AdamYuan's PathTracer on GPU. Implemented with OpenGL 4.5.
cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
./Adypt [*.config]
- W, A, S, D, L-Shift, Space: Move around
- Drag Mouse to change direction
- GL3W - For modern OpenGL methods
- GLFW - Window creation and management
- GLM - Maths calculations
- stb_image - Image loading
- TinyOBJLoader - Obj loading
- TinyEXR - EXR file saving
- ImGui - UI rendering
- RapidJSON - Load instance configuration
- portable-file-dialogs - Call native file dialog (require Zenity on linux)
- - Compressed Wide BVH
- /~ - Compressed Wide BVH traversal implementation
- - Spatial Split BVH building
- - Elegant implementation of hungarian assignment algorithm