdh
RDH is immediately deserialized
and a basic sanity check is performed
end note
state "Read Payload" as read_payload
note left of read_payload
The value of the RDH offset_to_next field
determines how many bytes are read
and interpreted as the payload. The payload
stays as an array of raw bytes throughout
analysis (for performance reasons)
end note
state is_end_of_data <<choice>>
[*] --> read_rdh
read_rdh --> read_payload
read_payload --> DATA_CHANNEL : Send CDP
read_payload --> is_end_of_data
is_end_of_data --> read_rdh : More data
is_end_of_data --> [*] : EOF/End of stream
%% Intermediate step (IPC)
note right of DATA_CHANNEL
Simply a FIFO suitable for
Inter-Process Communication
end note
%% 2. Stage: Dispatching the CDP to a specific thread handling analysis
%% for the ID found in the RDH from the received CDP
state "2. Dispatch CDP by ID for validation" as S2_DISPATCH_CDP {
state "Wait for CDP" as s2_wait
state s2_is_cdp_available <<choice>>
[*] --> s2_is_cdp_available
s2_is_cdp_available --> s2_wait : CDP FIFO empty
s2_wait --> s2_is_cdp_available
s2_is_cdp_available --> S2_SUB_DISPATCH_CDP : Got CDP
s2_is_cdp_available --> [*] : CDP FIFO closed
state "Dispatch CDP" as S2_SUB_DISPATCH_CDP {
state define_id <<choice>>
state "FEE ID" as use_fee_id
state "GBT Link ID" as use_link_id
state is_id_active <<choice>>
state "Spawn validator and channel for ID" as spawn_validator
state "Find channel matching ID" as find_channel_id
state "Send CDP to Validator thread" as send_cdp_to_validator
[*] --> define_id : ID definition to use for\ninterpreting the RDH\nFEEID field
define_id --> use_fee_id : Validating ITS Stave
define_id --> use_link_id : Validating Other
use_fee_id --> is_id_active
use_link_id --> is_id_active
note right of is_id_active
Check a list of active threads
for one analyzing the ID
matching the current RDH
end note
is_id_active --> find_channel_id : Thread found for ID
is_id_active --> spawn_validator : Thread not found for ID
find_channel_id --> send_cdp_to_validator
spawn_validator --> send_cdp_to_validator
send_cdp_to_validator --> [*]
send_cdp_to_validator --> VALIDATOR_THREAD_CHANNEL : Send CDP
S2_SUB_DISPATCH_CDP --> s2_is_cdp_available
%% Intermediate step (IPC)
%% 3. Stage: Performing validation on the received CDP a specific ID
state "3. Analyze CDP for a specific ID" as S3_ANALYZE_CDP {
state "Wait for CDP" as s3_wait
state s3_is_cdp_available <<choice>>
[*] --> s3_is_cdp_available
s3_is_cdp_available --> s3_wait : CDP FIFO empty
s3_wait --> s3_is_cdp_available
s3_is_cdp_available --> S3_SUB_DO_VALIDATE : Got CDP
s3_is_cdp_available --> [*] : CDP FIFO closed
state "Validate" as S3_SUB_DO_VALIDATE {
state "RDH sanity checks" as rdh_sanity_checks
state running_checks_enabled <<choice>>
state "RDH running checks" as rdh_running_checks
state is_empty_payload <<choice>>
state "Payload checks" as payload_checks
[*] --> rdh_sanity_checks
rdh_sanity_checks --> running_checks_enabled : Running checks?
running_checks_enabled --> rdh_running_checks : Enabled
running_checks_enabled --> is_empty_payload : Disabled
rdh_running_checks --> is_empty_payload
is_empty_payload --> payload_checks : Has payload\nAND\npayload checks enabled
is_empty_payload --> [*] : No payload \nOR\npayload checks disabled
payload_checks --> [*]
S3_SUB_DO_VALIDATE --> s3_is_cdp_available