mkdir "/path/to/save/ckpts"
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 python with data_root="/path/to/data" \
num_gpus=8 num_nodes=1 task_Text_MAE_Contrastive_train per_gpu_batchsize=100 \
beit16_base224 text_bert image_size=224 vit_randaug batch_size=800 \
log_dir="/path/to/save/ckpts" precision=16 max_epoch=20 learning_rate=5e-5
In the src/
, you can set which kinds of data you want to use for training.
datasets = ["f30k", "gcc", "sbu", "coco"]
In the src/datasets/
, you can set how many data you want to use for different datasets:
df = pd.read_csv(f"{self.data_dir}/{input_filename}", sep=sep, nrows=100000)