Any checkpoint format supported by ComfyUI will work, including .ckpt
, .pt
, .bin
, .pth
and .safetensors
List all checkpoints:
from comfy_script.runtime import load
from comfy_script.runtime.nodes import Checkpoints
# [<Checkpoints.Anything_V3_0: 'Anything-V3.0.ckpt'>, <Checkpoints.Realistic_Vision_V5_1_fp16_no_ema: 'Realistic_Vision_V5.1_fp16-no-ema.safetensors'>, ..., <Checkpoints.wd_illusion_fp16: 'wd-illusion-fp16.safetensors'>]
Note if you are using the ComfyUI package (hiddenswitch/ComfyUI), it will only load models under the working directory by default (e.g. %pwd/models/checkpoints
), different from the official one. You can change this behavior with the following arguments (e.g. load(args=ComfyUIArgs('...', '...'))
-w CWD, --cwd CWD Specify the working directory. If not set, this is the current working directory. models/, input/, output/ and other directories will be
located here by default. [env var: COMFYUI_CWD]
--base-paths BASE_PATHS [BASE_PATHS ...]
Additional base paths for custom nodes, models and inputs. [env var: COMFYUI_BASE_PATHS]
--extra-model-paths-config PATH [PATH ...]
Load one or more extra_model_paths.yaml files. [env var: COMFYUI_EXTRA_MODEL_PATHS_CONFIG]
--output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
Set the ComfyUI output directory. [env var: COMFYUI_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
--temp-directory TEMP_DIRECTORY
Set the ComfyUI temp directory (default is in the ComfyUI directory). [env var: COMFYUI_TEMP_DIRECTORY]
--input-directory INPUT_DIRECTORY
Set the ComfyUI input directory. [env var: COMFYUI_INPUT_DIRECTORY]
--create-directories Creates the default models/, input/, output/ and temp/ directories, then exits. [env var: COMFYUI_CREATE_DIRECTORIES]
--user-directory USER_DIRECTORY
Set the ComfyUI user directory with an absolute path. [env var: COMFYUI_USER_DIRECTORY]
can also be used to change the working directory.
def CivitAICheckpointLoader(
ckpt_air: str = '{model_id}@{model_version}',
ckpt_name: CivitAICheckpointLoader.ckpt_name = 'none',
download_chunks: int | None = 4,
download_path: CivitAICheckpointLoader.download_path | None = r'models\checkpoints'
) -> tuple[Model, Clip, Vae]
model, clip, vae = CivitAICheckpointLoader('101055@128078')
model, clip, vae = CivitAICheckpointLoader('')
model, clip, vae = CivitAICheckpointLoader('')
The CheckpointSave
node can be used to save a checkpoint.
For example:
with Workflow():
model, clip, vae = CheckpointLoaderSimple('v1-5-pruned-emaonly.ckpt')
CheckpointSave(model, clip, vae, 'checkpoints/new-model')
The checkpoint will be saved to the output directory, e.g. D:\ComfyUI\output\checkpoints\new-model_00001_.safetensors
def CivitAILoraLoader(
model: Model,
clip: Clip,
lora_air: str = '{model_id}@{model_version}',
lora_name: CivitAILoraLoader.lora_name = 'none',
strength_model: float = 1.0,
strength_clip: float = 1.0,
download_chunks: int | None = 4,
download_path: CivitAILoraLoader.download_path | None = r'models\loras'
) -> tuple[Model, Clip]
model, clip = CivitAILoraLoader(model, clip, '350450@391994', strength_clip=1, strength_model=1)
model, clip = CivitAILoraLoader(model, clip, '', strength_clip=1, strength_model=1)
model, clip = CivitAILoraLoader(model, clip, '', strength_clip=1, strength_model=1)
See Flux Examples.