generator-appventus-symfony is a Yeoman Generator to scaffold Symfony2 projects with sensible defaults, common bundles and frontend workflow approved and daily used by the AppVentus core team.
It will create a new Symfony project, remove Assetic and replace it with a lovely Gulp Workflow. It will also ask you if you want to install Victoire and its widgets, and some front-end components.
Mandatory dependencies :
- Ask which version of Symfony do you want (The list of versions of symfony is available here)
- Removes Assetic for versions lower than 2.8
- Ask which gui bricks do you want to install
- Ask if you want to generate a
bundle - Ask if you want to generate a
bundle - Ask if you want to download victoire
- If yes, ask which widget do you want to install
- Download Symfony
- Remove Assetic
- Install Composer
- Install Gulp and a gulpfile with a presetted workflow
- Install some twig template for base layouts
- Install all the bundles required via composer
This is still a work in progress, if you want to help, you can follow the steps below to make it work locally
- Install globally yeoman :
npm install -g yo
- Clone the project :
git clone /~
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Link to npm (from the root of your project):
npm link
- Run:
yo appventus-symfony