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RobotiC-ARM 🦾

Ever seen arms in huge plants:factory:? Yes this is something like that which we a robotic manipulator in techincal terms and if I want to get more technical which I love(coz I brag:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) that is it's a 3DOF robot which basically means it has three joints that can move independently of each other something similar to a human arm a revolute joint followed by a continuous joint and another continuous joint.

Comparsison 🆚


What does this arm do

So with this arm you can pick objects manually using a GUI other than that it uses forward ➡️ kinematics to print the end effector coordinates and using inverse kinematics ⬅️ you can give a coordinate and the arm will align itself to that coordinate giving itself the desired joint values. This is a brief feature list the complete list of nodes is below


  • tf
  • joint_states
  • joint_command
  • forward kinematics
  • inverse kinematics

Tech and Tools ⚙️

The whole thing uses ROS Melodic which makes it really ease to builds nodes and communicate between the nodes. It has both rviz for static simltation and gazebo for dynamic physics sloutions you will see a use of ros-control to command the joints in gazebo


Forward Kinematics


Inverse Kinematics


How to run 🏃

Clone the repo

git clone <link>

Run catkin_make in both simulataion and catkin workspace Then source the workspace

source devel/setup.bash

After this its just lauching the bot and the running the nodes In simultation_ws

roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch
roslaunch arm_description spawn.launch

In catkin_ws

rosrun arm_move

Contribution 👼

Feel free to make issues and contribute