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679 lines (576 loc) · 44.8 KB

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679 lines (576 loc) · 44.8 KB

RunAsTI - TrustedInstaller access rights while keeping HKCU loaded

supports Windows 7 - Windows 10 - Windows 11 release - Windows 11 dev

RunAsTI.reg context menu for folders, exe, msc, bat, cmd, reg - updated 2023.07.06

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; Context Menu entries to use RunAsTI - lean and mean snippet by AveYo, 2018-2023
; - innovative HKCU load, no need for reg load / unload ping-pong; programs get the user profile
; - sets ownership privileges, high priority, and explorer support; get System if TI unavailable
; - accepts special characters in paths for which default run as administrator fails
; - show on the new 11 contextmenu via whitelisted id; plenty other available, fuck needing an app!
; 2022.04.07: PowerShell / Terminal here (if installed, use Terminal as TI, else use PowerShell as TI)
; 2023.07.06: fix arguments with quotes

; To remove entries, copy paste above into undo_RunAsTI.reg file, then import it

; RunAsTI on .bat
"MUIVerb"="Run as trustedinstaller"
@="C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -win 1 -nop -c iex((10..40|%%{(gp 'Registry::HKCR\\RunAsTI' $_ -ea 0).$_})-join[char]10); # --%% \"%L\""

; RunAsTI on .cmd
"MUIVerb"="Run as trustedinstaller"
@="C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -win 1 -nop -c iex((10..40|%%{(gp 'Registry::HKCR\\RunAsTI' $_ -ea 0).$_})-join[char]10); # --%% \"%L\""

; RunAsTI on .exe
"MUIVerb"="Run as trustedinstaller"
@="C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -win 1 -nop -c iex((10..40|%%{(gp 'Registry::HKCR\\RunAsTI' $_ -ea 0).$_})-join[char]10); # --%% \"%L\""

; RunAsTI on .msc
"MUIVerb"="Run as trustedinstaller"
@="C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -win 1 -nop -c iex((10..40|%%{(gp 'Registry::HKCR\\RunAsTI' $_ -ea 0).$_})-join[char]10); # --%% \"%L\""

; RunAsTI on .ps1
"MUIVerb"="Run as trustedinstaller"
@="C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -win 1 -nop -c iex((10..40|%%{(gp 'Registry::HKCR\\RunAsTI' $_ -ea 0).$_})-join[char]10); # --%% powershell -nop -c iex((gc -lit '%L')-join[char]10)"

; RunAsTI on .reg
"MUIVerb"="Import as trustedinstaller"
@="C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -win 1 -nop -c iex((10..40|%%{(gp 'Registry::HKCR\\RunAsTI' $_ -ea 0).$_})-join[char]10); # --%% regedit /s \"%L\""

; RunAsTI on Folder
"MuiVerb"="Open as trustedinstaller"
"AppliesTo"="NOT System.ParsingName:=\"::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\""
@="C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -win 1 -nop -c iex((10..40|%%{(gp 'Registry::HKCR\\RunAsTI' $_ -ea 0).$_})-join[char]10); # --%% \"%L\""

; Open Terminal or Powershell as trustedinstaller here - can spawn another terminal with: cmd /c $env:wt
"MuiVerb"="PowerShell / Terminal"
@="C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -win 1 -nop -c iex((10..40|%%{(gp 'Registry::HKCR\\RunAsTI' $_ -ea 0).$_})-join[char]10); # --%% cmd /c pushd \"%V\" & start \"RunAsTI\" %%wt%%"

; RunAsTI function
"10"="function RunAsTI ($cmd,$arg) { $id='RunAsTI'; $key=\"Registry::HKU\\$(((whoami /user)-split' ')[-1])\\Volatile Environment\"; $code=@'"
"11"=" $I=[int32]; $M=$I.module.gettype(\"System.Runtime.Interop`Services.Mar`shal\"); $P=$I.module.gettype(\"System.Int`Ptr\"); $S=[string]"
"12"=" $D=@(); $T=@(); $DM=[AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.\"DefineDynami`cAssembly\"(1,1).\"DefineDynami`cModule\"(1); $Z=[uintptr]::size "
"13"=" 0..5|% {$D += $DM.\"Defin`eType\"(\"AveYo_$_\",1179913,[ValueType])}; $D += [uintptr]; 4..6|% {$D += $D[$_].\"MakeByR`efType\"()}"
"14"=" $F='kernel','advapi','advapi', ($S,$S,$I,$I,$I,$I,$I,$S,$D[7],$D[8]), ([uintptr],$S,$I,$I,$D[9]),([uintptr],$S,$I,$I,[byte[]],$I)"
"15"=" 0..2|% {$9=$D[0].\"DefinePInvok`eMethod\"(('CreateProcess','RegOpenKeyEx','RegSetValueEx')[$_],$F[$_]+'32',8214,1,$S,$F[$_+3],1,4)}"
"16"=" $DF=($P,$I,$P),($I,$I,$I,$I,$P,$D[1]),($I,$S,$S,$S,$I,$I,$I,$I,$I,$I,$I,$I,[int16],[int16],$P,$P,$P,$P),($D[3],$P),($P,$P,$I,$I)"
"17"=" 1..5|% {$k=$_; $n=1; $DF[$_-1]|% {$9=$D[$k].\"Defin`eField\"('f' + $n++, $_, 6)}}; 0..5|% {$T += $D[$_].\"Creat`eType\"()}"
"18"=" 0..5|% {nv \"A$_\" ([Activator]::CreateInstance($T[$_])) -fo}; function F ($1,$2) {$T[0].\"G`etMethod\"($1).invoke(0,$2)}"
"19"=" $TI=(whoami /groups)-like'*1-16-16384*'; $As=0; if(!$cmd) {$cmd='control';$arg='admintools'}; if ($cmd-eq'This PC'){$cmd='file:'}"
"20"=" if (!$TI) {'TrustedInstaller','lsass','winlogon'|% {if (!$As) {$9=sc.exe start $_; $As=@(get-process -name $_ -ea 0|% {$_})[0]}}"
"21"=" function M ($1,$2,$3) {$M.\"G`etMethod\"($1,[type[]]$2).invoke(0,$3)}; $H=@(); $Z,(4*$Z+16)|% {$H += M \"AllocHG`lobal\" $I $_}"
"22"=" M \"WriteInt`Ptr\" ($P,$P) ($H[0],$As.Handle); $A1.f1=131072; $A1.f2=$Z; $A1.f3=$H[0]; $A2.f1=1; $A2.f2=1; $A2.f3=1; $A2.f4=1"
"23"=" $A2.f6=$A1; $A3.f1=10*$Z+32; $A4.f1=$A3; $A4.f2=$H[1]; M \"StructureTo`Ptr\" ($D[2],$P,[boolean]) (($A2 -as $D[2]),$A4.f2,$false)"
"24"=" $Run=@($null, \"powershell -win 1 -nop -c iex `$env:R; # $id\", 0, 0, 0, 0x0E080600, 0, $null, ($A4 -as $T[4]), ($A5 -as $T[5]))"
"25"=" F 'CreateProcess' $Run; return}; $env:R=''; rp $key $id -force; $priv=[diagnostics.process].\"GetM`ember\"('SetPrivilege',42)[0]"
"26"=" 'SeSecurityPrivilege','SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege','SeBackupPrivilege','SeRestorePrivilege' |% {$priv.Invoke($null, @(\"$_\",2))}"
"27"=" $HKU=[uintptr][uint32]2147483651; $NT='S-1-5-18'; $reg=($HKU,$NT,8,2,($HKU -as $D[9])); F 'RegOpenKeyEx' $reg; $LNK=$reg[4]"
"28"=" function L ($1,$2,$3) {sp 'Registry::HKCR\\AppID\\{CDCBCFCA-3CDC-436f-A4E2-0E02075250C2}' 'RunAs' $3 -force -ea 0"
"29"="  $b=[Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes(\"\\Registry\\User\\$1\"); F 'RegSetValueEx' @($2,'SymbolicLinkValue',0,6,[byte[]]$b,$b.Length)}"
"30"=" function Q {[int](gwmi win32_process -filter 'name=\"explorer.exe\"'|?{$_.getownersid().sid-eq$NT}|select -last 1).ProcessId}"
"31"=" $env:wt='powershell'; dir \"$env:ProgramFiles\\WindowsApps\\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal*\\wt.exe\" -rec|% {$env:wt='\"'+$_.FullName+'\" \"-d .\"'}"
"32"=" $11bug=($((gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem).BuildNumber)-eq'22000')-AND(($cmd-eq'file:')-OR(test-path -lit $cmd -PathType Container))"
"33"=" if ($11bug) {'System.Windows.Forms','Microsoft.VisualBasic' |% {$9=[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(\"'$_\")}}"
"34"=" if ($11bug) {$path='^(l)'+$($cmd -replace '([\\+\\^\\%\\~\\(\\)\\[\\]])','{$1}')+'{ENTER}'; $cmd='control.exe'; $arg='admintools'}"
"35"=" L ($key-split'\\\\')[1] $LNK ''; $R=[diagnostics.process]::start($cmd,$arg); if ($R) {$R.PriorityClass='High'; $R.WaitForExit()}"
"36"=" if ($11bug) {$w=0; do {if($w-gt40){break}; sleep -mi 250;$w++} until (Q); [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::AppActivate($(Q))}"
"37"=" if ($11bug) {[Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait($path)}; do {sleep 7} while(Q); L '.Default' $LNK 'Interactive User'"
"38"="'@; $V='';'cmd','arg','id','key'|%{$V+=\"`n`$$_='$($(gv $_ -val)-replace\"'\",\"''\")';\"}; sp $key $id $($V,$code) -type 7 -force -ea 0"
"39"=" start powershell -args \"-win 1 -nop -c `n$V `$env:R=(gi `$key -ea 0).getvalue(`$id)-join''; iex `$env:R\" -verb runas"
"40"="}; $A=,([environment]::commandline-split'-[-]%+ ?',2)[1]-split'\"([^\"]+)\"|([^ ]+)',2|%{$_.Trim(' \"')}; RunAsTI $A[1] $A[2]; # AveYo, 2023.07.06"

2022.01.16: added Open Powershell as trustedinstaller entry on directory background
2022.01.28: workaround for 11 release (22000) delaying explorer; fix 7 args 2022.04.07: PowerShell / Terminal (if installed, use Terminal as TI, else use PowerShell as TI)
2023.07.06: fix arguments with quotes

RunAsTI.bat with Send to right-click menu entry to launch files and folders as TI - updated 2023.07.06

@echo off& title RunAsTI - lean and mean snippet by AveYo, 2018-2022
goto :nfo
    - innovative HKCU load, no need for reg load / unload ping-pong; programs get the user profile
    - sets ownership privileges, high priority, and explorer support; get System if TI unavailable
    - accepts special characters in paths for which default run as administrator fails
    - adds Send to - RunAsTI right-click menu entry to launch files and folders as TI via explorer
    - First copy-paste RunAsTI snippet after .bat script content
    - Then call it anywhere to launch programs with arguments as TI
      call :RunAsTI regedit
      call :RunAsTI powershell -noprofile -nologo -noexit -c [environment]::Commandline
      call :RunAsTI cmd /k "whoami /all & color e0"
      call :RunAsTI "C:\System Volume Information"
    - Or just relaunch the script once if not already running as TI:
      whoami /user | findstr /i /c:S-1-5-18 >nul || ( call :RunAsTI "%~f0" %* & exit /b )
    2022.01.28: workaround for 11 release (22000) hindering explorer as TI; fix 7 args
    2023.07.06 fix arguments with quotes

:: .bat script content ::

:: [optional] add Send to - RunAsTI right-click menu entry to launch files and folders as TI via explorer
set "0=%~f0"& powershell -nop -c iex(([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)-split':SendTo\:.*')[1])& goto :SendTo:
$SendTo=[Environment]::GetFolderPath('ApplicationData')+'\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\RunAsTI.bat'; $enc=[Text.Encoding]::UTF8
if ($env:0 -ne $SendTo) {[IO.File]::WriteAllLines($SendTo, [io.file]::ReadAllLines($env:0,$enc))}

:: call RunAsTI snippet with default commandline args - if none provided, defaults to opening This PC as TI
call :RunAsTI %*

echo args: %*
::timeout /t 7

:: done
exit /b

:: .bat script content end - copy-paste RunAsTI snippet ::

#:RunAsTI snippet to run as TI/System, with innovative HKCU load, ownership privileges, high priority, and explorer support
set ^ #=& set "0=%~f0"& set 1=%*& powershell -c iex(([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)-split'#\:RunAsTI .*')[1])& exit /b
function RunAsTI ($cmd,$arg) { $id='RunAsTI'; $key="Registry::HKU\$(((whoami /user)-split' ')[-1])\Volatile Environment"; $code=@'
 $I=[int32]; $M=$I.module.gettype("System.Runtime.Interop`Services.Mar`shal"); $P=$I.module.gettype("System.Int`Ptr"); $S=[string]
 $D=@(); $T=@(); $DM=[AppDomain]::CurrentDomain."DefineDynami`cAssembly"(1,1)."DefineDynami`cModule"(1); $Z=[uintptr]::size
 0..5|% {$D += $DM."Defin`eType"("AveYo_$_",1179913,[ValueType])}; $D += [uintptr]; 4..6|% {$D += $D[$_]."MakeByR`efType"()}
 $F='kernel','advapi','advapi', ($S,$S,$I,$I,$I,$I,$I,$S,$D[7],$D[8]), ([uintptr],$S,$I,$I,$D[9]),([uintptr],$S,$I,$I,[byte[]],$I)
 0..2|% {$9=$D[0]."DefinePInvok`eMethod"(('CreateProcess','RegOpenKeyEx','RegSetValueEx')[$_],$F[$_]+'32',8214,1,$S,$F[$_+3],1,4)}
 1..5|% {$k=$_; $n=1; $DF[$_-1]|% {$9=$D[$k]."Defin`eField"('f' + $n++, $_, 6)}}; 0..5|% {$T += $D[$_]."Creat`eType"()}
 0..5|% {nv "A$_" ([Activator]::CreateInstance($T[$_])) -fo}; function F ($1,$2) {$T[0]."G`etMethod"($1).invoke(0,$2)}
 $TI=(whoami /groups)-like'*1-16-16384*'; $As=0; if(!$cmd) {$cmd='control';$arg='admintools'}; if ($cmd-eq'This PC'){$cmd='file:'}
 if (!$TI) {'TrustedInstaller','lsass','winlogon'|% {if (!$As) {$9=sc.exe start $_; $As=@(get-process -name $_ -ea 0|% {$_})[0]}}
 function M ($1,$2,$3) {$M."G`etMethod"($1,[type[]]$2).invoke(0,$3)}; $H=@(); $Z,(4*$Z+16)|% {$H += M "AllocHG`lobal" $I $_}
 M "WriteInt`Ptr" ($P,$P) ($H[0],$As.Handle); $A1.f1=131072; $A1.f2=$Z; $A1.f3=$H[0]; $A2.f1=1; $A2.f2=1; $A2.f3=1; $A2.f4=1
 $A2.f6=$A1; $A3.f1=10*$Z+32; $A4.f1=$A3; $A4.f2=$H[1]; M "StructureTo`Ptr" ($D[2],$P,[boolean]) (($A2 -as $D[2]),$A4.f2,$false)
 $Run=@($null, "powershell -win 1 -nop -c iex `$env:R; # $id", 0, 0, 0, 0x0E080600, 0, $null, ($A4 -as $T[4]), ($A5 -as $T[5]))
 F 'CreateProcess' $Run; return}; $env:R=''; rp $key $id -force; $priv=[diagnostics.process]."GetM`ember"('SetPrivilege',42)[0]
 'SeSecurityPrivilege','SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege','SeBackupPrivilege','SeRestorePrivilege' |% {$priv.Invoke($null, @("$_",2))}
 $HKU=[uintptr][uint32]2147483651; $NT='S-1-5-18'; $reg=($HKU,$NT,8,2,($HKU -as $D[9])); F 'RegOpenKeyEx' $reg; $LNK=$reg[4]
 function L ($1,$2,$3) {sp 'HKLM:\Software\Classes\AppID\{CDCBCFCA-3CDC-436f-A4E2-0E02075250C2}' 'RunAs' $3 -force -ea 0
  $b=[Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes("\Registry\User\$1"); F 'RegSetValueEx' @($2,'SymbolicLinkValue',0,6,[byte[]]$b,$b.Length)}
 function Q {[int](gwmi win32_process -filter 'name="explorer.exe"'|?{$_.getownersid().sid-eq$NT}|select -last 1).ProcessId}
 $11bug=($((gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem).BuildNumber)-eq'22000')-AND(($cmd-eq'file:')-OR(test-path -lit $cmd -PathType Container))
 if ($11bug) {'System.Windows.Forms','Microsoft.VisualBasic' |% {[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("'$_")}}
 if ($11bug) {$path='^(l)'+$($cmd -replace '([\+\^\%\~\(\)\[\]])','{$1}')+'{ENTER}'; $cmd='control.exe'; $arg='admintools'}
 L ($key-split'\\')[1] $LNK ''; $R=[diagnostics.process]::start($cmd,$arg); if ($R) {$R.PriorityClass='High'; $R.WaitForExit()}
 if ($11bug) {$w=0; do {if($w-gt40){break}; sleep -mi 250;$w++} until (Q); [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::AppActivate($(Q))}
 if ($11bug) {[Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait($path)}; do {sleep 7} while(Q); L '.Default' $LNK 'Interactive User'
'@; $V='';'cmd','arg','id','key'|%{$V+="`n`$$_='$($(gv $_ -val)-replace"'","''")';"}; sp $key $id $($V,$code) -type 7 -force -ea 0
 start powershell -args "-win 1 -nop -c `n$V `$env:R=(gi `$key -ea 0).getvalue(`$id)-join''; iex `$env:R" -verb runas
}; $A=,$env:1-split'"([^"]+)"|([^ ]+)',2|%{$_.Trim(' ')}; RunAsTI $A[1] $A[2]; #:RunAsTI lean & mean snippet by AveYo, 2023.07.06

2022.01.28: workaround for 11 release (22000) delaying explorer; fix 7 args
2023.07.06: fix arguments with quotes

RunAsTI.ps1 or copy-paste function code in powershell console - updated 2022.01.28

$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = 'RunAsTI - lean and mean snippet by AveYo, 2018-2022'
  - innovative HKCU load, no need for reg load / unload ping-pong; programs get the user profile
  - sets ownership privileges, high priority, and explorer support; get System if TI unavailable        
  - accepts special characters in paths for which default run as administrator fails
  - can copy-paste snippet directly in powershell console then use it manually
  - First copy-paste RunAsTI snippet before .ps1 script content
  - Then call it anywhere after to launch programs with arguments as TI
    RunAsTI regedit
    RunAsTI powershell '-noprofile -nologo -noexit -c [environment]::Commandline'
    RunAsTI cmd '/k "whoami /all & color e0"'
    RunAsTI "C:\System Volume Information"
  - Or just relaunch the script once if not already running as TI:
    if (((whoami /user)-split' ')[-1]-ne'S-1-5-18') {
      RunAsTI powershell "-f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) $($args[0]) $($args[1..99])"; return
  2022.01.28: workaround for 11 release (22000) hindering explorer as TI

# copy-paste RunAsTI snippet before .ps1 script content #

function RunAsTI ($cmd,$arg) { $id='RunAsTI'; $key="Registry::HKU\$(((whoami /user)-split' ')[-1])\Volatile Environment"; $code=@'
 $I=[int32]; $M=$I.module.gettype("System.Runtime.Interop`Services.Mar`shal"); $P=$I.module.gettype("System.Int`Ptr"); $S=[string]
 $D=@(); $T=@(); $DM=[AppDomain]::CurrentDomain."DefineDynami`cAssembly"(1,1)."DefineDynami`cModule"(1); $Z=[uintptr]::size 
 0..5|% {$D += $DM."Defin`eType"("AveYo_$_",1179913,[ValueType])}; $D += [uintptr]; 4..6|% {$D += $D[$_]."MakeByR`efType"()}
 $F='kernel','advapi','advapi', ($S,$S,$I,$I,$I,$I,$I,$S,$D[7],$D[8]), ([uintptr],$S,$I,$I,$D[9]),([uintptr],$S,$I,$I,[byte[]],$I)
 0..2|% {$9=$D[0]."DefinePInvok`eMethod"(('CreateProcess','RegOpenKeyEx','RegSetValueEx')[$_],$F[$_]+'32',8214,1,$S,$F[$_+3],1,4)}
 1..5|% {$k=$_; $n=1; $DF[$_-1]|% {$9=$D[$k]."Defin`eField"('f' + $n++, $_, 6)}}; 0..5|% {$T += $D[$_]."Creat`eType"()}
 0..5|% {nv "A$_" ([Activator]::CreateInstance($T[$_])) -fo}; function F ($1,$2) {$T[0]."G`etMethod"($1).invoke(0,$2)}   
 $TI=(whoami /groups)-like'*1-16-16384*'; $As=0; if(!$cmd) {$cmd='control';$arg='admintools'}; if ($cmd-eq'This PC'){$cmd='file:'}
 if (!$TI) {'TrustedInstaller','lsass','winlogon'|% {if (!$As) {$9=sc.exe start $_; $As=@(get-process -name $_ -ea 0|% {$_})[0]}}
 function M ($1,$2,$3) {$M."G`etMethod"($1,[type[]]$2).invoke(0,$3)}; $H=@(); $Z,(4*$Z+16)|% {$H += M "AllocHG`lobal" $I $_}
 M "WriteInt`Ptr" ($P,$P) ($H[0],$As.Handle); $A1.f1=131072; $A1.f2=$Z; $A1.f3=$H[0]; $A2.f1=1; $A2.f2=1; $A2.f3=1; $A2.f4=1
 $A2.f6=$A1; $A3.f1=10*$Z+32; $A4.f1=$A3; $A4.f2=$H[1]; M "StructureTo`Ptr" ($D[2],$P,[boolean]) (($A2 -as $D[2]),$A4.f2,$false)
 $Run=@($null, "powershell -win 1 -nop -c iex `$env:R; # $id", 0, 0, 0, 0x0E080600, 0, $null, ($A4 -as $T[4]), ($A5 -as $T[5]))
 F 'CreateProcess' $Run; return}; $env:R=''; rp $key $id -force; $priv=[diagnostics.process]."GetM`ember"('SetPrivilege',42)[0]   
 'SeSecurityPrivilege','SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege','SeBackupPrivilege','SeRestorePrivilege' |% {$priv.Invoke($null, @("$_",2))}
 $HKU=[uintptr][uint32]2147483651; $NT='S-1-5-18'; $reg=($HKU,$NT,8,2,($HKU -as $D[9])); F 'RegOpenKeyEx' $reg; $LNK=$reg[4]
 function L ($1,$2,$3) {sp 'HKLM:\Software\Classes\AppID\{CDCBCFCA-3CDC-436f-A4E2-0E02075250C2}' 'RunAs' $3 -force -ea 0
  $b=[Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes("\Registry\User\$1"); F 'RegSetValueEx' @($2,'SymbolicLinkValue',0,6,[byte[]]$b,$b.Length)}
 function Q {[int](gwmi win32_process -filter 'name="explorer.exe"'|?{$_.getownersid().sid-eq$NT}|select -last 1).ProcessId}
 $11bug=($((gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem).BuildNumber)-eq'22000')-AND(($cmd-eq'file:')-OR(test-path -lit $cmd -PathType Container))
 if ($11bug) {'System.Windows.Forms','Microsoft.VisualBasic' |% {[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("'$_")}}
 if ($11bug) {$path='^(l)'+$($cmd -replace '([\+\^\%\~\(\)\[\]])','{$1}')+'{ENTER}'; $cmd='control.exe'; $arg='admintools'}
 L ($key-split'\\')[1] $LNK ''; $R=[diagnostics.process]::start($cmd,$arg); if ($R) {$R.PriorityClass='High'; $R.WaitForExit()}
 if ($11bug) {$w=0; do {if($w-gt40){break}; sleep -mi 250;$w++} until (Q); [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::AppActivate($(Q))}
 if ($11bug) {[Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait($path)}; do {sleep 7} while(Q); L '.Default' $LNK 'Interactive User'
'@; $V='';'cmd','arg','id','key'|%{$V+="`n`$$_='$($(gv $_ -val)-replace"'","''")';"}; sp $key $id $($V,$code) -type 7 -force -ea 0
 start powershell -args "-win 1 -nop -c `n$V `$env:R=(gi `$key -ea 0).getvalue(`$id)-join''; iex `$env:R" -verb runas
} # lean & mean snippet by AveYo, 2022.01.28

# .ps1 script content #

# call RunAsTI snippet with default commandline args - if none provided, defaults to opening This PC as TI 
RunAsTI $args[0] $args[1..99]

write-host args: $args
#timeout /t 7

# done

2022.01.28: workaround for 11 release (22000) delaying explorer

Q & A:

Q: what is the deal with the back`quotes?
A: to silence lame powershell keyword-based event-log warnings that include the whole snippet and slows down processing
Q: pretty sure reflection is used, single-letter vars for types, then.. any hints about those magic constants and arrays?
A: $Ai instance of $T[i] type of $D[i] structure of $DF[i] fields; $D[4] StartupInfoEx, $D[3] StartupInfo, $D[2] lpAttribute..
$D[0] for pinvoke definitions; numbers mostly calling flags or premade struct sizes; check microsoft docs ^,^

Q: is there a way to launch Windows Terminal as TI on a windows 11 machine?
A: sure. create a new profile / clone / edit Windows PowerShell one, with the command line:

powershell.exe -nop -c iex($(foreach($l in 10..40){(gp 'Registry::HKCR\RunAsTI' $l -ea 0).$l})-join [char]10); # --% cmd /c %wt%

Reg_Own - change registry security via scripts

supports Windows 7 - Windows 10 - Windows 11 release - Windows 11 dev

reg_own.bat snippet showcase - updated 2022.01.15

@echo off& color 07& title reg_own - lean and mean snippet by AveYo, 2018-2022
goto :nfo
    - parameters after key are optional; if -owner if ommited, try to preserve existing
    - enable inherited rights / disable / delete entries with -recurse Inherit / Replace / Delete
    - add -list to show summary even when regedit fails; no low-level registry functions used        
    - can copy-paste snippet directly in powershell (admin) console then use it manually
    - First copy-paste reg_own snippet after .bat script content
    - Then call it anywhere (after elevation) to change registry security:
      call :reg_own "key" -recurse Replace -user S-1-5-32-545 -owner S-1-1-0 -acc Allow -perm FullControl

:: .bat script content ::

:::: Define TI sid (TrustedInstaller)
for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('sc.exe showsid TrustedInstaller') do set TI=%%a >nul

:::: Define USER sid before asking for elevation since it gets replaced for limited accounts
if "%USER%"=="" for /f "tokens=2" %%u in ('whoami /user /fo list') do (set USER=%%u)

:::: Ask for elevation passing USER and any batch arguments
fltmc >nul || (set _=set USER=%USER%^& call "%~f0" %*& powershell -nop -c start cmd -args '/d/x/r',$env:_ -verb runas& exit)

::# lean xp+ color macros by AveYo:  %<%:af " hello "%>>%  &  %<%:cf " w\"or\"ld "%>%   for single \ / " use .%|%\  .%|%/  \"%|%\"
for /f "delims=:" %%s in ('echo;prompt $h$s$h:^|cmd /d') do set "|=%%s"&set ">>=\..\c nul&set /p s=%%s%%s%%s%%s%%s%%s%%s<nul&popd"
set "<=pushd "%public%"&2>nul findstr /c:\ /a" &set ">=%>>%&echo;" &set "|=%|:~0,1%" &set /p s=\<nul>"%public%\c"

:: Setup a test key
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN /f >nul 2>nul& reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL\ME\NOW /f >nul 2>nul & prompt $E >nul

%<%:af " Allow FullControl from Administrators "%>>% & %<%:f0 " default, just this key "%>%
echo;call :reg_own "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN" -list
     call :reg_own "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN" -list

%<%:8f " Allow READ from Users "%>>% & %<%:f0 " recursive, enable inheritance [no -list to hide output] "%>%
echo;call :reg_own "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL" -recurse Inherit -user S-1-5-32-545 -acc Allow -perm ReadKey
     call :reg_own "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL" -recurse Inherit -user S-1-5-32-545 -acc Allow -perm ReadKey

%<%:5f " Allow WriteKey from %%USER%% and set owner to SYSTEM "%>>% & %<%:f0 " just this key "%>%
echo;call :reg_own "HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL" -user %%USER%% -owner S-1-5-18 -acc Allow -perm WriteKey -list
     call :reg_own "HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL" -user %USER%   -owner S-1-5-18 -acc Allow -perm WriteKey -list

%<%:cf " Deny changes from Everyone and set owner to TrustedInstaller "%>>% & %<%:f0 " recursive, disable inheritance "%>%
set nochanges="SetValue,Delete,ChangePermissions,TakeOwnership"
echo;call :reg_own "HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL" -recurse Replace -user S-1-1-0 -owner %%TI%% -acc Deny -perm %nochanges% -list
     call :reg_own "HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL" -recurse Replace -user S-1-1-0 -owner %TI%   -acc Deny -perm %nochanges% -list


echo;reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL" /v somevalue /d somedata /f
     reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL" /v somevalue /d somedata /f

%<%:9e "1. Allow FullControl from Everyone "%>>% & %<%:f0 " recursive, disable inheritance "%>%
echo;call :reg_own "HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL" -recurse Replace -user S-1-1-0 -list
     call :reg_own "HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL" -recurse Replace -user S-1-1-0 -list

echo;reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL" /v somevalue /d somedata /f
     reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL" /v somevalue /d somedata /f

%<%:9e "3. Remove non-inherited rules from Everyone "%>>% & %<%:f0 " recursive, delete "%>%
echo;call :reg_own "HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL" -recurse Delete -user S-1-1-0 -list
     call :reg_own "HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL" -recurse Delete -user S-1-1-0 -list

:: Delete test key
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN /f >nul 2>nul

%<%:bf " Done! "%>%
choice /c EX1T
exit /b

:: .bat script content end - copy-paste reg_own snippet ::

#:reg_own "HKCU\Key" -recurse Inherit / Replace / Delete -user S-1-5-32-545 -owner '' -acc Allow -perm ReadKey
set ^ #=&set "0=%~f0"&set 1=%*& powershell -nop -c iex(([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)-split'#\:reg_own .*')[1]); # --%% %*&exit/b
function reg_own { param ( $key, $recurse='', $user='S-1-5-32-544', $owner='', $acc='Allow', $perm='FullControl', [switch]$list )
  $D1=[uri].module.gettype('System.Diagnostics.Process')."GetM`ember"('SetPrivilege',42)[0]; $u=$user; $o=$owner; $p=524288  
  'SeSecurityPrivilege','SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege','SeBackupPrivilege','SeRestorePrivilege' |% {$D1.Invoke($null, @("$_",2))}
  $reg=$key-split':?\\',2; $key=$reg-join'\'; $HK=gi -lit Registry::$($reg[0]) -force; $re=$recurse; $in=(1,0)[$re-eq'Inherit']
  $own=$o-eq''; if($own){$o=$u}; $sid=[Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]; $w='S-1-1-0',$u,$o |% {new-object $sid($_)}
  $r=($w[0],$p,1,0,0),($w[1],$perm,1,0,$acc) |% {new-object Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule($_)}; function _own($k,$l) {
  $t=$HK.OpenSubKey($k,2,'TakeOwnership'); if($t) { try {$n=$t.GetAccessControl(4)} catch {$n=$HK.GetAccessControl(4)}
  $u=$n.GetOwner($sid); if($own-and $u) {$w[2]=$u}; $n.SetOwner($w[0]); $t.SetAccessControl($n); $d=$HK.GetAccessControl(2)
  $c=$HK.OpenSubKey($k,2,'ChangePermissions'); $b=$c.GetAccessControl(2); $d.RemoveAccessRuleAll($r[1]); $d.ResetAccessRule($r[0])
  $c.SetAccessControl($d); if($re-ne'') {$sk=$HK.OpenSubKey($k).GetSubKeyNames(); foreach($i in $sk) {_own "$k\$i" $false}}
  if($re-ne'') {$b.SetAccessRuleProtection($in,1)}; $b.ResetAccessRule($r[1]); if($re-eq'Delete') {$b.RemoveAccessRuleAll($r[1])} 
  $c.SetAccessControl($b); $b,$n |% {$_.SetOwner($w[2])}; $t.SetAccessControl($n)}; if($l) {return $b|fl} }; _own $reg[1] $list
}; iex "reg_own $(([environment]::get_CommandLine()-split'-[-]%+ ?')[1])" #:reg_own lean & mean snippet by AveYo, 2022.01.15

reg_own.ps1 or copy-paste function code in powershell (admin) console - updated 2022.01.15

$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = 'reg_own - lean and mean snippet by AveYo, 2018-2022'
    - parameters after key are optional; if -owner if ommited, try to preserve existing
    - enable inherited rights / disable / delete entries with -recurse Inherit / Replace / Delete
    - add -list to show summary even when regedit fails; no low-level registry functions used        
    - can copy-paste snippet directly in powershell (admin) console then use it manually
    - First copy-paste reg_own snippet before .ps1 script content
    - Then call it anywhere (after elevation) to change registry security:
      reg_own "key" -recurse Replace -user S-1-5-32-545 -owner S-1-1-0 -acc Allow -perm FullControl

# copy-paste reg_own snippet before .ps1 script content #

function reg_own { param ( $key, $recurse='', $user='S-1-5-32-544', $owner='', $acc='Allow', $perm='FullControl', [switch]$list )
  $D1=[uri].module.gettype('System.Diagnostics.Process')."GetM`ember"('SetPrivilege',42)[0]; $u=$user; $o=$owner; $p=524288  
  'SeSecurityPrivilege','SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege','SeBackupPrivilege','SeRestorePrivilege' |% {$D1.Invoke($null, @("$_",2))}
  $reg=$key-split':?\\',2; $key=$reg-join'\'; $HK=gi -lit Registry::$($reg[0]) -force; $re=$recurse; $in=(1,0)[$re-eq'Inherit']
  $own=$o-eq''; if($own){$o=$u}; $sid=[Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]; $w='S-1-1-0',$u,$o |% {new-object $sid($_)}
  $r=($w[0],$p,1,0,0),($w[1],$perm,1,0,$acc) |% {new-object Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule($_)}; function _own($k,$l) {
  $t=$HK.OpenSubKey($k,2,'TakeOwnership'); if($t) { try {$n=$t.GetAccessControl(4)} catch {$n=$HK.GetAccessControl(4)}
  $u=$n.GetOwner($sid); if($own-and $u) {$w[2]=$u}; $n.SetOwner($w[0]); $t.SetAccessControl($n); $d=$HK.GetAccessControl(2)
  $c=$HK.OpenSubKey($k,2,'ChangePermissions'); $b=$c.GetAccessControl(2); $d.RemoveAccessRuleAll($r[1]); $d.ResetAccessRule($r[0])
  $c.SetAccessControl($d); if($re-ne'') {$sk=$HK.OpenSubKey($k).GetSubKeyNames(); foreach($i in $sk) {_own "$k\$i" $false}}
  if($re-ne'') {$b.SetAccessRuleProtection($in,1)}; $b.ResetAccessRule($r[1]); if($re-eq'Delete') {$b.RemoveAccessRuleAll($r[1])} 
  $c.SetAccessControl($b); $b,$n |% {$_.SetOwner($w[2])}; $t.SetAccessControl($n)}; if($l) {return $b|fl} }; _own $reg[1] $list
} # lean & mean snippet by AveYo, 2022.01.15

# .ps1 script content #

## Define TI sid (TrustedInstaller)
$TI = (sc.exe showsid TrustedInstaller)-split': '|?{$_-like'*S-1-*'}

## Define USER sid before asking for elevation since it gets replaced for limited accounts
if ($null -eq $USER) {$USER = ((whoami /user)-split' ')[-1]}

## Ask for elevation passing USER
$admin = fltmc; if ($LASTEXITCODE) {
  $arg = "-nop -c `$USER='$USER'; iex((gc '$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path-replace'''','''''')')-join'`n')" 
  start powershell -verb runas -args $arg; exit

## Setup a test key
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN /f >$null 2>$null; reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL\ME\NOW /f >$null 2>$null; function prompt {}

write-host " Allow FullControl from Administrators " -back 0xa -fore 0xf -nonew
write-host " default, just this key " -back 0xf -fore 0x0
write-host "reg_own 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN' -list"
            reg_own 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN' -list

write-host " Allow READ from Users " -back 0x8 -fore 0xf -nonew
write-host " recursive, enable inheritance [no -list to hide output] " -back 0xf -fore 0x0
write-host "reg_own 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL' -recurse Inherit -user S-1-5-32-545 -acc Allow -perm ReadKey"
            reg_own 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL' -recurse Inherit -user S-1-5-32-545 -acc Allow -perm ReadKey

write-host " Allow WriteKey from `$USER and set owner to SYSTEM " -back 0xd -fore 0xf -nonew
write-host " just this key " -back 0xf -fore 0x0
write-host "reg_own 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL' -user `$USER -owner S-1-5-18 -acc Allow -perm WriteKey -list"
            reg_own 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL' -user  $USER -owner S-1-5-18 -acc Allow -perm WriteKey -list

write-host " Deny changes from Everyone and set owner to TrustedInstaller " -back 0xc -fore 0xf -nonew
write-host " recursive, disable inheritance " -back 0xf -fore 0x0
$nochanges = "SetValue,Delete,ChangePermissions,TakeOwnership"
write-host "reg_own 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL' -recurse Replace -user S-1-1-0 -owner `$TI -acc Deny -perm `$nochanges -list"
            reg_own 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL' -recurse Replace -user S-1-1-0 -owner  $TI -acc Deny -perm  $nochanges -list


write-host "reg add 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL' /v somevalue /d somedata /f"
            reg add 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL' /v somevalue /d somedata /f

write-host "1. Allow FullControl from Everyone " -back 0x9 -fore 0xe -nonew
write-host " recursive, disable inheritance " -back 0xf -fore 0x0
write-host "reg_own 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL' -recurse Replace -user S-1-1-0 -list"
            reg_own 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL' -recurse Replace -user S-1-1-0 -list

write-host "reg add 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL' /v somevalue /d somedata /f"
            reg add 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL' /v somevalue /d somedata /f

write-host "3. Remove non-inherited rules from Everyone " -back 0x9 -fore 0xe -nonew
write-host " recursive, delete " -back 0xf -fore 0x0
write-host "reg_own 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL' -recurse Delete -user S-1-1-0 -list"
            reg_own 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN\DEL' -recurse Delete -user S-1-1-0 -list

## Delete test key
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\REG_OWN /f >$null 2>$null

write-host " Done! "
choice /c EX1T

ToggleDefender - without it re-enabling itself at the worst moment

supports Windows 7 - Windows 11
February 14 2022: Tamper Protection finally reliable - this script and more pesky stuff have been ignoring it just fine for 3 freaking years, about time!
So now it won't work unless you disable Tamper Protection manually from GUI - which I strongly advise re-enabling after you're done with intensive tasks!
August 2023: ToggleDefender now reliably switches the service on and off!
You still need to manually turn off Tamper Protection, and the script will warn and wait for it

ToggleDefender.bat or ToggleDefender.ps1 or copy-paste code in powershell console - updated 2023.09.13

@(set "0=%~f0"^)#) & powershell -nop -c "iex([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0))" & exit /b

## Toggle Defender, AveYo 2023.09.13
## for users that understand the risk but still need it off to prevent unexpected interference and i/o handicap
## may copy-paste directly into powershell

$ENABLE_TAMPER_PROTECTION = 0    <#  1 script re-enables Tamper Protection   0 skip  #>
$TOGGLE_SMARTSCREENFILTER = 1    <#  1 script toggles SmartScreen as well    0 skip  #>

## Allowed check
$wait = 20; while ((gp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Features' 'TamperProtection' -ea 0).TamperProtection -ne 0x4) {
  if ($wait -eq 20) {echo "`n Toggle Defender only works after turning Tamper Protection off in Windows Security settings`n"}
  if ($wait -eq 16) {if ($ENABLE_TAMPER_PROTECTION -ne 0) {start 'windowsdefender://threatsettings/'}}
  if ($wait -lt 0) {kill -name ApplicationFrameHost -force -ea 0; return}
  write-host "`r $wait " -nonew; sleep 1; $wait--
write-host; kill -name ApplicationFrameHost -force -ea 0 

## Service check
if (get-process "MsMpEng" -ea 0) {$YES=6; $Q="Disable"; $NO=7; $V="ON"; $I=0} else {$YES=7; $Q="Enable"; $NO=6; $V="OFF"; $I=16}

## Comment to hide dialog prompt with Yes, No, Cancel (6,7,2)
if ($env:1 -ne 6 -and $env:1 -ne 7) {
  $choice=(new-object -ComObject Wscript.Shell).Popup($Q + " Windows Defender?", 0, "Defender service is: " + $V, 0x1033 + $I)
  if ($choice -eq 2) {break} elseif ($choice -eq 6) {$env:1=$YES} else {$env:1=$NO}

## Without the dialog prompt above would toggle automatically
if ($env:1 -ne 6 -and $env:1 -ne 7) {$env:1=$YES}

## Toggle - can press No to Enable or Disable again so there are more variants:
if ( ($NO -eq 7 -and $env:1 -eq 6) -or ($NO -eq 6 -and $env:1 -eq 6) ) {$op="Disable"} 
if ( ($NO -eq 7 -and $env:1 -eq 7) -or ($NO -eq 6 -and $env:1 -eq 7) ) {$op="Enable"}

## pass script options

## RunAsTI mod
function RunAsTI { $id="Defender"; $key='Registry::HKU\S-1-5-21-*\Volatile Environment'; $code=@'
 $I=[int32]; $M=$I.module.gettype("System.Runtime.Interop`Services.Mar`shal"); $P=$I.module.gettype("System.Int`Ptr"); $S=[string]
 $D=@(); $DM=[AppDomain]::CurrentDomain."DefineDynami`cAssembly"(1,1)."DefineDynami`cModule"(1); $U=[uintptr]; $Z=[uintptr]::size 
 0..5|% {$D += $DM."Defin`eType"("AveYo_$_",1179913,[ValueType])}; $D += $U; 4..6|% {$D += $D[$_]."MakeByR`efType"()}; $F=@()
 $F+='kernel','CreateProcess',($S,$S,$I,$I,$I,$I,$I,$S,$D[7],$D[8]), 'advapi','RegOpenKeyEx',($U,$S,$I,$I,$D[9])
 0..4|% {$9=$D[0]."DefinePInvok`eMethod"($F[3*$_+1], $F[3*$_]+"32", 8214,1,$S, $F[3*$_+2], 1,4)}
 1..5|% {$k=$_; $n=1; $DF[$_-1]|% {$9=$D[$k]."Defin`eField"("f" + $n++, $_, 6)}}; $T=@(); 0..5|% {$T += $D[$_]."Creat`eType"()}
 0..5|% {nv "A$_" ([Activator]::CreateInstance($T[$_])) -fo}; function F ($1,$2) {$T[0]."G`etMethod"($1).invoke(0,$2)}
 function M ($1,$2,$3) {$M."G`etMethod"($1,[type[]]$2).invoke(0,$3)}; $H=@(); $Z,(4*$Z+16)|% {$H += M "AllocHG`lobal" $I $_}
 if ([environment]::username -ne "system") { $TI="Trusted`Installer"; start-service $TI -ea 0; $As=get-process -name $TI -ea 0
 M "WriteInt`Ptr" ($P,$P) ($H[0],$As.Handle); $A1.f1=131072; $A1.f2=$Z; $A1.f3=$H[0]; $A2.f1=1; $A2.f2=1; $A2.f3=1; $A2.f4=1
 $A2.f6=$A1; $A3.f1=10*$Z+32; $A4.f1=$A3; $A4.f2=$H[1]; M "StructureTo`Ptr" ($D[2],$P,[boolean]) (($A2 -as $D[2]),$A4.f2,$false)
 $R=@($null, "powershell -nop -c iex(`$env:R); # $id", 0, 0, 0, 0x0E080610, 0, $null, ($A4 -as $T[4]), ($A5 -as $T[5]))
 F 'CreateProcess' $R; return}; $env:R=''; rp $key $id -force -ea 0; $e=[diagnostics.process]."GetM`ember"('SetPrivilege',42)[0]
 'SeSecurityPrivilege','SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege','SeBackupPrivilege','SeRestorePrivilege' |% {$e.Invoke($null,@("$_",2))}
 ## Toggling was unreliable due to multiple windows programs with open handles on these keys
 ## so went with low-level functions instead! do not use them in other scripts without a trip to learn-microsoft-com  
 function RegSetDwords ($hive, $key, [array]$values, [array]$dword, $REG_TYPE=4, $REG_ACCESS=2, $REG_OPTION=0) {
   $rok = ($hive, $key, $REG_OPTION, $REG_ACCESS, ($hive -as $D[9]));  F "RegOpenKeyEx" $rok; $rsv = $rok[4]
   $values |% {$i = 0} { F "RegSetValueEx" ($rsv[0], [string]$_, 0, $REG_TYPE, [byte[]]($dword[$i]), 4); $i++ }
   F "RegFlushKey" @($rsv); F "RegCloseKey" @($rsv); $rok = $null; $rsv = $null;
 ## The ` sprinkles are used to keep ps event log clean, not quote the whole snippet on every run
 ## get script options
 $toggle = @(0,1)[$op -eq "Disable"]; $toggle_rev = @(0,1)[$op -eq "Enable"]; write-host "`n $op Defender, please wait...`n"

 rnp "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" "Disabled" "Disabled_Old" -force -ea 0
 sp "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" "Disabled" 1 -type Dword -force -ea 0
 stop-service "wscsvc" -force -ea 0 >'' 2>''
 kill -name "OFFmeansOFF","MpCmdRun" -force -ea 0 
 $HKLM = [uintptr][uint32]2147483650; $HKU = [uintptr][uint32]2147483651 
 $VALUES = "ServiceKeepAlive","PreviousRunningMode","IsServiceRunning","DisableAntiSpyware","DisableAntiVirus","PassiveMode"
 $DWORDS = 0, 0, 0, $toggle, $toggle, $toggle
 RegSetDwords $HKLM "SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender" $VALUES $DWORDS 
 RegSetDwords $HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender" $VALUES $DWORDS
 [GC]::Collect(); sleep 1
 pushd "$env:programfiles\Windows Defender"
 $mpcmdrun=("OFFmeansOFF.exe","MpCmdRun.exe")[(test-path "MpCmdRun.exe")]
 start -wait $mpcmdrun -args "-${op}Service -HighPriority"
 $wait=@(3,14)[$op -eq "Disable"]
 while ((get-process -name "MsMpEng" -ea 0) -and $wait -gt 0) {$wait--; sleep 1; write-host "`r $wait " -nonew}
 ## OFF means OFF
 pushd (split-path $(gp "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinDefend" ImagePath -ea 0).ImagePath.Trim('"'))
 if ($op -eq "Disable") {ren MpCmdRun.exe OFFmeansOFF.exe -force -ea 0} else {ren OFFmeansOFF.exe MpCmdRun.exe -force -ea 0}
 ## Comment to not clear per-user toggle notifications
 gi "Registry::HKU\S-1-5-21-*\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" |% {
   $n1=join-path $_.PSPath "Notifications\Settings\Windows.SystemToast.SecurityAndMaintenance"
   ni $n1 -force -ea 0|out-null; ri $n1.replace("Settings","Current") -recurse -force -ea 0
   if ($op -eq "Enable") {rp $n1 "Enabled" -force -ea 0} else {sp $n1 "Enabled" 0 -type Dword -force -ea 0}
   ri "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows Security Health\State\Persist" -recurse -force -ea 0 

 ## Comment to keep old scan history
 if ($op -eq "Disable") {del "$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Scans\mpenginedb.db" -force -ea 0}  
 if ($op -eq "Disable") {del "$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Scans\History\Service" -recurse -force -ea 0}

 RegSetDwords $HKLM "SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender" $VALUES $DWORDS 
 RegSetDwords $HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender" $VALUES $DWORDS

 ## when toggling Defender, also toggle SmartScreen - set to 0 at top of the script to skip it
   sp "HKLM:\CurrentControlSet\Control\CI\Policy" 'VerifiedAndReputablePolicyState' 0 -type Dword -force -ea 0
   sp "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer" 'SmartScreenEnabled' @('Off','Warn')[$toggle -eq 0] -force -ea 0 
   gi Registry::HKEY_Users\S-1-5-21*\Software\Microsoft -ea 0 |% {
     sp "$($_.PSPath)\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppHost" 'EnableWebContentEvaluation' $toggle_rev -type Dword -force -ea 0
     sp "$($_.PSPath)\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppHost" 'PreventOverride' $toggle_rev -type Dword -force -ea 0
     ni "$($_.PSPath)\Edge\SmartScreenEnabled" -ea 0 > ''
     sp "$($_.PSPath)\Edge\SmartScreenEnabled" "(Default)" $toggle_rev
   if ($toggle_rev -eq 0) {kill -name smartscreen -force -ea 0}
 ## when re-enabling Defender, also re-enable Tamper Protection - annoying but safer - set to 0 at top of the script to skip it
 if ($ENABLE_TAMPER_PROTECTION -ne 0 -and $op -eq "Enable") {
   RegSetDwords $HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Features" ("TamperProtection","TamperProtectionSource") (1,5)
 if ($op -eq "Enable") {start-service "windefend" -ea 0}
 start-service "wscsvc" -ea 0 >'' 2>'' 
 if ($op -eq "Enable") {rnp "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting" "Disabled_Old" "Disabled" -force -ea 0}
'@; $V='';"op","id","key","O1","O2"|%{$V+="`n`$$_='$($(gv $_ -val)-replace"'","''")';"}; sp $key $id $V,$code -type 7 -force -ea 0
 start powershell -args "-nop -c `n$V  `$env:R=(gi `$key -ea 0 |% {`$_.getvalue(`$id)-join''}); iex(`$env:R)" -verb runas
} # lean & mean snippet by AveYo, 2023.09.05
