Releases: BlueAndi/Pixelix
Releases · BlueAndi/Pixelix
Pixelix v4.0.0
- In general different kind of HALs are supported now, which can be configured in the PIO configuration.
- TTGO T-Display ESP32 board support added.
- AZ-Delivery ESP-32 Dev Kit C V4 support added.
- General sensor platform implemented, where easily further sensors can be added, without changing the main application itself.
- DHTx and SHT3x sensor support added.
- SensorPlugin added, which shows the selected sensor channel information on the display. Note, a sensor may have several channels, like e.g. temperature and humidity.
- GL5528 LDR added to sensor platform.
- TempHumidPlugin added.
- 3rd party libs updated.
- SW build instructions improved.
- Toolchain instructions improved.
- Plugin development guideline added.
- The scrolling behaviour of the TextWidget was refactored. If the current text is scrolling and new text is set, the change won't be recognized by the user as a "jump" anymore. The new text will just scroll in nice. If scrolling text contains alignment commands, they will be ignored.
- Plugin alias names support added. What does that mean? Assign a alias name to a plugin instance and the alias can be used instead of the plugin UID. Note, currently the alias name can only be assigned in the settings. There is no user friendly web interface right now.
- Many other changes under the hood, as well as bugfixes. See the commit history for detail.
Breaking Changes:
- The REST API was changed a little bit, to support the open API concept. See Please update your external scripts and etc.
- The flash must be erased, before programming the new firmware! This is because the partition table changed for every PIO environment.
Pixelix v3.0.2
Bugfix release
- #51: Characters which probably causes python UnicodeDecodeError removed.
Pixelix v3.0.1
Bugfix release
- #50: 32-bit unsigned integer values were not correct handled. This caused that the scroll pause, which can be set via settings, always returned the default value.
- Display update timing statistics implemented for debugging purposes. Can be enabled by preprocessor define CONFIG_DISPLAY_MGR_ENABLE_STATISTICS in platformio.ini. Default: disabled
Pixelix v3.0.0
- Timezone string supported via settings.
- BTCQuotePlugin added, which shows the current exchange rate from Bitcoin to USD. Thanks to flcu for the contribution.
- OpenWeatherPlugin added, which shows the current weather informations, based on
- TempHumidPlugin added, which shows current temperature and humidity, measured by local sensor (DHT11). Thanks to flcu for the contribution.
- The website login user/password can now be changed via settings.
- ESP32 NodeMCU added to build environment.
- Used 3rd party libs updated.
- The python upload dialog was refactored.
- TomThumb extended character set enabled, to support e.g. the "°" sign.
- Complete plugin webinterface refactored. It is now independed of the ESPAsyncWebserver and prepared to support e.g. MQTT in the future.
- Several bugfixes.
Pixelix v2.2.0
- New web interface, based on bootstrap and jquery.
- Fade effect can be changed via web interface, button and REST API.
- Current fade effect is shown in the web interface.
- Log messages can be filtered and cleared in the web interface.
- File browser implemented in web interface, which replaced the one from ESPAsyncWebServer.
- Per default now 8 slots are configured.
- Volumio plugin implemented.
- ShellyPlugS plugin implemented.
- Prepared for changing the filesystem to LITTLEFS.
- 3rd party libs updated.
- Several smaller bugfixes, see commit log.
Pixelix v2.1.1
Bugfix release
- JustTextPlugin webpage fixed. #15
- GameOfLifePlugin didn't handle the neighbor cells correct.
- GameOfLifePlugin generates now a new grid during every activation to avoid problem in case the slot duration is lower than the internal timers.
- Libs updated.
- Software version/revision handling updated.
- Documentation cleaned up.
Pixelix v2.1.0
Minor feature release
- In the AP mode the configuration can be set via captive portal now.
- The text scrolling speed can be configured now via settings.
- If a connection is established in wifi station mode, the slot which is shown can be changed via user button.
- After wifi connection was established, the button task freezed. This happened, because of priority inheritance from the loop task. This is fixed now by scheduling task with equal or lower priority than the loop task explicit.
- The system message duration was stored every time in the flash, although it was not useless, because the duration is given explicit in the software.
Pixelix v2.0.3
Bugfix release
- During changing the slot, the next plugin was activated in fade out phase, which influenced the display content. The activation was now moved to fade in phase.
- SunrisePlugin and GruenbeckPlugin executing http requests. The response callbacks were not thread safe. This is fixed now.
- espressif32 library version bumped to v2.0.0
Pixelix v2.0.2
Bugfix Release:
- If the connection establishment of a http request from Gruenbeck plugin fails once, all following attempts will fail. This was fixed.
Pixelix v2.0.1
Bugfix Release:
- GruenbeckPlugin failed to connect to the device after the first connection attempt, because the URL encoded parameters were not cleared at the right place.