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⚠️   Note

Instructions below were tested on macOS Big Sur, no effort was taken on generalising to Widows or Linux OS. Steps will be similar but some details will vary.

OS Configuration and Basic networking setup

Flashing your microSD cards with Raspberry Pi Imager

field value
device Raspberry Pi 4
OS Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit)
hostnames node01, node02, node03, node04
username admin as this has root access
user password different for each node
enable SSH allow public-key authentication only

When only allowing public-key authentication, you will need to add your machine's public RSA key to the Pi to be able to ssh login later.

# copy the public RSA key of your machine to clipboard
cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy

Paste the public RSA key into the Set authorized_keys for 'admin' field under the services tab.

If the commands report no such file or directory, you don't have an RSA key setup and need to run ssh-keygen. This is well documented in the Raspberry Pi Foundations docs.

Brief on how Passwordless SSH works

When enabling SSH with Public-key authentication only, you save your host machine's (the one you're using to write the image) public key ( and the user public key ( into the image. You see the user public key in gray in the Raspberry Pi Imager's GUI. When you SSH into the node, you are already authorised to enter. The node accepts your machine's request to connect gives it's and your host machine exchange their public keys, if not done already, to encrypt each other's messages before sending across via the network.

Your host machine may not have its own RSA key, the Raspberry Pi site has docs detailing every step here.

First time SSH Login and IP address of each Node

# try login to each node via its hostname
ssh admin@node01.local

# this allows you connect to your node without
# having to know the local ip address it works by
# sending a broadcast to all machines on the network
# to resolve the IP address. It is made possible by
# Avahi and Bonjour (by Apple)

# get the IP address of each node
hostname -I

# or run the following to ssh into each node, and
# echo their IP address and hostname and save it a
# to local file.
ssh admin@node01.local 'echo "$(hostname -I) $(hostname)"' >> node-ip-addr.txt
ssh admin@node02.local 'echo "$(hostname -I) $(hostname)"' >> node-ip-addr.txt
ssh admin@node03.local 'echo "$(hostname -I) $(hostname)"' >> node-ip-addr.txt
ssh admin@node04.local 'echo "$(hostname -I) $(hostname)"' >> node-ip-addr.txt

The above assumes there are no two nodes with the same hostname. You can also use your router/modem's local page to find out the IP address, just make sure you connect one node at a time to tell them apart.

Update and upgrade

We will use apt, RaspberryOS's package manager, to install new software^. It keeps an index of latest available versions of all packages. Let's update that index and perform an update of any software that's already installed:

# update apt's source list
sudo apt update

# check all the software awaiting upgrade
apt list --upgradable
# return a count if that's easier
apt list --upgradable | wc -l

# upgrade installed software
sudo apt full-upgrade

# reboot your nodes
sudo reboot

Repeat this for all nodes.

Time Syncing

munge's authentication is based on credentials that expire shortly after some time^. So every node must to have its time in sync.

sudo apt install ntpdate -y

# reboot
sudo reboot

Setting /etc/hosts file

It is much easier to refer to a node via its hostname, for each node append the IP addresses of the other nodes with their hostname. Use the node-ip–addr.txt from earlier. When SLURM connects to a node with its hostname, the hosts file will resolve the IP Address.


# @node 01 /etc/hosts   node01
<ip addr>   node02
# .. more sibling nodes

# @node 02 /etc/hosts   node02
<ip addr>   node01
# .. more sibling nodes

Expand Swap (optional)

  ⚠️   It's there to keep the node from freezing

Swaps are done on the microSD card, none, including the USB sticks can handle this kind of I/O–degrades significantly [^rpi-se_swap-expansion]. They are also much slower than the internal ram, so once this kicks in the process and node generally becomes significantly slower to respond. The point of the swap is to prevent the OS from killing the slurmd causing the SLURM controller to lose all control.

# on each node
sudo vi /etc/dphys-swapfile 

# inside  /etc/dphys-swapfile 
# change to 2GB, actual units MB

# back in the terminal
# restart dphys-swapfile
/etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile restart

# verify changes
top -n 1 | grep Swap
# should something like this
MiB Swap:   2048.0 total,   2048.0 free,      0.0 used.   1700.6 avail Mem

Passwordless SSH between main and worker nodes

The main nodes must be able to ssh into its workers. We'll need this later to perform our munge smoke test.

  1. on the main node generate the ssh key
  2. for each worker node
    1. at worker node, change password authentication to yes
    2. from main node, copy the public key to target host
  3. afterwards, for each worker node, change password authentication to no
Generate ssh key
Change password authentication

As you have flashed the nodes to only accept public-key authentication only you need to temporarily enable username-password authentication to authorise the client's (node01) public-key`. Make you so disable it afterwards as it makes the node vulnerable to an unauthorised logins.


sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

# change to yes or no
PasswordAuthentication yes

# restart the ssh daemon
service sshd restart

# double PasswordAuthentication sshd config with
cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config  | grep ^PasswordAuthentication
Copy public key to target host
ssh-copy-id <user-in-worker-node>@<worker-node-hostname>
[Enter user password]

Network File System (NFS) setup

When code for the job is secure copied to the main node, you want worker nodes to have access to that so they can perform their part. This also allows results from each worker to placed in one place.

  1. on your main node:
  2. for each worker node:
Identify the external drive
What is sdal, mounting and sda?

Everything is a file, including devices which live inside the /dev folder. Roughly sda refers to storage device 'a', the number following this calleda a partition [ref]. Very generally speaking, 'sd' is usually given to a removable storage device. You want to use a removable storage device for the network file system.

Plug in the USB stick into node01 which will act at the network file storage

# run the following command on your main node

sda           8:0    1  3.8G  0 disk               << USB stick
└─sda1        8:1    1  3.8G  0 part /clusterfs    << partition 1
Format drive
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
Create a mount directory
sudo mkdir /clusterfs
Change permissions on /clusterfs

Not exactly a great idea when there are multiple users, but fine for now just for me

sudo chown nobody:nogroup -R /clusterfs
sudo chmod 777 -R /clusterfs
Get the flash drive's UUID
# get blkid and find 'sda'
blkid /dev/sda*

# get the UUID
/dev/sda1: UUID="5d72d438-90bc-4cd9-9136-d72863c20934"
Setup automatic mounting of drive

On boot you want the flash drive to be automatically mounted as /clusterfs.

sudo vi /etc/fstab

# append the following with your drive's UUID
UUID=<your-drive-uuid-no-quotes>        /clusterfs      ext4    defaults          0       2

# mount the drive now
sudo mount -a

You may need to restart systemctl daemon-reload when prompted. Also if the node throws a can't find UUID=... error, get the flash drive's UUID again as it may have changed.

Set loose permissions
sudo chown nobody:nogroup -R /clusterfs
sudo chmod 766 -R /clusterfs/
Export NFS Share
sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server -y
sudo vi /etc/exports

# append the following 
/clusterfs <ip-subnet-mask>.0/24(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
# example
# if your nodes sit on 192.168.1.XXX then set
Choosing an ip-subnet-mask

The /24 means 24 bits are used to define the subnet, and the first IP address begins at 0, (, ...168.1.1, etc.) if your IP address ranges from to then mask as as it takes 16 bits to define 192.168 in binary.

NFS Share Export Flags

name meaning
rw client has read / write access
sync sync occurs on every transaction
no-root-squah root users on client nodes can write files with root permissions
no_subtree_check prevent errors caused when one node write and another reads at the same time
# update the NFS kernel server
sudo exportfs -a
Accessing clusterfs from Finder on macOS

macOS's NFS mounts creates a port below 1024 as a non-root user which allows the client performs changes to the node01's clusterfs folder as any user. This is obviously insecure.

However the convenience for this exercise is that you can copy and pastes across without scp. Excluding insecure won't make the server invulnerable to unauthorised entry.

/clusterfs <ip-address-schema>.0/24(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check, insecure)

# update the NFS kernel server
sudo exportfs -a

Security is a big topic, and an NFS server should never be exposed outside of a trusted network. To read more about NFS security here.

Mount NFS Share on the worker nodes
sudo apt install nfs-common -y
sudo mkdir /clusterfs
sudo chown nobody:nogroup /clusterfs/
sudo chmod -R 777 /clusterfs/

# setup automatic mounting of the nfs share to local /clusterfs
sudo vi /etc/fstab
node01:/clusterfs  /clusterfs   nfs     defaults          0       0

# mount the NFS share
sudo mount -a

# you may need to reload the fstab daemon like so
systemctl daemon-reload
Test the /clusterfs NFS mounts
# main node 
# you may need to re-set the permission with chmod/chown
touch /clusterfs/node01-says-hello

# worker nodoes
# check if files available
ls /clusterfs
touch /clusterfs/node02-says-hello

# remove those files, on worker nodes
rm /clusterfs/node*

SLURM setup

We will setup our slurm controller on the main node (node01) then setup the worker nodes.

SLURM Controller on the main node

Installing munge and slurm

# install slurm controller and munge
sudo apt install slurm-wlm -y

Configuring slurm

Use scp to copy this repo's node-config directory to /clusterfs.

scp -r ./clusterfs/* admin@node01.local:/clusterfs
Brief on what the config contains

It contains declarations for each node, the partition of node01 to node04, and cluster name: marzipan 🎄.

A cluster of nodes can be members of a group referred to as a Partition. I have defined two additional partitions apart from all:

  • workers: excludes the main node, node01.
  • main: excludes all worker nodes.

Each node has a few Features as well, this depends on physical setup, I marked my two to have high-capacity (128GB storage), fast (all cores) for example.

The main node is also constrained to have 2 cores available for SLURM jobs. The other 2 cores will handle the Network File Server and the SLURM controller. If those services freeze, the entire cluster freezes.

stow the config inside /etc

The configuration will be shared across all the nodes. You could copy the config to the correct location for each node, but updating the config quickly would be error-prone. So we will use GNU stow to create a symbolic link. This way we have one copy and accessible in all the right places. After each restart all your nodes, making sure the main node is rebooted last.

# install stow
sudo apt install stow

# go to our config
cd /clusterfs/node-config

# Remove empty environment file
sudo rm /etc/environment

# stow slurm config
sudo stow etc/ -t /etc

# check if successful
ls -lah /etc/slurm

# files that are symbolic links appears like below
slurm.conf -> ../../clusterfs/node-config/etc/slurm/slurm.conf

# reboot
sudo reboot

Copy the main node's munge key to /clusterfs for sharing

# copy the munge key to be shared with worker nodes
mkdir /clusterfs/node-config/.secrets/munge
sudo cp /etc/munge/munge.key /clusterfs/node-config/.secrets/munge

The node-config/etc also contains the file environment which contains a single environment variable CLUSTER_ENVS. We will use this later to create, and refer to shared micromamba / conda environments between jobs. Any environment variable inside the environment file will be available to interactive/non-interactive shells and processes such as sbatch.

If you want a fresh config follow this
# copy, extract and name config to /etc/slurm
cd /etc/slurm
cp /usr/share/doc/slurm-client/examples/slurm.conf.simple.gz .
sudo cp /usr/share/doc/slurm-client/examples/slurm.conf.simple.gz .
sudo gzip -d slurm.conf.simple.gz 
sudo mv slurm.conf.simple slurm.conf

SLURM Daemon on the worker nodes

# install SLURM Client
sudo apt install slurmd slurm-client -y

Then stow the slurm config like in the main node.

Copy node01's munge.key to the right place in each worker node. This will enable all nodes to encrypt and decrypt each other's messages.

sudo cp /clusterfs/node-config/.secrets/munge/munge.key \
Why can't we symbolically link the munge.key

The munge.key is the used by the nodes to encrypt and decrypt each other's messages. For security reasons, munge will not follow a symbolic link. We can do better and ensure only munge has permissions to read and write, but this has been omitted.

Start munge and slurm services

  1. Enable munge, slurm daemon and slurm controller daemon on the main node.
  2. Then, enable munge and slurm daemon on the worker nodes.
Enable and run munge
sudo systemctl enable munge
sudo systemctl start munge
Enable and run slurm daemon
sudo systemctl start slurmd
sudo systemctl enable slurmd
Enable and run slurm controller daemon
# main node only!
sudo systemctl enable slurmctld
sudo systemctl start slurmctld

Smoke testing munge

Please note you need to have setup passwordless SSH between main and workers.

Here we check if something munged in node02 can be unmunged by node01:

# from node01, ssh into nodes02-04, example below
ssh admin@node02 munge -n | unmunge | grep STATUS

# expected result like
Success (0)

# if there is a credential error
# reboot your main and worker nodes
# then try again
sudo reboot

First-time SLURM job submission

Check your nodes on your main node with sinfo

# from you host machine
ssh admin@node01.local sinfo

# expected output
main         up   infinite      1   idle node01
workers      up   infinite      3   idle node[02-04]
all*         up   infinite      4   idle node[01-04]

Smoke test job

# let's get the hostname for each node in the partition
srun --nodes=4 hostname
# each nodes echo's its hostname
  ✅   More tests, tiny tour of SLURM

SLURM is incredibly good at scheduling: when, what nodes, for long, at what priority. Below are some test that demonstrate the slurm.conf implemented.

# try targeting specific partitions
srun -p main -N 1 hostname
srun -p workers -N 3 hostname
srun -p all -N 4 hostname

# notice SLURM schedules jobs on worker _before_ main

# only workers assigned
srun -p all -N 1 hostname
srun -p all -N 2 hostname
srun -p all -N 3 hostname

# this submits 4 jobs so the main gets to work
srun -p all -N 4 hostname

# you can target by constraint
# the constraints are 'Features' defined in slurm.conf
# to setup to reflect my nodes
srun -C main -N 1 hostname
srun -C fast,high-capacity -N 2 hostname
srun -C fast -N 3 hostname

# main is constrained to only allow 2 jobs
# that's 1 job per core, the 2/4 cores are reserved for SLURM and NFS
# notce SLURM cannot assign more than two jobs
srun -C main -n 2 hostname
srun -C main -n 3 hostname

Conda (Mamba) setup

Conda is a versatile package manager for installing complex polygot packages, it is widely used in the data, scientific and finance communities. However it is a little heavy, so I have opted for micromamba which is a single statically linked binary. There is miniconda, but so far I have had a good time with micromamba.

See micromamba installation page.

You can examine the script here.

Install micromamba:

srun -p all --nodes 4 bash -c \
'"${SHELL}" <(curl -L'

# the script is interactive when installed with a
# terminal is attached, otherwise will quietly
# install as intended here

# check micromamba version on each node
srun -p all --nodes 4 bash -c \
'echo "$(hostname) $(sudo ~/.local/bin/micromamba --version)"'

# each node should report the version of micromamba

# if there is an issue, restart the nodes
# lets the workers take the lead
srun -p workers -N 3 sudo reboot
# restart main node
sudo reboot

Install OpenMPI for each node

# enter super user mode
sudo su -

# submit job to install OpenMPI packages on all nodes
srun --nodes=4 apt install \
                   openmpi-bin \
                   openmpi-common \
                   libopenmpi3 \
                   libopenmpi-dev \

# restart your nodes

Testing the Marzipan Cluster

cd /clusterfs/jobs/mpi-hello-c
sbatch SUB

cd /clusterfs/jobs/micromamba-activate
sbatch SUB

# in each expect a new result.out file
# it should be clear it is free of errors