For easier configuration, you can specify an array of config files to override the default plugin keys this way:
Configure::write('Users.config', ['users']);
Plugin::load('CakeDC/Users', ['routes' => true, 'bootstrap' => true]);
Configure::write('Users.Social.login', true); //to enable social login
Create the facebook, twitter, etc applications you want to use and setup the configuration like this: In this example, we are using 2 providers: facebook and twitter. Note you'll need to add the providers to your composer.json file.
$ composer require league/oauth2-facebook:@stable
$ composer require league/oauth1-client:@stable
NOTE: twitter uses league/oauth1-client package
Configure::write('OAuth.providers.facebook.options.clientId', 'YOUR APP ID');
Configure::write('OAuth.providers.facebook.options.clientSecret', 'YOUR APP SECRET');
Configure::write('OAuth.providers.twitter.options.clientId', 'YOUR APP ID');
Configure::write('OAuth.providers.twitter.options.clientSecret', 'YOUR APP SECRET');
Or use the config override option when loading the plugin (see above)
Configure::write('Users.reCaptcha.key', 'YOUR RECAPTCHA KEY');
Configure::write('Users.reCaptcha.secret', 'YOUR RECAPTCHA SECRET');
Configure::write('Users.reCaptcha.registration', true); //enable on registration
Configure::write('Users.reCaptcha.login', true); //enable on login
The plugin is configured via the Configure class. Check the vendor/cakedc/users/config/users.php
for a complete list of all the configuration keys.
Loading the UsersAuthComponent and using the right configuration values will setup the Users plugin, the AuthComponent and the OAuth component for your application.
If you prefer to setup AuthComponent by yourself, you'll need to load AuthComponent before UsersAuthComponent and set
Configure::write('Users.auth', false);
Interesting UsersAuthComponent options and defaults
NOTE: SOME keys were hidden in this doc page, please refer to vendor/cakedc/users/config/users.php
for the complete list
'Users' => [
//Table used to manage users
'table' => 'CakeDC/Users.Users',
//configure Auth component
'auth' => true,
'Email' => [
//determines if the user should include email
'required' => true,
//determines if registration workflow includes email validation
'validate' => true,
'Registration' => [
//determines if the register is enabled
'active' => true,
//determines if the reCaptcha is enabled for registration
'reCaptcha' => true,
//ensure user is active (confirmed email) to reset his password
'ensureActive' => false,
// default role name used in registration
'defaultRole' => 'user',
'Tos' => [
//determines if the user should include tos accepted
'required' => true,
'Social' => [
//enable social login
'login' => false,
//Avatar placeholder
'Avatar' => ['placeholder' => 'CakeDC/Users.avatar_placeholder.png'],
'RememberMe' => [
//configure Remember Me component
'active' => true,
//default configuration used to auto-load the Auth Component, override to change the way Auth works
'Auth' => [
'authenticate' => [
'all' => [
'finder' => 'active',
'authorize' => [
Using the UsersAuthComponent default initialization, the component will load the following objects into AuthComponent:
- Authenticate
- 'Form'
- 'Social' check SocialAuthenticate for configuration options
- 'RememberMe' check SocialAuthenticate for configuration options
- Authorize
- 'Users.Superuser' check SuperuserAuthorize for configuration options
- 'Users.SimpleRbac' check SimpleRbacAuthorize for configuration options
You need to configure 2 things:
- Change the Auth.authenticate.Form.fields configuration to let AuthComponent use the email instead of the username for user identify. Add this line to your bootstrap.php file, after CakeDC/Users Plugin is loaded
Configure::write('Auth.authenticate.Form.fields.username', 'email');
- Override the login.ctp template to change the Form->input to "email". Add (or copy from the /~ the file login.ctp to path /src/Template/Plugin/CakeDC/Users/Users/login.ctp and ensure it has the following content
// ... inside the Form
<?= $this->Form->input('email', ['required' => true]) ?>
<?= $this->Form->input('password', ['required' => true]) ?>
// ... rest of your login.ctp code
To modify the templates as needed copy them to your application
cp -r vendor/cakedc/users/src/Template/Email/* src/Template/Plugin/CakeDC/Users/Email/
Then customize the email templates as you need under the src/Template/Plugin/CakeDC/Users/Email/ directory
Similar to Email Templates customization, follow the CakePHP conventions to put your new templates under src/Template/Plugin/CakeDC/Users/[Controller]/[view].ctp
To modify the flash messages, use the standard PO file provided by the plugin and customize the messages Check for more details about how the PO files should be managed in your application.
We've included an updated POT file with all the Users
domain keys for your customization.