Part of Speech: noun
Pronunciation: ˈstand-ˌau̇t
Audio Reference: stando03
- : one that is prominent or conspicuous especially because of excellence
- one that is prominent or conspicuous especially because of excellence
Part of Speech: verb
Pronunciation: N/A
Audio Reference: N/A
- : to appear as if in relief : {sx|project||}
- : to be prominent or conspicuous Example: stands out from the crowd
- : to steer away from shore
- : to be stubborn in resolution or resistance
- to appear as if in relief : project
- to be prominent or conspicuous
- to steer away from shore
Part of Speech: idiom
Pronunciation: N/A
Audio Reference: N/A
- : to be unusual in a good way Example: As a teacher, he always stood out from the crowd.
- to be unusual in a good way
Part of Speech: idiom
Pronunciation: N/A
Audio Reference: N/A
- : to be different from others Example: One writer stands out from the pack.
- to be different from others
Part of Speech: idiom
Pronunciation: N/A
Audio Reference: N/A
- : to be very obvious Example: The twins' resemblance stood/stuck out a mile.
- to be very obvious
Part of Speech: idiom
Pronunciation: N/A
Audio Reference: N/A
- : to be very noticeable in usually a bad way
- to be very noticeable in usually a bad way
Part of Speech: noun
Pronunciation: N/A
Audio Reference: N/A
- : pressure to do something Example: The administration is {phrase}putting the heat on{/phrase} legislators to approve the tax bill.
- pressure to do something