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PCB board v2.0

System Diagram


Differences to v1.5

  • The clock crystal in v1.5 was removed, because it wasn't used.
  • The I2S interface was added for digital microphones, like the INMP441.
  • ESP32 Dev Kit C V4 will be used instead of ESP32 DEVKIT V1.
  • It is also possible to use the Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2 instead of the ESP32 Dev Kit C V4.

Development Boards

ESP32 DevKit C V4

ESP32 DevKitV4 Pinout

ESP32 DevKit V4 Pin ESP32 DevKit V4 Pin Header WROOM32 Pin Notes Usage
3V3 J1-1 3V3 3.3 V output +3V3
EN J1-2 EN 10k Pull-Up; Button on ESP32 DevKit V4; Active High RESET
VP J1-3 GPIO 36 (VP) Input only! See ESP32 tech. reference manual, chapter 4.1 (no internal pull-up/down circuitry) -
VN J1-4 GPIO 39 (VN) Input only! See ESP32 tech. reference manual, chapter 4.1 (no internal pull-up/down circuitry) -
34 J1-5 GPIO 34 Input only! See ESP32 tech. reference manual, chapter 4.1 (no internal pull-up/down circuitry) LDR Analog In
35 J1-6 GPIO 35 Input only! See ESP32 tech. reference manual, chapter 4.1 (no internal pull-up/down circuitry) -
32 J1-7 GPIO 32 Input only! See ESP32 tech. reference manual, chapter 4.1 (no internal pull-up/down circuitry) -
33 J1-8 GPIO 33 I2S microphone serial data. I2S_Data_IN
25 J1-9 GPIO 25 I2S microphone word select. I2S_WS
26 J1-10 GPIO 26 I2S microphone serial clock. I2S_CLK
27 J1-11 GPIO 27 Data Out to LED matrix LV-DATA-OUT
14 J1-12 GPIO 14 Output PWM at power-up! MTMS
12 J1-13 GPIO 12 Strapping pin; Fails if high at power-up, therefore not used. MTDI
GND J1-14 GND Ground GND
13 J1-15 GPIO 13 - MTCK
2 J1-16 GPIO 9 (D2) Pin shared with Flash Memory (Can´t be used as regular Pin) -
3 J1-17 GPIO 10 (D3) Pin shared with Flash Memory (Can´t be used as regular Pin) -
CMD J1-18 GPIO 11 (CMD) - -
5V J1-19 5V0 external power supply VCC-PROTECTED
GND J2-1 GND Ground GND
23 J2-2 GPIO 23 - Test Pin
22 J2-3 GPIO 22 I2C SCL (Arduino Standard) I2C SCL
TX0 J2-4 GPIO 1 (TX0) USB TX -
RX0 J2-5 GPIO 3 (RX0) USB RX -
21 J2-6 GPIO 21 I2C SDA (Arduino Standard) I2C SDA
GND J2-7 GND Ground GND
19 J2-8 GPIO 19 - -
18 J2-9 GPIO 18 - -
5 J2-10 GPIO 5 Strapping pin; 10k Pull-Up on ESP32 DevKit V4 (DHT In)
17 J2-11 GPIO 17 (TX2) - -
16 J2-12 GPIO 16 (RX2) - -
4 J2-13 GPIO 4 User Button USER-BUTTON
0 J2-14 GPIO 0 Strapping pin, 10k Pull-Up; Button on ESP32 DevKit V4, closing to GND -
2 J2-15 GPIO 2 Strapping pin; Onboard LED on ESP32 DevKit V4 Onboard LED
15 J2-16 GPIO 15 Strapping pin MTDO
D1 J2-17 GPIO 8 (D1) - -
D0 J2-18 GPIO 7 (D0) - -
CLK J2-19 GPIO 6 (SCK) - -

Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2

Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2 Pinout

Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2 Pin Adafruit Feather V2 Pin Header WROOM32 Pin Notes Usage
RST J1-1 RESET The reset pin is used for the reset button, but can also be used standalone. Tie it to ground to reset the board. Pull-Up; Button on Feather V2; Active High RESET
3V J1-2 3.3V 3.3 V output +3V3
NC J1-3 - Not Connected -
GND J1-4 GND Ground GND
A0 J1-5 GPIO 26 (A0) This is also DAC2. It uses ADC2 I2S_CLK
A1 J1-6 GPIO 25 (A1) This is also DAC1. It uses ADC2 I2S_WS
A2 J1-7 GPIO 34 (A2) It is input/ADC only. It uses ADC1 LDR-ANALOG-IN
A3 J1-8 GPIO 39 (A3) It is input/ADC only. It uses ADC1 -
A4 J1-9 GPIO 36 (A4) It is input/ADC only. It uses ADC1 -
A5 J1-10 GPIO 4 (A5) It uses ADC2 USER-BUTTON
SCK J1-11 GPIO 5 This is the SPI clock pin (DHT In)
MO J1-12 GPIO 19 This is the SPI Microcontroller Out / Serial In (MOSI) pin (Adafruit Feather V2 Schematic-Symbol is wrong! -> IO18) -
MI J1-13 GPIO 21 This is the SPI Microcontroller In / Serial Out (MISO) pin (Adafruit Feather V2 Schematic-Symbol is wrong! -> IO19) -
RX J1-14 GPIO 7 This is the UART RX (receive) pin -
TX J1-15 GPIO 8 This is the UART TX (transmit) pin -
37 J1-16 GPIO 37 It is input/ADC only. It uses ADC1 -
GND J2-1 GND Ground; JST connector GND
BAT J2-2 VBAT This is the positive voltage to the JST connector for the optional lipoly battery -
BAT J3-1 VBAT This is the positive voltage from the JST connector for the optional lipoly battery -
EN J3-2 EN This is the 3.3V regulator's enable pin. It's pulled up, so connect to ground to disable the 3.3V regulator -
USB J3-3 VBUS This is the positive voltage to/from the USB-C connector if connected VCC-PROTECTED
13 J3-4 GPIO 13 It uses ADC2; Onboard LED MTCK and Onboard LED
12 J3-5 GPIO 12 It uses ADC2 MTDI
27 J3-6 GPIO 27 It uses ADC2 LV-DATA-OUT
33 J3-7 GPIO 33 It uses ADC1 I2S_Data_IN
15 J3-8 GPIO 15 It uses ADC2 MTDO
32 J3-9 GPIO 32 It uses ADC1 Test Pin
14 J3-10 GPIO 14 It uses ADC2 MTMS
SCL J3-11 GPIO 20 (SCL) I2C clock I2C SCL (Adafruit Feather V2 Schematic-Symbol is wrong! -> IO22)
SDA J3-12 GPIO 22 (SDA) I2C data I2C SDA (Adafruit Feather V2 Schematic-Symbol is wrong! -> IO23)

Strapping Pins

The following table shows the strapping bit status on the ESP32 DevKit C V4 board. See also ESP32 series datasheet chapter 2.4

Pin Default Function 1 Function 2
Voltage of internal LDO (VDD_SDIO)
Pin Default 3.3 V 1.8 V
GPIO 12 (MTDI) Low Low High
Result: 3.3 V
Pin Default Function 1 Function 2
Booting mode
Pin Default SPI Boot Download Boot
GPIO 0 High High Low
GPIO 2 Low Don't care 0
Result: SPI Boot
Pin Default Function 1 Function 2
Enabling/Disabling debugging log print over U0TXD during booting
Pin Default U0TXD Toggling U0TXD Silent
GPIO 15 (MTDO) High High Low
Result: U0TXD Toggling
Pin Default Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Function 4
Timing of SDIO slave
Pin Default Falling-edge Sampling Falling-edge Sampling Rising-edge Sampling Rising-edge Sampling
GPIO 15 (MTDO) High Low Low High High
GPIO 5 High Low High Low High
Result: Rising-edge Sampling

Input Only Pins

GPIOs 34 to 39 are input only pins. These pins don’t have internal pull-ups or pull-down resistors. They can’t be used as outputs, so use these pins only as inputs.

Analog Pins

ADC2 is used by the Wi-Fi driver. Therefore the application can only use ADC2 when the Wi-Fi driver has not started. See Analog to Digital Converter.


Pin Function
MTDI (GPIO 12) Test Data Input
MTCK (GPIO 13) Test Clock
MTMS (GPIO 14) Test Mode Select
MTDO (GPIO 15) Test Data Output


LED Matrix

The LED matrix consists of 8 x 32 WS2812B LEDs. Each LED has a max. current of 60 mA, which would result in a max. power consumption of 5 V / 15.36 A. The flexible LED panel matrix would be damaged with this high nominal power consumption, therefore it shall be limited to 5 V / 4 A.

Input voltage level:

  • High - Min. 0.7 * VDD
    • => 0.7 * 5 V = 3.5 V
  • Low - Max. 0.3 * VDD
    • => 0.3 * 5 V = 1.5 V

The i/o pins of the ESP32 are running with a 3.3 V level, which could cause a problem in detection a high! Therefore the level must be shifted from 3.3 V to 5V.

Ambient Light Sensor

The following table shows the output voltage, generated by a LDR like the GL5528 and a 1 k resistor. Both assembled as voltage divider.

Ambient light Ambient light Photocell resistance LDR + R Voltage across R
Moonlit night 1 lux 70 kΩ 71 kΩ 0.046 V
Dark room 10 lux 10 kΩ 11 kΩ 0.3 V
Dark overcast day / Bright room 100 lux 1.5 kΩ 2.5 kΩ 1.32 V
Overcast day 1000 lux 300 Ω 1.3 kΩ 2.538 V
Full daylight 10,000 lux 100 Ω 1.1 kΩ 3.0 V

Issues, Ideas And Bugs

If you have further ideas or you found some bugs, great! Create a issue or if you are able and willing to fix it by yourself, clone the repository and create a pull request.


The whole source code is published under the MIT license. Consider the different licenses of the used third party libraries too!


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.