- Update default style
- Removed encoding checks to allow more weird encoding methods.
- Added
option to specify encoding output for the ASS files (thanks @louisroyer )
- Do not try to make sentence without syllabes
- Update margins for style
- Fix rap lines conversion
- Fix carriage return for linux
- Fix wrong condition for whitespace at end of syllable
- Re-add whitespace at end of syllable
- Add whitespace before duration instead of after
- Remove use of New line mark end, better start sentence without
- Fix New line mark when start and end are different
- Add note type 'R' (rap) and 'G' (golden) support
- Fixed some cases where the ultrastar lyrics file was malformed. Something the original game permits but we didn't (thanks @Aeden)
- Fixed syllable duration for good (thanks @Aeden)
- No changes, forgot to tsc --build before npm publish
- Thanks to @Aeden, many fixes have been made to the conversion
- Fixed \k100 to \k90, not on comment lines anymore
- Fixed hours being on one character instead of two
- Fixed fad+k effect on beginning of line.
- Fixed default font and color
- Fixed karaoke and comment inversion for fx
- Fix function types
- Forgot to include dist/
- First NPM version
- Fix \k90 ASS tag not suitable for a 1000ms delay (my bad)
- Starting time for first line in a duet is now set correctly (thanks @Lpu8er)
- Added duet sample karaoke in test/
- Handled negative beat numbers
- Fix first comment being left out as a dialogue (the one with the ASS script)
- Dialogues are now copied as comments without the \fad ASS effect so you can properly edit it in Aegisub if you need to.
- Removed test file variable
- Initial version