Get the web server execution to use the venv. Custom apache configuration, or bouncing it through a shell script ?
Figure out a way to have a single request.Session so that we can set a User-Agent of the form:
without having to remember it on every request.
Implement use of Access Token against all available endpoints.
- Auth /decode
- Auth /me
- CAPI profile - DONE
- CAPI market - DONE
- CAPI shipyard - DONE
- CAPI journal - DONE
- CAPI journal current - DONE
- CAPI journal historic - DONE
- CAPI Community Goals - /communitygoals
Need to query this when a CG is active to see the output format and contents.
activeCommunityGoals: (array of objects) [ { id: string title: string expiry: string market_name: string starsystem_name: string activityType: string target_commodity_list: string target_qty: string qty: string objective: string news: string bulletin: string commander_progress: { currentQty: int numContributors: int commanderContributionQty: int or null commanderPercentile: int commanderSubscribed: bool unixTimeStamp: int complete: bool } } ]
}``` 1. See also: https://gist.github.com/corenting/b6ac5cf8f446f54856e08b6e287fe835
- CL arg to try an expired Access Token anyway, in order to check the server response is as expected.
- Find out what the expiry time is on a Refresh Token, and what exactly happens if you try to use it.
- Implement automatically firing the whole Authorization mechanism if both Access Token and Refresh Token are expired. This may well entail first merging the oauth2-pkce.py script into the org.miggy.edcapi namespace.
- Implement non-PKCE authorization flow and document it.
- Make sure the user script(s) are as quiet as possible during normal operation.
- Update loop-test.sh to use fd-ed-capi.py
- Need to ensure return codes match up
- In-code python documenting comments.
- Consider a CAPI 'status board'. Perform each of the following on a
schedule and signal when we did and what the state was:
- Was auth.frontierstore.net reachable, and did it respond properly?
- Can't do auth from scratch, as it requires user interaction.
- Use of Refresh Token for new Access Token
- Each CAPI endpoint