copyright | lastupdated | subcollection | ||
2019-03-07 |
personality-insights |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:tip: .tip} {:important: .important} {:note: .note} {:deprecated: .deprecated} {:pre: .pre} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:javascript: .ph data-hd-programlang='javascript'} {:java: .ph data-hd-programlang='java'} {:python: .ph data-hd-programlang='python'} {:swift: .ph data-hd-programlang='swift'}
{: #input}
To analyze content, you use the HTTP POST
request method to call the /v3/profile
method of the {{}} service. You can pass the service a maximum of 20 MB of content to be analyzed via the body of the request. However, the service requires far less input to produce an accurate personality profile. For more information, see Providing sufficient input.
{: shortdesc}
The /v3/profile
method includes parameters that specify the type of content to be passed to and returned by the service, as well as the language of each type of content. The service always returns a profile that provides insight into the personality characteristics of the author of the input text. You can also request raw scores and consumption preferences.
The following sections describe the parameters of the /v3/profile
method. For information about the results of a request, see Understanding a JSON profile and Understanding a CSV profile. For detailed information about the /v3/profile
method, see the API reference {: new_window}.
Request logging is disabled for the {{}} service. Regardless of whether you set the X-Watson-Learning-Opt-Out
request header, the service does not log or retain data from requests and responses.
{: note}
{: #formats}
You use the Content-Type
and Accept
header parameters to indicate the format of the content that you are passing to the method and the format of the service's response. You can use any combination of supported formats for the request and response.
Format | Argument |
Supported byContent-Type
Supported byAccept
Plain text |
Yes (default) The service processes plain text without modification. |
No |
Yes The service strips tags from the content before it processes the text. |
No |
Yes Content must conform to the model defined by the Content object, which is an array
of ContentItem objects.
Yes The service returns its results as a Profile
No |
Yes By default, the service returns a single row of numeric results. Set the optional csv_headers query parameter to
true to request headers for each column of the output.
{: #charset}
By default, the service uses the following character sets for input content:
- For plain text and HTML content, the service uses the International Standards Organization (ISO)-8859-1 character set (effectively the ASCII character set) per the HTTP version 1.1 specification.
- For JSON content, the service effectively always uses the Unicode Transformation Format (UTF)-8 character set per Section 8.1 of the International Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comment (RFC) 7159
{: new_window}.
When submitting plain text or HTML content, include the charset
parameter with the Content-Type
header to indicate the character encoding of the input text. The following example specifies UTF-8 character encoding for plain text input:
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
{: codeblock}
By using the charset
parameter, you can avoid potential problems that are associated with non-ASCII or non-printable characters. If you pass UTF-8 data without specifying the character set, special characters can result in incorrect results or in HTTP 400- or 500-level errors.
{: #charsetCurl}
To prevent errors when using the curl
command, always pass the content via the --data-binary
option of the curl
command to preserve any UTF-8 encoding of the content. If you use the --data
option to pass the content as ASCII, the command can process the input, which can cause problems for data encoded in UTF-8.
For example, the following curl
command correctly uses the --data-binary
option to post the contents of the specified filename with no additional processing. The command specifies the charset
parameter with the Content-Type
header, and it requests the JSON response format with the Accept
curl -X POST -u "apikey:{apikey}"
--header "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8"
--header "Accept: application/json"
--data-binary @{filename}
{: pre}
For more examples of calling the service with different request and response formats, see the Getting started tutorial.
{: #json}
To pass JSON input, you use the Content
object. The object includes an array of ContentItem
objects, each of which contains an element of the content. The only required field of the object is content
, which provides the text to be analyzed. Other optional fields are
(string) is a unique ID for the content item.created
(integer) is a UNIX timestamp that indicates when the content item was created.updated
(integer) is a UNIX timestamp that indicates when the content item was last updated.contenttype
(string) indicates the type of the content item:text/plain
(string) indicates the language of the content item:ar
(Japanese), orko
(Korean). See Specifying request and response languages.parentid
(string) is theid
of the content item's parent item.reply
(boolean) indicates whether the content item is a reply to another item.forward
(boolean) indicates whether the content item is a forward or copy of another item.
JSON input is well suited for content from Twitter or other social networks that consist of multiple conversations or posts. Instead of concatenating all of the author's text into a single string, you can use JSON to submit the data as it exists. This approach has the further advantage of letting the service know which pieces of text are related.
{: jsonExample}
Examples in the Getting started tutorial use the sample JSON file profile.json . The file includes a series of Twitter messages. The following example shows the first few tweets from the file.
"contentItems": [
"content": "Wow, I liked @TheRock before, now I really SEE how special he is. The daughter story was IT for me. So great! #MasterClass",
"contenttype": "text/plain",
"created": 1447639154000,
"id": "666073008692314113",
"language": "en"
"content": ".@TheRock how did you Know to listen to your gut and Not go back to football? #MasterClass",
"contenttype": "text/plain",
"created": 1447638226000,
"id": "666069114889179136",
"language": "en"
. . .
{: codeblock}
{: #languages-input}
You can use the Content-Language
and Accept-Language
header parameters to indicate the language of the input content and the language of the service's response. You can use any combination of supported languages for the request and response. If you do not indicate a language, the service uses its English-trained models for its analysis and English for its results. The following table lists the supported input and output languages and identifies the arguments that you use with the language-related parameters.
Language | Argument |
Supported byContent-Language
Supported byAccept-Language
Arabic |
Yes | Yes |
English |
Yes | Yes |
Japanese |
Yes | Yes |
Korean |
Yes | Yes |
Spanish |
Yes | Yes |
Brazilian Portuguese |
No | Yes |
French |
No | Yes |
German |
No | Yes |
Italian |
No | Yes |
Simplified Chinese |
No | Yes |
Traditional Chinese |
No | Yes |
Submit all text in the same language; do not mix multiple languages in the same request. For two-character language arguments, the service treats regional variants as their parent language; for example, it interprets en-US
as en
{: #languageJSON}
For plain text and HTML input, the Content-Language
header is the only way to specify the language. For JSON input, you can also specify the language of each individual content item by using the language
parameter of the ContentItem
object. For JSON, a language specified with the Content-Language
header overrides a language that is specified for a content item; the service ignores content items that specify a different language.
Omit the Content-Type
header to base the language solely on the specification of the content items. The service uses the most prevalent language from among the content items, which yields the best possible results. It counts the number of content items for each language and selects the language with the highest frequency. If multiple languages have the same maximum frequency, the service uses the language that reaches that value first. Again, the service ignores content items that specify a different language.
{: #languageNotes}
Consider the following details when you submit input text:
- For English, the service bases results on US cultural norms. If you analyze English text from a different culture, you might need to adjust the results.
- For Arabic, the service can trim the amount of input text for performance reasons. At a certain threshold, the accuracy of Arabic results does not improve with more words. If the service trims Arabic input, it returns a warning message to inform you that it reduced the amount of input text that it used for the profile.
- For Arabic and Korean, the service is unable to return meaningful results for a subset of characteristics. For more information, see Limitations for Arabic and Korean input.
For general information about using translated text, see Inferring personality from translated text.
{: #sufficient}
A meaningful personality profile can be created only where sufficient data of suitable quantity and quality is provided. Because language use varies naturally from document to document and from time to time, a small sample of text might not be representative of an individual's overall language patterns. Moreover, different characteristics and different media converge at different rates.
You can send the service up to 20 MB of input content. Up to a point, more words are likely to produce better results, improving the service's precision by reducing the deviation between the predicted results and the author's actual score. But accuracy levels off at around 3000 words of input, and more content does not contribute to the accuracy of the profile. Therefore, the service extracts and uses only the first 250 KB of content, not counting any HTML or JSON markup, from large requests.
This figure does not map to an exact number of words, which varies based on the language and nature of the text. In English, for example, average word length is between four and five characters, so this figure provides around 50,000 words. This number is at least 15 times more words than the service needs to produce an accurate profile. By truncating long input, the service improves response time without sacrificing precision. The word_count
field of the response JSON indicates the number of words that the service uses for a request, which can be less than the number of words submitted.
The service validates only the number of words that you submit. If you submit enough words, the service produces a profile. The service does not check for duplicate words or sentences. Such validation is subjective and better left to the user, who might have valid reasons to submit such input. Therefore, it is possible to obtain a profile by submitting the same word or sentence many times, but the resulting profile is not necessarily meaningful. {: note}
{: #sufficientGuidelines}
The following table reports two values for different quantities of input text:
- The Average Mean Absolute Error (MAE) across all characteristics based on the number of words that are provided as input. The smaller the MAE, the closer the service's results are to the scores the author would receive by taking a personality test.
- The Average correlation between inferred and actual scores across all characteristics. The closer the correlation is to 1, the better the predictions. Correlations greater than 0.2 are considered acceptable; correlation higher than 0.4 are rare.
The information is based on English-language data, but the general guidelines apply to all languages. For more information about average MAE and correlation, including language-specific statistics, see How precise is the service.
Number of words | Average MAE across all characteristics |
Average correlation across all characteristics |
3000 | 12.1% | 0.257 |
1200 | 12.2% | 0.237 |
600 | 12.3% | 0.212 |
300 | 12.5% | 0.175 |
100 | 12.7% | 0.095 |
As the following guidelines indicate, {{}} recommends that you provide at least 1200 words, but providing at least 600 words produces acceptable results:
- 3000 words are sufficient to achieve the service's maximum precision.
- At least 1200 words result in an MAE that is within two percent of the best MAE that the service can return.
- Between 600 and 1200 words result in an MAE that is within three percent of the best MAE that the service can return.
- Fewer than 600 words generate a warning, but the service still analyzes the input.
- Fewer than 100 words generate an error.
These guidelines can help you accommodate the reliability of the results to your application. For example, for a casual application that recommends movies, you might be comfortable with less precision. For an application that makes more critical recommendations, you likely require more precise results. For more information about how the service infers personality characteristics, see How personality characteristics are inferred.
{: #rawScores-input}
The service always returns normalized scores for each personality characteristic (Big Five dimension and facet, Need, and Value) as part of its response. The service can also report a raw_score
for each characteristic if you set the raw_scores
query parameter to true
. Raw scores represent results for the characteristics that are based solely on the author's text and the model for that characteristic, without comparing the results to a sample population. For more information about using raw scores, see Raw scores for personality characteristics.
{: #preferences-input}
The service always returns results for the personality models. When you set the consumption_preferences
query parameter to true
, the service also returns scores
for various consumption preferences. The service bases the preferences on the personality characteristics that it infers from the input text. These results indicate the author's tendency to prefer different products, services, and activities. Businesses can use the results to better understand the author's inclinations and to personalize communications and offers for the author.
For more information about the different consumption preferences, see Consumption preferences. For information about interpreting the numeric results for a preference, see Scores for consumption preferences.
{: #version}
All calls to the /v3/profile
method must include the version
query parameter to indicate the version of the service's API and response format that you want to use. You specify the version as a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
; for example, specify 2017-10-13
for October 13, 2017 (the latest version). The parameter allows the service to update its API and response format for new versions without breaking existing clients. For information about all available versions, see the Release notes.
The date that you specify does not need to match a version of the service exactly; the service uses the version that is no later than the date you provide. If you specify a date that is earlier than the initial release of version 3 (2016-10-19
), the service uses that version of the API. If you specify a date that is in the future or otherwise later than the most recent version, the service uses the latest version.