This repository contains the code for a platform that manages a test suite bot, sample upload and more. This platform allows for a unified place to report errors, submit samples, view existing samples and more. It was originally developed during GSoC 2015 and rewritten during the 2016 edition. It was further improved and worked upon during GSoC 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2022.
To see the live version of the platform, simply go to CCExtractor Submission Platform.
While CCExtractor is an awesome tool and it works flawlessly most of the time, bugs occur occasionally (as with all existing software). These are usually reported through a variety of channels (private email, mailing list, GitHub, and so on...).
The aim of this project is to build a platform, which is accessible to everyone (after signing up), that provides a single place to upload, view samples and associated test results.
An installation guideline can be found here: installation guide.
A lot of times it may happen that we add new features to ccextractor which render the result files associated with regression tests useless. In these cases, the tests can give false negative. For such cases, we should update the existing result files by the following command.
python update /path/to/ccextractor/executable
NOTE: Please backup old results and be sure about updating them as there is no method to go back.
Sample-Platform uses flask-migrate to handle database migrations.
If you want to perform more complex actions than the ones mentioned below, please have a look at the flask-migrate command reference.
NOTE: For the below commands to function properly, FLASK_APP=/path/to/
should be set in the environment variables.
If this is the first time that flask-migrate is being installed or run alongside existing database, use the following command to create a head stamp in your database:
flask db stamp head
It is recommeneded to perform Database upgrades, whenever database schema is updated, using the below commands:
flask db upgrade
Remove the last database update using the below commands:
flask db downgrade
Whenever a database model's schema is update, run the following command to generate migrations for it.
flask db migrate
All information with regards to contributing can be found here: contributors guide.
Sample-platform is regularly tested via Travis CI.
We use nosetests
to manage testing and it can be run locally as follows:
For creating a virtual environment, we use virtualenv.
virtualenv venv # create a virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate # activate the virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt # install dependencies
pip install -r test-requirements.txt # install test dependencies
TESTING=True nose2
In case you want to replicate/migrate a platform instance with all the data, samples, regression tests.etc., follow the following steps:
- Install platform on the new instance, using the installation guide.
- Now transfer the contents of the previous GCS bucket to the new GCS bucket and export the SQL database of the previous platform instance into a file using the following command:
PLATFORM_USER_USERNAME and PLATFORM_DATABASE_NAME values are details for the SQL database of the previous platform instance.
mysqldump -u PLATFORM_USER_USERNAME -p PLATFORM_DATABASE_NAME > sample_platform.sql
- Now import the database using the
file into the new instance using the following command:NEW_PLATFORM_USER_USERNAME and NEW_PLATFORM_DATABASE_NAME values are details for the SQL database of the new platform instance.mysql -u NEW_PLATFORM_USER_USERNAME -p NEW_PLATFORM_DATABASE_NAME < sample_platform.sql
We follow certain etiquettes which include docstrings, annotation, import sorting etc.
Sample-platform uses docstrings heavily to document modules and methods.
We use pydocstyle
to oversee the docstring format and etiquettes. Please run the following to check if you've
followed the style before sending a PR.
pydocstyle ./ # check all .py files with pydocstyle
We use isort
to introduce a style on how imports should be made.
Please check your imports before making a commit using the following commands.
isort . --diff # see proposed changes without applying them
isort . --atomic # apply changes to import order without breaking syntax
We use MonkeyType
or PyType
to generate typing for our code. It is a simple tool that [semi] automates the
process of generating annotations using runtime trace.
To generate typing for your code, follow the below procedure.
This method uses runtime trace information to generate typing and is highly recommended over using PyType
NOTE: You must have written unit-tests for the new code in order to add annotations using MonkeyType.
monkeytype run `TESTING=True nosetests path/to/` # classname where new tests added
monkeytype apply # apply the suggested changes
This method uses the knowledge of how the code is used to figure out the types.
NOTE: Only use this method only if MonkeyType
method fails for the file.
pytype path/to/.py/file # path to the new code's file
merge-pyi -i path/to/.py/file .pytype/pyi/path/to/.pyi/file # apply the suggested changes
Once you've generated the annotations using the above tools, follow the below procedure.
isort --atmoic /path/to/ # sort the imports
mypy /path/to/ # fix the errors reported by mypy
git diff /path/to/ # manually check the file for missing typings
pycodestyle ./ --config=./.pycodestylerc # to check for PEP8 violations
NOTE: Manual inspection is very important. If then you feel that a mypy error is inappropriate or overkill, append
# type: ignore
at the end of the line.
Only once the above procedure is finished for all new files, one should commit the changes.
References to know more:
- To know about static typing:
- To know about MonkeyType:
- To know about PyType: /~
- MyPy Cheatsheet for TypeHints:
We use mypy
to introduce a static typing.
Please check your code for static typing violations using the following commands.
mypy .
Even though many precautions have been taken to ensure that this software is stable and secure, bugs can occur. In case there is a security related issue, please send an email to (GPG key 0xF8643F5B, fingerprint 53FF DE55 6DFC 27C3 C688 1A49 3AFD C9BF F864 3F5B) instead of using the issue tracker. This will help to prevent abuse while the issue is being resolved.