Badger IAM policies require users to be authenticated via MFA to utilize resources.
The script
exists to asset with the command for retrieving the required authorization.
- MFA setup on Badger AWS Account
- MFA device ARN
The script requires minor setup to use - configuring an environment variable.
export MFA_ARN=<my_device_arn>
or configure this in your .zshrc
or whatever shell configuration you use.
➜ badger-api git:(mfa-usage) ✗ ./ $MFA_ARN <TOKEN>
"Credentials": {
"AccessKeyId": "",
"SecretAccessKey": "",
"SessionToken": "",
"Expiration": "2022-02-02T02:30:55+00:00"
These credentials should be used to create a profile badger-mfa
in the amazon credentials file.
Instructions or explanation of the credentials file can be found here.
Once this profile is set up using the output of the authentication the shell profile should be updated as well running:
export AWS_PROFILE=badger-mfa
Now all your services should have access to Badger AWS infrastructure.