- Fix undefined itemDimensions error.
- Added onActivate and onDeactivate props. Allows passing callbacks to be executed when component becomes active or inactive, respectively.
- Add mouseDownAllowOutside prop. Allows component to stay active and continue tracking positions while mouse is outside of the tracked area. Only applies to the "mouseDown" activation method.
- Fixed item position tracking while using mouse down activation method
- Added inversion of control props (onUpdate & overrideState)
- Fix touchmove resetting position issue
- Fix non-passive touch event warnings
- Removed unused properties in mouse and touch event handlers
- Removed unnecessary rounding in alignItemOnPosition
- Added tests for index, utils, and event handlers
- Added CircleCi
- Added CircleCi and downloads badges to README
- Update README
- Updated github links
- Fixed bug when using negative item position limits.
- Refactored code to improve readability and performance.
- Fixed typos in README.
- Added Align Item on Active Position feature.
- Various code cleanup.
- Updated webpack-dev-server to remove vulnerability.
- Updated README.
- Added license.
- Initial public release.