This is a web-renderer for the 3D mesh videos created with HIVE. for local developer environment
# 1) Clone repo
git clone /~
cd HIVE_Renderer
# 2) Setup dev environment via either:
# 2a) local dev environment
npm install
npm run start
# OR
# 2b) docker dev environment
# Build the image yourself:
docker build -t anthonydickson/hive-renderer:node-16 .
# or pull it from docker hub:
docker pull anthonydickson/hive-renderer:node-16
# then run it!
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd)/src:/app/src:ro -v $(pwd)/docs:/app/docs anthonydickson/hive-renderer:node-16
The dev server will be accessible via http://localhost:8080.
- Left clicking and dragging the mouse will rotate the camera.
- Right clicking and dragging the mouse will pan the camera.
- Scroll wheel will zoom in and out.
- Press
to reset the camera. - Press
to save the video metadata with the pose data included. - Click the button bottom center to enter VR mode. You must be using a VR headset for this to work.
- Run the following commands after updating the page on the main branch.
# If you are running the local dev environment npm run build # OR if you are running the docker dev environment docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/src:/app/src:ro -v $(pwd)/docs:/app/docs anthonydickson/hive-renderer build # Add the new javascript files git add docs/index* # (Optional) if you added video git add docs/video/* git commit -m "Your commit message here" git push
- Reload <GitHub Username><Repository name> and it should show the updated contents.