- Introduction
- Prerequisites
- Version Compatibility
- Changelog
- Cloning and building the code
- Running the examples
- Documentation
Qualcomm NavigatorTM is a flight controller that runs on the Qualcomm FlightTM platform. Detailed information about its capabilities can be found on the Qualcomm Developer Network site.
Qualcomm Navigator Flight Control Interface is an example of an abstraction layer between the Qualcomm Navigator API and higher-level programs. It is intended to isolate application developers from certain low-level details of the Qualcomm Navigator API.
To get started with the documentation, see snav_fci::FlightControlInterface.
Several examples are provided to demonstrate how to use FlightControlInterface:
- hello_snav.cpp
- basic_waypoint_example.cpp
- multithreaded_waypoint_example.cpp
- orbit_example.cpp
- nonblocking_trajectory_example.cpp
This example requires the following hardware:
- Qualcomm Flight Kit
- Qualcomm Electronic Speed Control (ESC) board
- Drone frame, motors, and propellers; such as the Dragon Drone Development Kit
Note that if you're using the Dragon DDK, a URDF ros package is available at: dragon_ddk_description
This example requires the following software:
- Plaform Image from Intrynsic
- Platform Addon from Intrynsic
- Qualcomm Navigator Flight Controller SDK 1.2.58
- Qualcomm Machine Vision SDK 1.1.8
- Qualcomm ESC Firmware 1.2.0
- CMake: install on target with
sudo apt-get install cmake
- Eigen: install on target with
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
The table below summarizes what versions of Qualcomm Navigator are compatible with a given release of Flight Control Interface.
Flight Control Interface Version | Qualcomm Navigator Version |
v2.0 | >= v1.2.58 |
v1.0 | >= v1.2.53.1 |
These instructions assume that your Qualcomm Flight board is connected to the internet, but, alternatively, you can clone this repo on an internet-connected computer and then push the files to your Qualcomm Flight board. These instructions also assume that the compilation is done on the Qualcomm Flight board.
adb shell
cd /home/linaro
git clone /~https://github.com/ATLFlight/snav_fci.git
cd snav_fci
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
A library called libsnav_fci.so
is built and put in the lib
Examples appear in the bin
It is a good idea to test the examples in simulation before attempting any real
flights. In general, this is a powerful way to test API programs without
risking damage to any vehicles or the environment that could be caused in a
real flight test. To do this, run snav
in simulation mode:
sudo stop snav
sudo snav -w 1000
Although the motors do not spin in simulation mode, it is still prudent to remove the propellers while doing bench-top testing to avoid accidents.
From another shell, run the hello_snav
example to test whether or not you
are able to communicate with Qualcomm Navigator.
cd /home/linaro/snav_fci/build/bin
You should see a message print out about successfully connecting to Qualcomm Navigator, and, if you have ESCs and motors connected, you should observe the status LEDs changing color and hear beeps indicating that Qualcomm Navigator started receiving commands.
For example, here is the output from a successful run (output is identical for both sim and non-sim):
linaro@linaro-developer:~/snav_fci/build/bin$ ./hello_snav
The apps <--> dsp offset = [1513353394762546617 ](ns) Apps ClockType[CLOCK_REALTIME]
[INFO] Launched tx thread (id: 3020944384)
[INFO] Launched rx thread (id: 3012555776)
Successfully connected to Qualcomm Navigator
[INFO] tx thread terminated normally
[INFO] rx thread terminated normally
Running this example successfully confirms that the flight stack is running normally and is accepting API commands. This is a good sanity test of your installation of Qualcomm Navigator and Flight Control Interface.
With Qualcomm Navigator running in simulation mode, you can run any of the
examples and observe the live simulated results using snav_inspector
, a tool
included in the Qualcomm Navigator package. For more information on how to
use this tool, please refer to the Qualcomm Navigator User
For example, run the basic_waypoint_example
program and observe the pos_vel
group in snav_inspector
. You should observe the pos_vel.position_estimated
field tracking the pos_vel.position_desired
field as the simulated vehicle
executes the waypoint mission.
You can also test the example programs by visualizing the simulated flight
in rviz
using ROS. You can use snav_ros
to accomplish this. Follow the
instructions in the snav_ros
to get up and running.
Once you are confident that the example programs are working properly in
simulation, you can perform a real flight test. Kill the snav
simulator and
start snav
normally with the start snav
Before running any of the programs, place the vehicle on flat ground that has plenty of visual texture. Make sure there is plenty of open space in all directions. If you have a Spektrum RC, be prepared to take over in the event of an anomaly.
Doxygen documentation for the most recent release is available at https://atlflight.github.io/snav_fci/
You can generate the documentation yourself as follows:
cd /home/linaro/snav_fci
doxygen Doxyfile
Autogenerated HTML files are put in the docs
directory and can be viewed
using a web browser. Simply open index.html
in a browser to get started.
Update checksum_failure. [f0eb75d8,033e2d1a] Possible RPC issue.
[ERROR] snav_fci::FlightControlInterface::FlightControlInterface(const snav_fci::FlightControlInterface::Permissions&)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): could not init SnavCachedData
This error message usually indicates that Qualcomm Navigator is not actively
running. Start Qualcomm Navigator using the start snav
command for normal
operation or the snav -w
command for simulation and then rerun the program.
Qualcomm Navigator has a number of parameters that directly and indirectly affect the maximum attainable velocity and acceleration. These parameters are set relatively conservatively by default. If you are interested in high-speed, aggressive trajectory-following, you may wish to adjust these parameters in order to reach higher velocities and accelerations.
is the only mode supported when using the
trajectory-tracking input, so only parameters relevant to that use case are
discussed here. However, similar parameters exist for other modes and can be
adjusted for faster flight when using the RC command input. Refer to the
Qualcomm Navigator User Guide for detailed documentation on parameters.
The vio_mode_xy_gain
and the height_control_z_vel_gain
parameters in the
group dictate the maximum attainable XY and Z
speeds, respectively. The XY and Z velocity feedforward factors used in control
can be set using the velocity_ff_factor_vio
and velocity_z_ff_factor_vio
parameters, respectively, in the position_control_params
group, where a value
of 0 eliminates the feedforward control and a value of 1 corresponds to full
feedforward control.
Acceleration is slightly more complicated since it is related to the tilt angle
and thrust-to-weight ratio of the vehicle. The maximum theoretical acceleration
in the horizontal plane (Z component = 0) can be approximated as gravity * tan(max_tilt_angle)
for idealized flight. The max_vio_control_tilt_angle
parameter in the position_control_params
group dictates the maximum tilt
angle for VIO mode. The max_acc_allowed
parameter in the
group specifies the maximum allowed acceleration
to move the desired position in the XY plane.
Keep in mind that the vertical component of thrust is reduced when the tilt
angle is non-zero, meaning that at some angle the vehicle is not able to
maintain altitude due to its finite thrust. This critical angle may be
approximated as acos(1/(T/W))
, where T/W
is the thrust-to-weight ratio of
the vehicle. The thrust-to-weight ratio may be calculated by dividing the
parameter of the rc_params
group by the basethrust
of the position_control_params
group. Furthermore, keep in mind that in windy
conditions a non-zero tilt angle is required to maintain zero acceleration.
The maximum theoretical vertical acceleration (XY components = 0) can be
approximated as ((T/W)-1) * gravity
, where T/W
is the thrust-to-weight
ratio of the vehicle. However, this assumes zero tilt angle, so the actual
achievable acceleration in Z is a function of the tilt angle at any given time.
Once the Qualcomm Navigator parameters have been updated, you should update
the max_allowed*
values in snav_fci::PlannerConfig to reflect these changes.
Then, try increasing the average_speed*
parameters in snav_fci::PlannerConfig
to generate more aggressive trajectories if using
TimestampStrategy::AVERAGE_SPEED; otherwise, manually adjust the timestamps
to obtain the desired trajectory.