This is an internal reporting tool that will use information from the database to discover what kind of articles the site's readers like. The database contains newspaper articles, as well as the web server log for the site. The tool will connect to that database, use PostgreSQL queries to analyze the log data, and print out the answers to some questions to an html file. The result can be seen from log.png file.
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant
- Python 2
- Udacity FSND Virtual Machine configuration
- A browser
- Install Virtual Machine and Vagrant
- Clone FSND-Virtual-Machine and cd into it
- Run vagrant up, then vagrant ssh from command line
- Download data, unzip newsdata.sql into vagrant folder
- run psql -d news to connect to the database
- Create views
- Run python from command line
- Open the generated log_analysis.html file from vagrant folder
1.create view author_id_views as
count(log.path) as num
from log
right join articles on log.path
like concat('%',articles.slug)
and log.status = '200 OK'
group by
order by num desc;
2.create view errors_by_date as
select time ::timestamp::date,
count(status) as errors
from log
where status = '404 NOT FOUND'
group by time ::timestamp::date;
3.create view status_by_date as
select time ::timestamp::date,
count(status) as status
from log
group by time ::timestamp::date;