ionic state reset
in the root of this repository -
Add certs to XCode like so
gulp generateXmlConfigAndUpdateAppsJs
gulp generateXmlConfigIosApp
Open YourAppDisplayNameHere.xcworkspace in XCode
Select YourAppDisplayNameHere 2 and target device
Press Play button
Remove any existing iOS project from the repo :
ionic platform rm iOS
Check the installed plugins by running :
ionic plugins list
If google play services are installed remove them by running :
cordova plugins rm cordova-plugin-googleplayservices
If google plus plugin is installed remove that by running :
cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-google-plus
To remove the Facebook plugin, run :
cordova plugin rm cordova-facebook-plugin
Once we are finished, add the iOS Platform to ionic by running:
ionic platform add ios
Install the Google Plus Plugin by running
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-googleplus --variable REVERSED_CLIENT_ID=com.googleusercontent.apps.1052648855194-djmit92q5bbglkontak0vdc7lafupt0d
Replace the client id according to the app you are building from Google’s Developer’s Console
Download Facebook Plugin to
by running$ git clone /~https://github.com/Wizcorp/phonegap-facebook-plugin.git
Install the FB plugin by running
cordova -d plugin add ~/Developer/fbplugin/phonegap-facebook-plugin --variable APP_ID="225078261031461" --variable APP_NAME="QuantiModo"
Replace the app with your appid and name. Also make sure your bundle id is included in the Facebook App Settings.
When we install both of the social plugins, they tend to override properties in
file. -
Copy paste the keys after Facebook App id into your info.plist from https://gist.github.com/8d0473c5a6010581b937 . This will resolve all iOS9 quirks for ionic.
You have the choice to setup Bugsnag for your app. We recommend that you do because it helps to identify the bugs and we'll have better data to help you. We will be using CocoaPods for dependency Management in our iOS app.
Install cocoa pods if you haven’t already by running
sudo gem install cocoa pods
. -
pod init
Open the PodFile in
directory and add a pod’Bugsnag', :git => "/~https://github.com/bugsnag/bugsnag-cocoa.git”
. -
After adding the pod, run
install --no-repo-update --verbose
to install the required Pods. -
#import "Bugsnag.h”
to yourAppDelegate.m
. -
. In yourapplication:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
method, register with Bugsnag by calling,[Bugsnag startBugsnagWithApiKey:@"ae7bc49d1285848342342bb5c321a2cf”];
Project Settings
. CheckRequires Full Screen
Project Settings
>Build Settings
>Enable Bitcode
-> Set toNo
Project Settings
>Build Settings
>Other Linker Flags
> Add$(inherited)
Project Settings
>Build Settings
> (Select All and Combined Filters) >Add Header Search Paths
(Debug & Release) to"$(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/$(PLATFORM_NAME)/include"
You should be ready to go, so archive the project and upload it to the App Store with
bash generate_resources_fix_xcode_and_fastlane_beta.sh