From fd60296101a0f3a9a8a28e73e0247da1e0ffad6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Michael Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 00:00:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] feat!: Set default tool versions to "latest" --- | 4 ++-- tools.go | 6 ++++- tools.yaml | 68 ------------------------------------------------------ ui.go | 14 +++++++---- 4 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index f4f53dd..11607c7 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ chmod +x werkzeugkasten ## How it works -Werkzeugkasten is basically a wrapper around the excellent [eget](/~ that does the heavy lifting and is responsible for downloading the chosen tools. Eget itself is downloaded as binary via `net/http` call and decompression/extracting logic. The awesome [charmbracelet](/~ tools [huh](/~, [log](/~, and [lipgloss](/~ are used for a modern look and feel. +Werkzeugkasten is basically a wrapper around the excellent [eget](/~ that does the heavy lifting and is responsible for downloading the chosen tools. Eget itself is downloaded as binary via `net/http` call and decompression/extracting logic. The awesome [charmbracelet](/~ tools [huh](/~, [log](/~, and [lipgloss](/~ are used for a modern look and feel. By default, the latest release of a tool is downloaded (see [Configuration](#configuration)). ## What Werkzeugkasten is not @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Usage of werkzeugkasten: Besides CLI flags, further configuration is possible with environment variables. Since Werkzeugkasten is designed to run on minimal systems, I cannot rely on having an editor available for writing configuration files. -Overwrite tool version/tag defined in [tools.yaml](/~ +Set a tool's version/tag explicitly: ```sh export WK__>=1.33.7 diff --git a/tools.go b/tools.go index 80ebd37..8407c27 100644 --- a/tools.go +++ b/tools.go @@ -108,7 +108,11 @@ func normalizePath(dir string) (string, error) { func downloadToolWithEget(dir string, tool Tool) error { tool.Identifier = strings.Replace(tool.Identifier, "ARCH", runtime.GOARCH, 1) tool.Identifier = strings.Replace(tool.Identifier, "OSNAME", runtime.GOOS, 1) - logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Downloading %s", tool.Identifier)) + tag := "latest" + if tool.Tag != "" { + tag = tool.Tag + } + logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Downloading '%s' - version '%s'", tool.Identifier, tag)) out, err := execEget(dir, tool) if err != nil { logger.Debug("could not download tool", "tool", tool.Identifier, "error", err, "out", string(out)) diff --git a/tools.yaml b/tools.yaml index 1d716d9..5576660 100644 --- a/tools.yaml +++ b/tools.yaml @@ -4,211 +4,171 @@ tools: identifier: "kubernetes-sigs/kustomize" description: "Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations." categories: ["Kubernetes", "GitOps"] - tag: "v5.0.3" flux2: identifier: "fluxcd/flux2" description: "Open and extensible continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes. Powered by GitOps Toolkit." categories: ["Kubernetes", "GitOps"] - tag: "2.1.0" k6: identifier: "grafana/k6" description: "A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript." categories: ["Development", "Testing"] - tag: "v0.30.0" kubeconform: identifier: "yannh/kubeconform" description: "A FAST Kubernetes manifests validator, with support for Custom Resources!" categories: ["Kubernetes", "Validation"] - tag: "v0.6.4" kubent: identifier: "doitintl/kube-no-trouble" description: "Easily check your clusters for use of deprecated APIs." categories: ["Kubernetes", "Validation"] - tag: "0.7.1" kyverno: identifier: "kyverno/kyverno" description: "Kubernetes Native Policy Management." categories: ["Kubernetes", "Validation"] - tag: "v1.10.5" asset_filters: ["^sig", "^pem", ".tar.gz"] fd: identifier: "sharkdp/fd" description: "A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'." categories: ["Utilities", "Files"] - tag: "v9.0.0" ripgrep: identifier: "BurntSushi/ripgrep" description: "ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore." categories: ["Utilities", "Text"] - tag: "14.1.0" bat: identifier: "sharkdp/bat" description: "A cat(1) clone with wings." categories: ["Utilities", "Text"] - tag: "v0.24.0" curlie: identifier: "rs/curlie" description: "The power of curl, the ease of use of httpie." categories: ["Utilities", "Network"] - tag: "v1.7.2" dua: identifier: "Byron/dua-cli" description: "View disk space usage and delete unwanted data, fast." categories: ["Utilities", "System"] - tag: "v2.29.0" gojq: identifier: "itchyny/gojq" description: "Pure Go implementation of jq." categories: ["Utilities", "Json"] - tag: "v0.12.15" jaq: identifier: "01mf02/jaq" description: "A jq clone focussed on correctness, speed, and simplicity." categories: ["Utilities", "Json"] - tag: "1.3" bottom: identifier: "ClementTsang/bottom" description: "Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor." categories: ["Utilities", "System"] file: "btm" - tag: "0.9.6" dnslookup: identifier: "ameshkov/dnslookup" description: "Simple command line utility to make DNS lookups to the specified server." categories: ["Utilities", "Network"] - tag: "v1.10.0" procs: identifier: "dalance/procs" description: "A modern replacement for ps written in Rust." categories: ["Utilities", "System"] - tag: "v0.14.5" sd: identifier: "chmln/sd" description: "Intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative)." categories: ["Utilities", "Text"] - tag: "v1.0.0" zellij: identifier: "zellij-org/zellij/" description: "A terminal workspace with batteries included (screen/tmux alternative)." categories: ["Utilities"] - tag: "v0.39.2" micro: identifier: "zyedidia/micro" description: "A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor." categories: ["Utilities", "Text"] asset_filters: ["static"] - tag: "2.0.13" helix: identifier: "helix-editor/helix" description: "A post-modern modal text editor." categories: ["Utilities", "Text"] - tag: "24.03" xplr: identifier: "sayanarijit/xplr" description: "A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer." categories: ["Utilities", "Files"] - tag: "v0.21.7" asset_filters: ["^asc"] fzf: identifier: "junegunn/fzf" description: "A command-line fuzzy finder." categories: ["Utilities"] - tag: 0.48.1 s5cmd: identifier: "peak/s5cmd" description: "Parallel S3 and local filesystem execution tool." categories: ["Utilities", "Cloud"] - tag: "v2.2.2" task: identifier: "go-task/task" description: "A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go." categories: ["Utilities"] - tag: "v3.35.1" asset_filters: [".tar.gz"] polaris: identifier: "FairwindsOps/polaris" description: "Validation of best practices in your Kubernetes clusters." categories: ["Kubernetes", "Validation"] - tag: "8.5.5" yamlfmt: identifier: "google/yamlfmt" description: "An extensible command line tool or library to format yaml files." categories: ["Utilities", "Yaml"] - tag: "v0.11.0" kube-linter: identifier: "stackrox/kube-linter" description: "KubeLinter is a static analysis tool that checks Kubernetes YAML files and Helm charts to ensure the applications represented in them adhere to best practices." categories: ["Kubernetes", "Validation"] - tag: "v0.6.8" asset_filters: [".tar.gz"] lazygit: identifier: "jesseduffield/lazygit" description: "simple terminal UI for git commands." categories: ["Utilities", "Git"] - tag: "v0.41.0" k9s: identifier: "derailed/k9s" description: "Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!" categories: ["Kubernetes"] - tag: "v0.32.4" asset_filters: ["^sbom"] lazydocker: identifier: "jesseduffield/lazydocker" description: "The lazier way to manage everything docker." categories: ["Docker"] - tag: "v0.23.1" gping: identifier: "orf/gping" description: "Ping, but with a graph." categories: ["Utilities", "Network"] - tag: "gping-v1.16.1" stern: identifier: "stern/stern" description: "Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes." categories: ["Kubernetes", "Development"] - tag: "v1.28.0" lazysql: identifier: "jorgerojas26/lazysql" description: "A cross-platform TUI database management tool written in Go." categories: ["Development", "Database"] - tag: "v0.1.8" dive: identifier: "wagoodman/dive" description: "A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image." categories: ["Docker"] - tag: "v0.12.0" yazi: identifier: "sxyazi/yazi" description: "Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O." categories: ["Utilities", "Files"] - tag: "v0.2.4" glow: identifier: "charmbracelet/glow" description: "Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz!" categories: ["Utilities", "Markdown"] - tag: "v1.5.1" asset_filters: ["^sbom"] lf: identifier: "gokcehan/lf" description: "Terminal file manager." categories: ["Utilities", "Files"] - tag: "r32" chkRedis: identifier: "Allaman/chkRedis" description: "A minimal helper tool written in Go to verify the connection to a Redis data store." categories: ["Development"] - tag: "1.0.12" tfswitch: identifier: "warrensbox/terraform-switcher" description: " A command line tool to switch (and install) between different versions of terraform." categories: ["Cloud"] - tag: "1.0.2" file: "tfswitch" tenv: identifier: "tofuutils/tenv" description: "OpenTofu / Terraform / Terragrunt version manager." categories: ["Cloud"] - tag: "v1.7.1" golang: identifier: "" description: "The Golang programming language." @@ -218,59 +178,48 @@ tools: identifier: "sharkdp/hexyl" description: "A command-line hex viewer." categories: ["Development", "Files"] - tag: "v0.14.0" ouch: identifier: "ouch-org/ouch" description: "Painless compression and decompression in the terminal." categories: [Utilities", "Files"] - tag: "0.5.1" miller: identifier: "johnkerl/miller" description: "Miller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON." categories: ["Utilities", "CSV"] - tag: "6.12.0" xsv: identifier: "BurntSushi/xsv" description: "A fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust." categories: ["Utilities", "CSV"] - tag: "0.13.0" terrascan: identifier: "tenable/terrascan" description: "Detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native infrastructure." categories: ["Cloud"] - tag: "v1.19.1" tfsec: identifier: "aquasecurity/tfsec" description: "Security scanner for your Terraform code." categories: ["Cloud"] - tag: "v1.28.5" asset_filters: ["^checkgen", "^sig", "^tar.gz"] argocd: identifier: "argoproj/argo-cd" description: "Declarative Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes." categories: ["Kubernetes", "GitOps"] - tag: "v2.10.6" dog: identifier: "ogham/dog" description: "A command-line DNS client." categories: ["Utilities", "Network"] - tag: "v0.1.0" asset_filters: ["^minisig"] hwatch: identifier: "blacknon/hwatch" description: "A modern alternative to the watch command, records the differences in execution results and can check this differences at after." categories: ["Utilities", "System"] - tag: "0.3.12" viddy: identifier: "sachaos/viddy" description: "A modern watch command. Time machine and pager etc." categories: ["Utilities", "System"] - tag: "v0.4.0" gron: identifier: "tomnomnom/gron" description: "Make JSON greppable!" categories: ["Utilities", "Json"] - tag: "v0.7.1" helm: identifier: "" description: "The Kubernetes Package Manager." @@ -280,89 +229,72 @@ tools: identifier: "Orange-OpenSource/hurl" description: "Hurl, run and test HTTP requests with plain text." categories: ["Development", "Testing"] - tag: "4.2.0" kubeseal: identifier: "bitnami-labs/sealed-secrets" description: "A Kubernetes controller and tool for one-way encrypted Secrets." categories: ["Kubernetes"] - tag: "0.26.2" asset_filters: ["^sig"] file: "kubeseal" enc: identifier: "life4/enc" description: "A modern and friendly CLI alternative to GnuPG: generate and download keys, encrypt, decrypt, and sign text and files, and more." categories: ["Utilities", "System"] - tag: "1.1.3" age: identifier: "FiloSottile/age" description: "A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability." categories: ["Utilities", "System"] - tag: "v1.1.1" podman: identifier: "containers/podman" description: "Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods." categories: ["Docker"] - tag: "v5.0.1" asset_filters: ["^pkg"] bandwhich: identifier: "imsnif/bandwhich" description: "Terminal bandwidth utilization tool." categories: ["Utilities", "Network"] - tag: "v0.22.2" trippy: identifier: "fujiapple852/trippy" description: "A network diagnostic tool." categories: ["Utilities", "Network"] - tag: "0.10.0" miniserve: identifier: "svenstaro/miniserve" description: "For when you really just want to serve some files over HTTP right now!" categories: ["Utilities", "Network"] - tag: "v0.27.1" trivy: identifier: "aquasecurity/trivy" description: "Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more." categories: ["Cloud", "Validation"] - tag: "v0.50.1" asset_filters: ["^pem", "^sig"] process_compose: identifier: "F1bonacc1/process-compose" description: "Process Compose is a simple and flexible scheduler and orchestrator to manage non-containerized applications." categories: ["Utilities", "System"] - tag: "v1.2.0" mani: identifier: "alajmo/mani" description: "CLI tool to help you manage repositories" categories: ["Utilities", "Git"] - tag: "v0.25.0" mise: identifier: "jdx/mise" description: "dev tools, env vars, task runner." categories: ["Utilities", "Development"] - tag: "v2024.4.8" asset_filters: ["^tar", "^musl"] macchina: identifier: "Macchina-CLI/macchina" description: "A system information frontend with an emphasis on performance. (neofetch alternative)" categories: ["Utilities", "System"] - tag: "v6.1.8" github-cli: identifier: "cli/cli" description: "GitHub’s official command line tool." categories: ["Utilities", "Git"] - tags: "v2.49.0" gitu: identifier: "altsem/gitu" description: "A TUI Git client inspired by Magit." categories: ["Utilities", "Git"] - tags: "v0.19.2" gstring: identifier: "Allaman/gstring" description: "Swiss army knife for manipulating strings." categories: ["Utilities", "Text"] - tag: "1.8.0" difftastic: identifier: "Wilfred/difftastic" description: "A structural diff that understands syntax." categories: ["Utilities", "Git"] - tag: "0.58.0" diff --git a/ui.go b/ui.go index 95b4194..f5af1e5 100644 --- a/ui.go +++ b/ui.go @@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ func formatToolString(name string, tool Tool) string { toolNameStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle(). Foreground(theme.Focused.Title.GetForeground()) - versionStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle(). - Foreground(theme.Form.GetForeground()) - descriptionStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle(). Bold(true). Foreground(theme.Help.ShortDesc.GetForeground()) @@ -36,11 +33,18 @@ func formatToolString(name string, tool Tool) string { Foreground(theme.Blurred.MultiSelectSelector.GetForeground()) styledToolName := toolNameStyle.Render(name) - styledVersion := versionStyle.Render(tool.Tag) styledDescription := descriptionStyle.Render(tool.Description) styledCategories := categoriesStyle.Render(strings.Join(tool.Categories, ",")) - return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s - %s [%s]", styledToolName, styledVersion, styledDescription, styledCategories) + // when a tool version is explicitly set + if tool.Tag != "" { + versionStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle(). + Foreground(theme.Form.GetForeground()) + styledVersion := versionStyle.Render(tool.Tag) + return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s - %s [%s]", styledToolName, styledVersion, styledDescription, styledCategories) + } + + return fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s [%s]", styledToolName, styledDescription, styledCategories) }