- Fission Drive: Web Native File System.
- Quotes: A joyful way of keeping track of your favourite quotes.
- Diffuse: Music player for IPFS, S3, and other cloud storage.
- Moon Forge: Playground for lunar music instruments.
- TrailMarks: MEMEX for the Annotated Web.
- TiddlyWiki on Fission: A non-linear personal web notebook.
- Launchlet: Customize any website with JavaScript or CSS.
- Kommit: Flashcards with text-to-speech.
- Hyperdraft: Turn your text notes into a website.
- Emoji Log: Personal tracker.
- 0data Proof: Sample app that integrates with multiple protocols.
- Joybox: A pinboard for media.
- Milione: A web native photo explorer
- Hello: Simple Hello World for 0data protocols.
- mumblr: Micro-blogging application.
- Fission Notes: webnative demo using React.