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163 lines (115 loc) · 9.06 KB

Contributing to Ably Flutter

Development Flow

The code in this repository has been constructed to be built as a Flutter Plugin. In this repository the main branch contains the latest development version of the Ably SDK. All development (bug fixing, feature implementation, etc.) is done against the main branch, which you should branch from whenever you'd like to make modifications. Here's the steps to follow when contributing to this repository.

  • Fork it
  • Install and update dependencies (flutter pub get)
  • Create your feature branch from main
  • Run static analysis on your changes and make sure there are no issues (flutter analyze)
  • Commit your changes
  • Ensure you have added suitable tests and the test suite is passing
  • Push to the branch
  • Create a new Pull Request

Hot restart

When performing hot restart, it's required to also reset the platform clients by calling:

await methodChannel.invokeMethod(PlatformMethod.resetAblyClients);

This is not required when hot reload or app restart is performed.


To debug both platform and Dart code simultaneously:


  1. Launch the Flutter app on Android Emulator from CLI, Android Studio or VS Code
  2. Open android directory in Android Studio
  3. From Android Studio select "Run" -> "Attach debugger to Android Process" and select the running app


  1. Launch the Flutter app on iOS Simulator from CLI, Android Studio or VS Code
  2. Open ios directory in XCode
  3. From XCode select "Debug" -> "Attach to process" and select the running process

After the app is launched, it can be re-launched from XCode/Android Studio with debugger already attached. This may be useful to debug startup issues.

Testing changes in platform libraries

After making changes to ably-java or ably-cocoa, you can test changes without releasing those dependencies to users. To do this, you need a local copy of the repo with the changes you want to test.

To test ably-cocoa changes, in Podfile, below target 'Runner' do, add:

    pod 'Ably', :path => 'local/path/to/ably-cocoa'

To test ably-java changes, see Using ably-java / ably-android locally in other projects.

Generating platform constants

Some files in the project are generated to maintain sync between platform constants on both native and dart side. Generated file paths are configured as values in bin/codegen.dart. To generate Obj-C and Java classes for components shared between Flutter SDK and platform SDKs, open bin directory and execute codegen.dart:

cd bin
dart codegen.dart

Read more about generation of platform specific constant files

Implementing new codec types

  1. Add new type along with value in _types list at bin/codegen_context.dart
  2. Add an object definition with object name and its properties to objects list at bin/codegen_context.dart This will create Tx<ObjectName> under which all properties are accessible.
  3. Generate platform constants
  4. Update getCodecType in Codec.dart so new codec type is returned based on runtime type
  5. Update codecPair in Codec.dart so new encoder/decoder is assigned for new type
  6. Update writeValue in so new codec type is obtained from runtime type
  7. Update codecMap in so new encoder/decoder is assigned for new type
  8. Add new codec encoder method in ios.Classes.codec.AblyFlutterWriter and update getType and getEncoder so that new codec encoder is called
  9. Add new codec encoder method in ios.classes.codec.AblyFlutterReader and update getDecoder so that new codec decoder is called

Implementing new platform methods

  1. Add new method name in _platformMethods list at bin/codegen_context.dart
  2. Generate platform constants
  3. Add new method in and update _map so that new method name is assigned to a method call
  4. Add new method in ios.classes.AblyFlutter and update initWithChannel so that new method name is assigned to a method call

Running Tests

Unit tests

Unit tests are located in test directory and built on top of flutter_test package. The complete test suite can be executed with this command:

flutter test

Integration tests

Integration tests are located in test_integration directory and use flutter_test and flutter_driver packages. Integration tests have to be executed on virtual machine or real device, and a dedicated test app is provided to track the test progress. To run the test app and all tests, execute:

cd test_integration
flutter drive --target lib/main.dart

Building Platform-Specific Documentation

Generating package documentation

Ably-flutter uses dartdoc to generate package documentation. To build the docset, execute:

dart doc

in the root directory of ably-flutter. The docs are also generated in docs GitHub Workflow.

Markdown files structure

Documentation stored in repository should follow the schema defined in Ably Templates. As features are developed, ensure documentation (both in the public API interface) and in relevant markdown files are updated.

Including images in markdown files

When referencing images in markdown files, using a local path such as images/android.png, for example ![An android device running on API level 30](images/android.png) will result in the image missing on README preview. Therefore, we currently reference images through the URL path (/~, for example to reference images/android.png, we would use ![An android device running on API level 30](/~ A suggestion has been made to automatically replace this relative image path to the github URL path.

Release Process

Releases should always be made through a release pull request (PR), which needs to bump the version number and add to the change log. For an example of a previous release PR, see #89.

The release process must include the following steps:

  1. Ensure that all work intended for this release has landed to main
  2. Create a release branch named like release/1.2.3
  3. Add a commit to bump the version number
    • Update the version in pubspec.yaml
    • Update the version of ably-flutter used in the example app and test integration app podfile.lock files:
    • Run pod install in example/ios and test_integration/ios, or run pod install --project-directory=example/ios and pod install --project-directory=test_integration/ios
    • Commit this
  4. Add a commit to update the change log.
    • Autogenerate the changelog contents by running github_changelog_generator -u ably -p ably-flutter --since-tag v1.2.2 --output and manually copying the relevant contents from into
    • Make sure to replace HEAD in the autogenerated URL's with the version tag you will create (e.g. v1.2.3).
  5. Check that everything is looking sensible to the Flutter tools without publishing by running: flutter pub publish --dry-run
  6. Push the release branch to GitHub
  7. Open a PR for the release against the release branch you just pushed
  8. Gain approval(s) for the release PR from maintainer(s)
  9. Land the release PR to main
  10. Execute flutter pub publish from the root of this repository
  11. Create a tag named like v1.2.3, using git tag v1.2.3
  12. Push the newly created tag to GitHub: git push origin v1.2.3
  13. Create a release on GitHub following the previous releases as examples.

We tend to use github_changelog_generator to collate the information required for a change log update. Your mileage may vary, but it seems the most reliable method to invoke the generator is something like: github_changelog_generator -u ably -p ably-flutter --since-tag v1.2.0 --output and then manually merge the delta contents in to the main change log (where v1.2.0 in this case is the tag for the previous release).