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C - Search Algorithms

This was my ALX project on search algorithms. I implemented various types of search algorithms and stated the corresponding space/time complexities for each.

Tests ✔️

  • tests: Folder of test files for all tasks. Provided by ALX.

Helper Files 🙌

  • listint: Folder of helper files for task 12, singly linked list jump search.

    • create_list.c: C function that creates a listint_t singly linked list.
    • free_list.c: C function that frees a listint_t singly linked list.
    • print_list.c: C function that prints the contents of a listint_t singly linked list.
  • skiplist: Folder of helper files for task 13, singly skipped list jump search.

    • create_skiplist.c: C function that creates a skiplist_t singly skipped list.
    • free_skiplist.c: C function that frees a skiplist_t singly skipped list.
    • print_skiplist.c: C function that prints the contents of a skiplist_t singly skipped list.

Header File 📁

  • search_algos.h: Header file containing definitions and prototypes for all types and functions written for the project.

Data Structures

 * struct listint_s - singly linked list
 * @n: Integer
 * @index: Index of the node in the list
 * @next: Pointer to the next node
 * Description: singly linked list node structure
 * for ALX project
typedef struct listint_s
    int n;
    size_t index;
    struct listint_s *next;
} listint_t;

 * struct skiplist_s - Singly linked list with an express lane
 * @n: Integer
 * @index: Index of the node in the list
 * @next: Pointer to the next node
 * @express: Pointer to the next node in the express lane
 * Description: singly linked list node structure with an express lane
 * for Holberton project
typedef struct skiplist_s
    int n;
    size_t index;
    struct skiplist_s *next;
    struct skiplist_s *express;
} skiplist_t;

Function Prototypes

File Prototype
0-linear.c int linear_search(int *array, size_t size, int value);
1-binary.c int binary_search(int *array, size_t size, int value);
100-jump.c int jump_search(int *array, size_t size, int value);
102-interpolation.c int interpolation_search(int *array, size_t size, int value);
103-exponential.c int exponential_search(int *array, size_t size, int value);
104-advanced_binary.c int advanced_binary(int *array, size_t size, int value);

Tasks 📃

  • 0. Linear search

    • 0-linear.c: C function that searches for a value in an array of integers using linear search.
    • If the value is not present or the array is NULL, returns -1.
      • Otherwise, returns the first index where value is located.
  • 1. Binary search

    • 1-binary.c: C function that searches for a value in a sorted array of integers using binary search.
    • Assumes the array is sorted in ascending order and that the value to search for is not repeated in the array.
    • If the value is not present or the array is NULL, returns -1.
      • Otherwise, returns the index where value is located.
  • 2. Big O #0

    • 2-O: Text file containing the worst case time complexity of linear search.
  • 3. Big O #1

    • 3-O: Text file containing the worst case space complexity of iterative linear search.
  • 4. Big O #2

    • 4-O: Text file containing worst case case time complexity of binary search.
  • 5. Big O #3

    • 5-O: Text file containing the worst case space complexity of binary search.
  • 6. Big O #4

    • 6-O: Text file containing the space complexity of the following algorithm:
int **allocate_map(int n, int m)
    int **map;

    map = malloc(sizeof(int *) * n);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
        map[i] = malloc(sizeof(int) * m);
		return (map);
  • 7. Jump search

    • 100-jump.c: C function that searches for a value in a sorted array of integers using jump search.
    • Uses the square root of the size of the array as the jump step.
    • Assumes the array is sorted in ascending order and that the value to search for is not repeated in the array.
    • If the value is not present or the array is NULL, returns -1.
      • Otherwise, returns the index where value is located.
  • 8. Big O #5

    • 101-O: Text file containing the average case time complexity of jump search in an array of size n using step = sqrt(n).
  • 9. Interpolation search

    • 102-interpolation.c: C function that searches for a value in a sorted array of integers using interpolation search.
    • Assumes the array is sorted in ascending order.
    • If the value is not present or the array is NULL, returns -1.
      • Otherwise, returns the first index where value is located.
  • 10. Exponential search

    • 103-exponential.c: C function that searches for a value in a sorted array of integers using exponential search.
    • Uses powers of 2 as exponential ranges to search the array.
    • Assumes the array is sorted in ascending order.
    • If the value is not present or the array is NULL, returns -1.
      • Otherwise, returns the first index where value is located.
  • 11. Advanced binary search

    • 104-advanced_binary.c: C function that searches for a value in a sorted array of integers using advanced binary search.
    • Assumes the array is sorted in ascending order.
    • If the value is not present or the array is NULL, returns -1.
      • Otherwise, returns the first index where value is located.
  • 12. Jump search in a singly linked list

    • 105-jump_list.c: C function that searches for a value in a listint_t sorted singly linked list of integers using jump search.
    • Uses the square root of the list size as the jump step.
    • Assumes that the singly linked list is sorted in ascending order.
      • If the value is not present or the head of the list is NULL, returns NULL.
      • Otherwise, returns a pointer to the first node where value is located.
  • 13. Linear search in a skip list

    • 106-linear_skip.c: C function that searches for a value in a skiplist_t sorted skipped linked list of integers using jump search.
    • Assumes that the singly linked list is sorted in ascending order.
      • If the value is not present or the head of the list is NULL, returns NULL.
      • Otherwise, returns a pointer to the first node where value is located.
  • 14. Big O #6

    • 107-O: Text file containing the average time complexity of jump search in a singly linked list of size n, using step = sqrt(n).
  • 15. Big O #7

    • 108-O: Text file containing the average time complexity of jump search in a sorted skipped linked list of of size n, using step = sqrt(n).