- Ensure that the bug has not already been reported.
- If the bug is new, follow the bug report template to submit an issue.
- Please close your issue when you think it has been adequately resolved.
- Please go through the 3Dmol.js js documentation to check whether the feature is already present.
- Ensure that the feature request is new and is not already proposed.
- If the feature request is new, follow the feature request template to submit an issue.
- Please close your issue when you think it has been adequately resolved.
- If you have found a patch that solves a particular issue, please submit a pull request.
- If you are willing to contribute to 3Dmol.js, please reach out to the community members or start by solving/ creating an issue.
- Please search the internet or go through already solved issues for a solution.
- If a solution is not found, feel free to reach out to the community members/ post an issue on github.
Any other issues contact Professor David Koes (dkoes@pitt.edu).