generator-joli-symfony is a Yeoman Generator to scaffold Symfony2 projects with sensible defaults, common bundles and frontend tools.
It will create a new Symfony project, remove Assetic and replace it with either Gulp, Grunt or Brunch.
Mandatory dependencies :
Optional dependencies :
- Symfony 2 Standard Edition:
- 2.3
- 2.6
- 2.7
- Grunt:
- grunt-compass
- grunt-less
- grunt-babel
- grunt-coffee
- grunt-typescript
- Gulp:
- gulp-ruby-sass
- gulp-copy
- gulp-javascript
- gulp-less
- gulp-babel
- gulp-typescript
- gulp-coffee
- Brunch:
- less-brunch
- sass-brunch
- stylus-brunch
- coffee-script-brunch
- typescript-brunch
- uglify-js-brunch
- babel-brunch
- Symfony2 Bundle:
- DoctrineFixturesBundle
- DoctrineMigrationsBundle
- Bootstrap-sass-official
- Installs Symfony
- Removes Assetic
- Only if using grunt-less or grunt-babel or grunt-compass: (grunt-contrib-watch)
- Only if using grunt-typescript or grunt-coffeee or grunt-babel : (grunt-uglify)
- Only if using gulp-ruby-sass (gulp-watch)
- Only if using gulp-ruby-sass or gulp-javascript (gulp-rename, gulp-sourcemaps)
- Only if using gulp-ruby-sass or gulp-less (gulp-minify-css)
- Only if using gulp-javascript or gulp-coffee or gulp-typescript or gulp-babel (gulp-uglify, gulp-concat)
- Starts the automatic execution of
after scaffolding has finished.
Assets are stored in the app/Resources/ folder :
- app/Resources/scss
- app/Resources/fonts
- app/Resources/...
- Install:
npm install -g yo
- Install:
npm install -g generator-joli-symfony
- Run:
yo joli-symfony --force
is fork-friendly : you can maintain a custom version, in which you npm install && npm link
so that you can still use it with yo joli-symfony
, or with the name of your choice.