A Rubymotion module to make light work of writing to and reading from plist files.
Add the following to your app's Gemfile
gem 'plist_read_write'
Alternatively, it's a small file so you can just copy/paste it directly to your app.
Lets assume we have this plist file in our resources directory...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
... and we want to copy it over to our app's documents directory so we can update/edit the plist.
# Check if the plist exists in our documents dir
PListRW.exist?(:users, :documentsDir) # => false
# Check if the plist exists in our main bundle
PListRW.exist?(:users, :mainBundle) # => true
# Copy the plist file from the main bundle to the documents dir
# Fetch the object from the plist file
@users_hash = PListRW.plistObject(:users, Hash) # => A hash containing the User data
# Update the data
@users_hash[:jim] # => { name: "Jim", email: "jim@jimsemail.com" }
@users_hash[:jim][:name] = 'James'
# Store the data back in the plist
PListRW.updatePlistFileWithObject(:users, @users_hash)
# Check this worked OK
PListRW.plistObject(:users, Hash)[:jim][:name] # => "James"
Katana Code are iPhone app and Ruby on Rails Developers in Edinburgh, Scotland.